require_relative "base_generator" module Generators module Avo class InstallGenerator < BaseGenerator source_root File.expand_path("templates", __dir__) namespace "avo:install" desc "Creates an Avo initializer adds the route to the routes file." class_option :path, type: :string, default: "avo" def create_initializer_file route "mount Avo::Engine, at: Avo.configuration.root_path" template "initializer/", "config/initializers/avo.rb" create_resources end def create_resources if defined?(User).present? Rails::Generators.invoke("avo:resource", ["user", "-q"], {destination_root: Rails.root }) end if defined?(Account).present? Rails::Generators.invoke("avo:resource", ["account", "-q"], {destination_root: Rails.root }) end end end end end