module Hobo class Halt < Error end class Cli attr_accessor :slop, :help_formatter def initialize opts = {} @opts = opts @slop = opts[:slop] || @help_formatter = opts[:help] || @help_opts = {} end def start argv = ARGV load_hobofile tasks = structure_tasks Hobo::Metadata.metadata.keys args = fix_args_with_equals argv define_global_opts @slop begin # Parse out global args first @slop.parse! args opts = @slop.to_hash @help_opts[:all] = opts[:all] Hobo.ui.interactive = !(opts[:'non-interactive'] == true) @slop.add_callback :empty do show_help end # Necessary to make command level help work args.push "--help" if @help_formatter.command_map = define_tasks(tasks, @slop) remaining = @slop.parse! args raise remaining.join(" "), self if remaining.size > 0 show_help if rescue Halt # NOP end return 0 end def show_help(opts = {}) halt end private def load_hobofile if Hobo.in_project? && File.exists?(Hobo.hobofile_path) load Hobo.hobofile_path end if File.exists?(Hobo.user_hobofile_path) load Hobo.user_hobofile_path end end def define_global_opts slop slop.on '--debug', 'Enable debugging' slop.on '-a', '--all', 'Show hidden commands' slop.on '-h', '--help', 'Display help' slop.on '--non-interactive', 'Run non-interactively. Defaults will be automaticall used where possible.' slop.on '-v', '--version', 'Print version information' do "Hobo version #{Hobo::VERSION}" halt end end def halt raise end def define_tasks structured_list, scope, stack = [], map = {} structured_list.each do |k, v| name = (stack + [k]).join(':') new_stack = stack + [k] map[name] = if v.size == 0 define_command(name, scope, new_stack) else define_namespace(name, scope, new_stack, v, map) end end return map end # Map rake namespace to a Slop command def define_namespace name, scope, stack, subtasks, map metadata = Hobo::Metadata.metadata[name] hobo = self new_scope = nil scope.instance_eval do new_scope = command stack.last do description metadata[:desc] long_description metadata[:long_desc] hidden metadata[:hidden] project_only metadata[:project_only] # NOP; run runs help anyway on '-h', '--help', 'Display help' do end run do |opts, args| hobo.show_help(target: name) end end end define_tasks subtasks, new_scope, stack, map return new_scope end # Map rake task to a Slop command def define_command name, scope, stack metadata = Hobo::Metadata.metadata[name] hobo = self new_scope = nil scope.instance_eval do new_scope = command stack.last do task = Rake::Task[name] description metadata[:desc] long_description metadata[:long_desc] arg_list task.arg_names hidden metadata[:hidden] project_only metadata[:project_only] metadata[:opts].each do |opt| on *opt end if metadata[:opts] on '-h', '--help', 'Display help' do hobo.show_help(target: name) end run do |opts, args| raise if opts.project_only && !Hobo.in_project? task.opts = opts.to_hash raise, args, hobo) if args && task.arg_names.length > args.length task.invoke *args args.pop(task.arg_names.size) task.opts = nil end end end return new_scope end # Expand flat task list in to hierarchy (non-recursive) def structure_tasks list out = {} list.each do |name| ref = out name = name.split(":") name.each do |n| ref[n] ||= {} ref = ref[n] end end out end # Slop badly handles assignment args passed as --arg=val # This hack fixes that by making them --arg val def fix_args_with_equals args items = [] args.each do |item| if item.match /^-.*\=/ item.split('=').each { |i| items.push i } else items.push item end end return items end end end