require 'spec_helper' require 'howitzer/email' require 'howitzer/utils/log' require 'howitzer/exceptions' RSpec.describe 'Email' do let(:recipient){ '' } let(:message) do { 'body-plain' => 'test body footer', 'stripped-html' => '<p> test body </p> <p> footer </p>', 'stripped-text' => 'test body', 'From' => 'Strong Tester <>', 'To' => recipient, 'Received' => 'by with HTTP; Sat, 5 Apr 2014 05:10:42 -0700 (PDT)', 'sender' => '', 'attachments' => [] } end let(:message_subject){ 'test subject' } let(:mail_address){ double } let(:email_object){ } before do stub_const('Email::SUBJECT', message_subject) end describe '#new' do context 'when Email instance receive message and add create @message variable that' do it { expect(email_object.instance_variable_get(:@message)).to eql message} end end describe '.find_by_recipient' do let(:recipient) { '' } subject { Email.find_by_recipient(recipient) } it do expect(Email).to receive(:find).with(recipient, message_subject).once subject end end describe '.find' do let(:mailgun_message){ double(to_h: message) } let(:events) { double(to_h: {'items' => [event]}) } subject { Email.find(recipient, message_subject) } context 'when message is found' do let(:event) { {'message' => {'recipients' => [recipient], 'headers' => {'subject' => message_subject} }, 'storage' => {'key' => '1234567890'} } } before do allow(Mailgun::Connector.instance.client).to receive(:get).with('mailgun@test.domain/events', event: 'stored').ordered.once {events} allow(Mailgun::Connector.instance.client).to receive(:get).with('domains/mailgun@test.domain/messages/1234567890').ordered.once { mailgun_message } end it do expect(Email).to receive(:new).with(message).once subject end end context 'when message is not found' do let(:event) { {'message' => {'recipients' => [''], 'headers' => {'subject' => message_subject} }, 'storage' => {'key' => '1234567890'} } } before do allow(settings).to receive(:timeout_small) { 0.5 } allow(settings).to receive(:timeout_short) { 0.05 } allow(Mailgun::Connector.instance.client).to receive(:get).with('mailgun@test.domain/events', event: 'stored').at_least(:twice).ordered {events} end it do expect(log).to receive(:error).with(Howitzer::EmailNotFoundError, "Message with subject '#{message_subject}' for recipient '#{recipient}' was not found.") subject end end end describe '#plain_text_body' do it { expect(email_object.plain_text_body).to eql message['body-plain'] } end describe '#html_body' do it { expect(email_object.html_body).to eql message['stripped-html'] } end describe '#text' do it { expect(email_object.text).to eql message['stripped-text'] } end describe '#mail_from' do it { expect(email_object.mail_from).to eql message['From'] } end describe '#recipients' do subject { email_object.recipients } it { be_a_kind_of Array } context 'when one recipient' do it { include message['To']} end context 'when more than one recipient' do let(:second_recipient) { '' } let(:message_with_multiple_recipients) { message.merge({'To' => "#{recipient}, #{second_recipient}"}) } let(:email_object) { } it { eql [recipient, second_recipient] } end end describe '#received_time' do it { expect(email_object.received_time).to eql message['Received'][27..63] } end describe '#sender_email' do it { expect(email_object.sender_email).to eql message['sender'] } end describe '#get_mime_part' do subject { email_object.get_mime_part } context 'when has attachments' do let(:files) { [double] } before { email_object.instance_variable_set(:@message, 'attachments' => files)} it { eq(files) } end context 'when no attachments' do let(:error) { Howitzer::NoAttachmentsError } let(:error_message) { 'No attachments where found.' } it do expect(log).to receive(:error).with(error, error_message).once subject end end end end