module ActiveModel class Serializer module Configuration include ActiveSupport::Configurable extend ActiveSupport::Concern # Configuration options may also be set in # Serializers and Adapters included do |base| config = base.config config.collection_serializer = ActiveModel::Serializer::CollectionSerializer config.serializer_lookup_enabled = true def config.array_serializer=(collection_serializer) self.collection_serializer = collection_serializer end def config.array_serializer collection_serializer end config.default_includes = '*' config.adapter = :attributes config.jsonapi_resource_type = :plural config.jsonapi_version = '1.0' config.jsonapi_toplevel_meta = {} # Make JSON API top-level jsonapi member opt-in # ref: config.jsonapi_include_toplevel_object = false config.key_transform = nil config.schema_path = 'test/support/schemas' end end end end