function Spec() {
Spec.register = function(spec_constructor) {
spec_constructor.describe = function(context, definition) {
var custom_before = definition['before each'];
if(custom_before) {
definition['before each'] = function() {
if(spec_constructor['before each']) spec_constructor['before each']();
} else {
definition['before each'] = function() {
if(spec_constructor['before each']) spec_constructor['before each']();
var custom_after = definition['after each'];
if(custom_after) {
definition['after each'] = function() {
if(spec_constructor['after each']) spec_constructor['after each']();
} else {
definition['after each'] = function() {
if(spec_constructor['after each']) spec_constructor['after each']();
new spec_constructor();
describe( + context.toString(), definition);
Spec.reset = function() {}
var Assets = {
require: function(path_from_javascripts, onload) {
if(!Assets.required_paths[path_from_javascripts]) {
var full_path = path_from_javascripts + ".js";
if (Assets.use_cache_buster) {
full_path += '?' + Assets.cache_buster;
if(onload) {
var scripts = document.getElementsByTagName('script');
scripts[scripts.length-1].onload = onload;
Assets.required_paths[path_from_javascripts] = true;
stylesheet: function(path_from_stylesheets) {
if(!Assets.included_stylesheets[path_from_stylesheets]) {
var full_path = path_from_stylesheets + ".css";
if(Assets.use_cache_buster) {
full_path += '?' + Assets.cache_buster;
Assets.included_stylesheets[path_from_stylesheets] = true;
required_paths: {},
included_stylesheets: {},
use_cache_buster: false, // TODO: NS/CTI - make this configurable from the UI.
cache_buster: parseInt(new Date().getTime()/(1*1000))
var require = Assets.require;
var stylesheet = Assets.stylesheet;
var URL_REGEX = /^((\w+):\/\/)(([^:]+):?([^@]+)?@)?([^\/\?:]*):?(\d+)?(\/?[^\?#]+)?\??([^#]+)?#?(.+)?/;
function parse_url(url) {
var fields = ['url', null, 'protocol', null, 'username', 'password', 'host', 'port', 'pathname', 'search', 'hash'];
var result = URL_REGEX.exec(url);
if (!result) {
throw new SeleniumError("Invalid URL: " + url);
var loc = new Object();
for (var i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) {
var field = fields[i];
if (field == null) {
loc[field] = result[i];
return loc;
JSSpec.Logger.prototype.onRunnerEndWithoutServerNotification = JSSpec.Logger.prototype.onRunnerEnd;
JSSpec.Logger.prototype.onRunnerEndWithServerNotification = function() {
var xml = window.ActiveXObject ? new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP") : new XMLHttpRequest();"POST", '/suites/1/finish', true);
xml.setRequestHeader("X-Requested-With", "XMLHttpRequest");
var body = [];
body.push(encodeURIComponent("guid") + "=" + encodeURIComponent( JSSpec.guid ));
body.push(encodeURIComponent("text") + "=" + encodeURIComponent( this.get_error_message_text() ));
JSSpec.Logger.prototype.onRunnerEnd = JSSpec.Logger.prototype.onRunnerEndWithServerNotification;
JSSpec.guid = null;
JSSpec.Logger.prototype.get_error_message_text = function() {
var error_messages = [];
for(var i=0; i < JSSpec.specs.length; i++) {
var spec = JSSpec.specs[i];
if(spec.hasException()) {
for(var j=0; j < spec.getExamples().length; j++) {
var example = spec.getExamples()[j];
var error_message = spec.context + " " +;
if (example.exception) {
error_message += "\n" + example.exception.message + "\n" + example.exception.fileName + ":" + example.exception.lineNumber;
var full_error_text = error_messages.join("\n");
full_error_text = full_error_text.replace(/<\/p>/g, "\n");
full_error_text = full_error_text.replace(/<(.|\n)*?>/g, "");
return full_error_text;
// Custom Matchers
JSSpec.DSL.Subject.prototype.should_be_disabled = function() {
if (! {
JSSpec._assertionFailure = {message: "Element " + JSSpec.util.inspect( + " should have been disabled"};
throw JSSpec._assertionFailure;
JSSpec.DSL.Subject.prototype.should_be_enabled = function() {
if ( {
JSSpec._assertionFailure = {message: "Element " + JSSpec.util.inspect( + " should have been enabled"};
throw JSSpec._assertionFailure;
JSSpec.DSL.Subject.prototype.should_raise = function(expected) {
if("function" != typeof( {
JSSpec._assertionFailure = {message: 'should_raise expects value_of(target) to have a target that is a function'};
throw JSSpec._assertionFailure;
var raised = false;
try {;
catch(e) {
if (expected == null || expected == e) {
raised = true;
if(!raised) {
var message = "should have raised an error but didn't";
if(expected) {
message = "should have raised '" + expected + "' but didn't";
JSSpec._assertionFailure = {message: message};
throw JSSpec._assertionFailure;
JSSpec.DSL.Subject.prototype.should_not_raise = function(expected) {
if("function" != typeof( {
JSSpec._assertionFailure = {message: 'should_not_raise expects value_of(target) to have a target that is a function'};
throw JSSpec._assertionFailure;
var raised = false;
try {;
catch(e) {
if (expected == null || expected == e) {
raised = true;
if(raised) {
var message = "should not have raised an error but did";
if(expected) {
message = "should not have raised '" + expected + "' but did";
JSSpec._assertionFailure = {message: message};
throw JSSpec._assertionFailure;