Spotlight.onLoad(function() { if($('#solr_document_exhibit_tag_list').length > 0) { // By default tags input binds on page ready to [data-role=tagsinput], // however, that doesn't work with Turbolinks. So we init manually: $('#solr_document_exhibit_tag_list').tagsinput(); var tags = new Bloodhound({ datumTokenizer: function(d) { return Bloodhound.tokenizers.whitespace(; }, queryTokenizer: Bloodhound.tokenizers.whitespace, limit: 100, prefetch: { url: $('#solr_document_exhibit_tag_list').data('autocomplete_url'), ttl: 1, filter: function(list) { return $.map(list, function(tag) { return { name: tag }; }); } } }); tags.initialize(); $('#solr_document_exhibit_tag_list').tagsinput('input').typeahead({highlight: true, hint: false}, { name: 'tags', displayKey: 'name', source: tags.ttAdapter() }).bind('typeahead:selected', $.proxy(function (obj, datum) { $('#solr_document_exhibit_tag_list').tagsinput('add',; $('#solr_document_exhibit_tag_list').tagsinput('input').typeahead('val', ''); })).bind('blur', function() { $('#solr_document_exhibit_tag_list').tagsinput('add', $('#solr_document_exhibit_tag_list').tagsinput('input').typeahead('val')); $('#solr_document_exhibit_tag_list').tagsinput('input').typeahead('val', ''); }); } $(".visiblity_toggle").bl_checkbox_submit({ //css_class is added to elements added, plus used for id base css_class: "toggle_visibility", //success is called at the end of the ajax success callback success: function (isPublic){ // We store the selector of the label to toggle in a data attribute in the form var docTarget = $($(this).data("label-toggle-target")); if ( isPublic ) { docTarget.removeClass("blacklight-private"); } else { docTarget.addClass("blacklight-private"); } } }); });