require 'json' module RSolr::Error module URICleanup # Removes username and password from URI object. def clean_uri(uri) uri = uri.dup uri.password = "REDACTED" if uri.password uri.user = "REDACTED" if uri.user uri end end module SolrContext include URICleanup attr_accessor :request, :response def to_s m = "#{super.to_s}" if response m << " - #{response[:status]} #{Http::STATUS_CODES[response[:status].to_i]}" details = parse_solr_error_response response[:body] m << "\nError: #{details}\n" if details end p = "\nURI: #{clean_uri(request[:uri]).to_s}" p << "\nRequest Headers: #{request[:headers].inspect}" if request[:headers] p << "\nRequest Data: #{request[:data].inspect}" if request[:data] p << "\n" p << "\nBacktrace: " + self.backtrace[0..10].join("\n") m << p m end protected def parse_solr_error_response body begin # Default JSON response, try to parse and retrieve error message if response[:headers] && response[:headers]["content-type"].start_with?("application/json") begin parsed_body = JSON.parse(body) info = parsed_body && parsed_body["error"] && parsed_body["error"]["msg"] rescue JSON::ParserError end end return info if info # legacy analysis, I think trying to handle wt=ruby responses without # a full parse? if body =~ /
/ info = body.scan(/(.*)<\/pre>/mi)[0] elsif body =~ /'msg'=>/ info = body.scan(/'msg'=>(.*)/)[0] end info = info.join if info.respond_to? :join info ||= body # body might not containor msg elements partial = info.to_s.split("\n")[0..10] partial.join("\n").gsub(">", ">").gsub("<", "<") rescue nil end end end class ConnectionRefused < ::Errno::ECONNREFUSED include URICleanup def initialize(request) request[:uri] = clean_uri(request[:uri]) super(request.inspect) end end class Http < RuntimeError include SolrContext # ripped right from ActionPack # Defines the standard HTTP status codes, by integer, with their # corresponding default message texts. # Source: STATUS_CODES = { 100 => "Continue", 101 => "Switching Protocols", 102 => "Processing", 200 => "OK", 201 => "Created", 202 => "Accepted", 203 => "Non-Authoritative Information", 204 => "No Content", 205 => "Reset Content", 206 => "Partial Content", 207 => "Multi-Status", 226 => "IM Used", 300 => "Multiple Choices", 301 => "Moved Permanently", 302 => "Found", 303 => "See Other", 304 => "Not Modified", 305 => "Use Proxy", 307 => "Temporary Redirect", 400 => "Bad Request", 401 => "Unauthorized", 402 => "Payment Required", 403 => "Forbidden", 404 => "Not Found", 405 => "Method Not Allowed", 406 => "Not Acceptable", 407 => "Proxy Authentication Required", 408 => "Request Timeout", 409 => "Conflict", 410 => "Gone", 411 => "Length Required", 412 => "Precondition Failed", 413 => "Request Entity Too Large", 414 => "Request-URI Too Long", 415 => "Unsupported Media Type", 416 => "Requested Range Not Satisfiable", 417 => "Expectation Failed", 422 => "Unprocessable Entity", 423 => "Locked", 424 => "Failed Dependency", 426 => "Upgrade Required", 500 => "Internal Server Error", 501 => "Not Implemented", 502 => "Bad Gateway", 503 => "Service Unavailable", 504 => "Gateway Timeout", 505 => "HTTP Version Not Supported", 507 => "Insufficient Storage", 510 => "Not Extended" } def initialize request, response response = response_with_force_encoded_body(response) @request, @response = request, response end private def response_with_force_encoded_body(response) response[:body] = response[:body].force_encoding('UTF-8') if response response end end # Thrown if the :wt is :ruby # but the body wasn't succesfully parsed/evaluated class InvalidResponse < Http end # Subclasses Rsolr::Error::Http for legacy backwards compatibility # purposes, because earlier RSolr 2 didn't distinguish these # from Http errors. # # In RSolr 3, it could make sense to `< Timeout::Error` instead, # analagous to ConnectionRefused above class Timeout < Http end # Thrown if the :wt is :ruby # but the body wasn't succesfully parsed/evaluated class InvalidJsonResponse < InvalidResponse end # Thrown if the :wt is :ruby # but the body wasn't succesfully parsed/evaluated class InvalidRubyResponse < InvalidResponse end end