var util = require('util'); var path = require('path'); var fs = require('../../util/fs'); var url = require('url'); var request = require('request'); var Q = require('q'); var mout = require('mout'); var junk = require('junk'); var Resolver = require('./Resolver'); var download = require('../../util/download'); var extract = require('../../util/extract'); var createError = require('../../util/createError'); function UrlResolver(decEndpoint, config, logger) {, decEndpoint, config, logger); // If target was specified, error out if (this._target !== '*') { throw createError('URL sources can\'t resolve targets', 'ENORESTARGET'); } // If the name was guessed if (this._guessedName) { // Remove the ?xxx part this._name = this._name.replace(/\?.*$/, ''); // Remove extension this._name = this._name.substr(0, this._name.length - path.extname(this._name).length); } this._remote = url.parse(this._source); } util.inherits(UrlResolver, Resolver); mout.object.mixIn(UrlResolver, Resolver); // ----------------- UrlResolver.isTargetable = function () { return false; }; UrlResolver.prototype._hasNew = function (pkgMeta) { var oldCacheHeaders = pkgMeta._cacheHeaders || {}; var reqHeaders = {}; // If the previous cache headers contain an ETag, // send the "If-None-Match" header with it if (oldCacheHeaders.ETag) { reqHeaders['If-None-Match'] = oldCacheHeaders.ETag; } if (this._config.userAgent) { reqHeaders['User-Agent'] = this._config.userAgent; } // Make an HEAD request to the source return Q.nfcall(request.head, this._source, { ca:, strictSSL: this._config.strictSsl, timeout: this._config.timeout, headers: reqHeaders }) // Compare new headers with the old ones .spread(function (response) { var cacheHeaders; // If the server responded with 303 then the resource // still has the same ETag if (response.statusCode === 304) { return false; } // If status code is not in the 2xx range, // then just resolve to true if (response.statusCode < 200 || response.statusCode >= 300) { return true; } // Fallback to comparing cache headers cacheHeaders = this._collectCacheHeaders(response); return !mout.object.equals(oldCacheHeaders, cacheHeaders); }.bind(this), function () { // Assume new contents if the request failed // Note that we do not retry the request using the "request-replay" module // because it would take too long return true; }); }; // TODO: There's room for improvement by using streams if the URL // is an archive file, by piping read stream to the zip extractor // This will likely increase the complexity of code but might worth it UrlResolver.prototype._resolve = function () { // Download return this._download() // Parse headers .spread(this._parseHeaders.bind(this)) // Extract file .spread(this._extract.bind(this)) // Rename file to index .then(this._rename.bind(this)); }; // ----------------- UrlResolver.prototype._parseSourceURL = function (_url) { return url.parse(path.basename(_url)).pathname; }; UrlResolver.prototype._download = function () { var fileName = this._parseSourceURL(this._source); if (!fileName) { this._source = this._source.replace(/\/(?=\?|#)/, ''); fileName = this._parseSourceURL(this._source); } var file = path.join(this._tempDir, fileName); var reqHeaders = {}; var that = this; if (this._config.userAgent) { reqHeaders['User-Agent'] = this._config.userAgent; } this._logger.action('download', that._source, { url: that._source, to: file }); // Download the file return download(this._source, file, { ca:, strictSSL: this._config.strictSsl, timeout: this._config.timeout, headers: reqHeaders }) .progress(function (state) { var msg; // Retry? if (state.retry) { msg = 'Download of ' + that._source + ' failed' + (state.error.code ? ' with ' + state.error.code : '') + ', '; msg += 'retrying in ' + (state.delay / 1000).toFixed(1) + 's'; that._logger.debug('error', state.error.message, { error: state.error }); return that._logger.warn('retry', msg); } // Progress msg = 'received ' + (state.received / 1024 / 1024).toFixed(1) + 'MB'; if ( { msg += ' of ' + ( / 1024 / 1024).toFixed(1) + 'MB downloaded, '; msg += state.percent + '%'; }'progress', msg); }) .then(function (response) { that._response = response; return [file, response]; }); }; UrlResolver.prototype._parseHeaders = function (file, response) { var disposition; var newFile; var match; // Check if we got a Content-Disposition header disposition = response.headers['content-disposition']; if (!disposition) { return Q.resolve([file, response]); } // Since there's various security issues with parsing this header, we only // interpret word chars plus dots, dashes and spaces match = disposition.match(/filename=(?:"([\w\-\. ]+)")/i); if (!match) { // The spec defines that the filename must be in quotes, // though a wide range of servers do not follow the rule match = disposition.match(/filename=([\w\-\.]+)/i); if (!match) { return Q.resolve([file, response]); } } // Trim spaces newFile = match[1].trim(); // The filename can't end with a dot because this is known // to cause issues in Windows // See: if (mout.string.endsWith(newFile, '.')) { return Q.resolve([file, response]); } newFile = path.join(this._tempDir, newFile); return Q.nfcall(fs.rename, file, newFile) .then(function () { return [newFile, response]; }); }; UrlResolver.prototype._extract = function (file, response) { var mimeType = response.headers['content-type']; if (mimeType) { // Clean everything after ; and trim the end result mimeType = mimeType.split(';')[0].trim(); // Some servers add quotes around the content-type, so we trim that also mimeType = mout.string.trim(mimeType, ['"', '\'']); } if (!extract.canExtract(file, mimeType)) { return Q.resolve(); } this._logger.action('extract', path.basename(this._source), { archive: file, to: this._tempDir }); return extract(file, this._tempDir, { mimeType: mimeType }); }; UrlResolver.prototype._rename = function () { return Q.nfcall(fs.readdir, this._tempDir) .then(function (files) { var file; var oldPath; var newPath; // Remove any OS specific files from the files array // before checking its length files = files.filter(junk.isnt); // Only rename if there's only one file and it's not the json if (files.length === 1 && !/^(component|bower)\.json$/.test(files[0])) { file = files[0]; this._singleFile = 'index' + path.extname(file); oldPath = path.join(this._tempDir, file); newPath = path.join(this._tempDir, this._singleFile); return Q.nfcall(fs.rename, oldPath, newPath); } }.bind(this)); }; UrlResolver.prototype._savePkgMeta = function (meta) { // Store collected headers in the package meta meta._cacheHeaders = this._collectCacheHeaders(this._response); // Store ETAG under _release if (meta._cacheHeaders.ETag) { meta._release = 'e-tag:' + mout.string.trim(meta._cacheHeaders.ETag.substr(0, 10), '"'); } // Store main if is a single file if (this._singleFile) { meta.main = this._singleFile; } return, meta); }; UrlResolver.prototype._collectCacheHeaders = function (res) { var headers = {}; // Collect cache headers this.constructor._cacheHeaders.forEach(function (name) { var value = res.headers[name.toLowerCase()]; if (value != null) { headers[name] = value; } }); return headers; }; UrlResolver._cacheHeaders = [ 'Content-MD5', 'ETag', 'Last-Modified', 'Content-Language', 'Content-Length', 'Content-Type', 'Content-Disposition' ]; module.exports = UrlResolver;