module RSpec module Core module Pending class SkipDeclaredInExample < StandardError attr_reader :argument def initialize(argument) super(argument.to_s) @argument = argument end end # If Test::Unit is loaed, we'll use its error as baseclass, so that Test::Unit # will report unmet RSpec expectations as failures rather than errors. begin class PendingExampleFixedError < Test::Unit::AssertionFailedError; end rescue class PendingExampleFixedError < StandardError; end end NO_REASON_GIVEN = 'No reason given' NOT_YET_IMPLEMENTED = 'Not yet implemented' # @overload pending() # @overload pending(message) # @overload pending(message, &block) # # Stops execution of an example, and reports it as pending. Takes an # optional message and block. # # @param [String] message optional message to add to the summary report. # @param [Block] block optional block. If it fails, the example is # reported as pending. If it executes cleanly the example fails. # # @example # # describe "an example" do # # reported as "Pending: no reason given" # it "is pending with no message" do # pending # this_does_not_get_executed # end # # # reported as "Pending: something else getting finished" # it "is pending with a custom message" do # pending("something else getting finished") # this_does_not_get_executed # end # # # reported as "Pending: something else getting finished" # it "is pending with a failing block" do # pending("something else getting finished") do # raise "this is the failure" # end # end # # # reported as failure, saying we expected the block to fail but # # it passed. # it "is pending with a passing block" do # pending("something else getting finished") do # true.should be(true) # end # end # end # # @note `before(:each)` hooks are eval'd when you use the `pending` # method within an example. If you want to declare an example `pending` # and bypass the `before` hooks as well, you can pass `:pending => true` # to the `it` method: # # it "does something", :pending => true do # # ... # end # # or pass `:pending => "something else getting finished"` to add a # message to the summary report: # # it "does something", :pending => "something else getting finished" do # # ... # end def pending(*args, &block) RSpec.warn_deprecation(<<-EOS.gsub(/^\s+\|/, '')) |The semantics of `RSpec::Core::Pending#pending` are changing in |RSpec 3. In RSpec 2.x, it caused the example to be skipped. In |RSpec 3, the rest of the example will still be run but is expected |to fail, and will be marked as a failure (rather than as pending) |if the example passes. | |Any passed block will no longer be executed. This feature is being |removed since it was semantically inconsistent, and the behaviour it |offered is being made available with the other ways of marking an |example pending. | |To keep the same skip semantics, change `pending` to `skip`. |Otherwise, if you want the new RSpec 3 behavior, you can safely |ignore this warning and continue to upgrade to RSpec 3 without |addressing it. | |Called from #{CallerFilter.first_non_rspec_line}. | EOS pending_no_warning(*args, &block) end def pending_no_warning(*args) return self.class.before(:each) { pending(*args) } unless RSpec.current_example options = args.last.is_a?(Hash) ? args.pop : {} message = args.first || NO_REASON_GIVEN if options[:unless] || (options.has_key?(:if) && !options[:if]) return block_given? ? yield : nil end RSpec.current_example.metadata[:pending] = true RSpec.current_example.metadata[:execution_result][:pending_message] = message RSpec.current_example.execution_result[:pending_fixed] = false if block_given? begin result = begin yield RSpec.current_example.example_group_instance.instance_eval { verify_mocks_for_rspec } end RSpec.current_example.metadata[:pending] = false rescue Exception => e RSpec.current_example.execution_result[:exception] = e ensure teardown_mocks_for_rspec end if result RSpec.current_example.execution_result[:pending_fixed] = true raise end end raise end # Backport from RSpec 3 to aid in upgrading. # # Not using alias method because we explictly want to discard any block. def skip(*args) pending_no_warning(*args) end def self.const_missing(name) return super unless name == :PendingDeclaredInExample RSpec.deprecate("RSpec::Core::PendingDeclaredInExample", :replacement => "RSpec::Core::Pending::SkipDeclaredInExample") SkipDeclaredInExample end end # Alias the error for compatibility with extension gems (e.g. formatters) # that depend on the const name of the error in RSpec <= 2.8. def self.const_missing(name) return super unless name == :PendingExampleFixedError RSpec.deprecate("RSpec::Core::PendingExampleFixedError", :replacement => "RSpec::Core::Pending::PendingExampleFixedError") Pending::PendingExampleFixedError end end end