module MangoPay class Transaction < Resource class << self # Fetches list of transactions belonging to the given +wallet_id+. # See also transactions for user: MangoPay::User#transactions # # Optional +filters+ is a hash accepting following keys: # - +page+, +per_page+, +sort+: pagination and sorting params (see MangoPay::HTTPCalls::Fetch::ClassMethods#fetch) # - +Status+: TransactionStatus {CREATED, SUCCEEDED, FAILED} # - +Type+: TransactionType {PAYIN, PAYOUT, TRANSFER} # - +Nature+: TransactionNature {NORMAL, REFUND, REPUDIATION} # - +BeforeDate+ (timestamp): filters transactions with CreationDate _before_ this date # - +AfterDate+ (timestamp): filters transactions with CreationDate _after_ this date def fetch(wallet_id, filters={}) MangoPay.request(:get, url(wallet_id), {}, filters) end def url(wallet_id) "#{MangoPay.api_path}/wallets/#{CGI.escape(wallet_id.to_s)}/transactions" end end end end