module Message # key related messages KEYS_NOT_FIND = "=== API key and Secret key not found. ===" SOMETHING_WRONG = "=== Something went wrong ===" KEYS_CLEARED = "=== API key and Secret key have been deleted. ===" KEYS = "=== API/Secret Key ===" KEYS_EXIST = "API/Secret key already added." WRONG_KEY = "Either API key or Secret key is not valid." ADD_KEY = "Please add your API key and Secret key." # app related message MORE_THAN_ONE_BINARY = "More than one binary exists at the specified location. Please choose one." NO_BINARY = "No binary exists at the specified location." NO_APP = "No App found." WAIT_FOR_WHILE = "Please be patient... This process may take a while to complete." LATEST_S_WAIT = "\nOperation is in progress, Please wait..." LATEST_S_INTERRUPT = "\nYour request is being processed. Please check the request status after sometime." NOT_A_VALID_NUM = "Instance(s) count should be a valid number and greater than zero." REQUEST_PROGRESS = "\nYour request is in progress. Please check the request status after sometime." LOG_MESSAGE = "Please visit below URL(s) to access app logs" # validation message IP_NOT_VALID = "Please provide the valid Source IP." ACCESS_TIME = "Access time should be a valid number and it should not be more than 720(1 month) hours." BIND_NOTE = "Please Provide Source IP\n(For public access, use '')" UNBIND_NOTE = "Please Provide Source IP" ACCESS_TIME_NOTE = "Please provide the time duration(in hours) you want to bind IP(0 for unlimited access)" # REST CLIENT EXCEPTION SERVER_ERROR = "Something went wrong. We will look into the issue. For further information, Please drop a mail to ''." COULD_NOT_CONNECT = "Could not connect to the App42PaaS server." NW_CONNECTION_ERROR = "Please check your n/w connection." TIME_OUT_ERROR = "Request Timed Out. Please try after some time." BAD_RESPONSE_ERROR = "Received bad HTTP response from" end