require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe 'Complex coder', type: :helper do let(:coder) { Torque::PostgreSQL::Coder } context 'on decode' do context 'one dimensional arrays' do it 'returns an empty array' do expect(coder.decode(%[{}])).to eql [] end it 'returns an array of strings' do expect(coder.decode(%[{1,2,3}])).to eql ['1','2','3'] end it 'returns an array of strings, with nils replacing NULL characters' do expect(coder.decode(%[{1,,NULL}])).to eql ['1',nil,nil] end it 'returns an array with the word NULL' do expect(coder.decode(%[{1,"NULL",3}])).to eql ['1','NULL','3'] end it 'returns an array of strings when containing commas in a quoted string' do expect(coder.decode(%[{1,"2,3",4}])).to eql ['1','2,3','4'] end it 'returns an array of strings when containing an escaped quote' do expect(coder.decode(%[{1,"2\\",3",4}])).to eql ['1','2",3','4'] end it 'returns an array of strings when containing an escaped backslash' do expect(coder.decode(%[{1,"2\\\\",3,4}])).to eql ['1','2\\','3','4'] expect(coder.decode(%[{1,"2\\\\\\",3",4}])).to eql ['1','2\\",3','4'] end it 'returns an array containing empty strings' do expect(coder.decode(%[{1,"",3,""}])).to eql ['1', '', '3', ''] end it 'returns an array containing unicode strings' do expect(coder.decode(%[{"Paragraph 399(b)(i) – “valid leave” – meaning"}])).to eq(['Paragraph 399(b)(i) – “valid leave” – meaning']) end end context 'two dimensional arrays' do it 'returns an empty array' do expect(coder.decode(%[{{}}])).to eql [[]] expect(coder.decode(%[{{},{}}])).to eql [[],[]] end it 'returns an array of strings with a sub array' do expect(coder.decode(%[{1,{2,3},4}])).to eql ['1',['2','3'],'4'] end it 'returns an array of strings with a sub array' do expect(coder.decode(%[{1,{"2,3"},4}])).to eql ['1',['2,3'],'4'] end it 'returns an array of strings with a sub array and a quoted }' do expect(coder.decode(%[{1,{"2,}3",,NULL},4}])).to eql ['1',['2,}3',nil,nil],'4'] end it 'returns an array of strings with a sub array and a quoted {' do expect(coder.decode(%[{1,{"2,{3"},4}])).to eql ['1',['2,{3'],'4'] end it 'returns an array of strings with a sub array and a quoted { and escaped quote' do expect(coder.decode(%[{1,{"2\\",{3"},4}])).to eql ['1',['2",{3'],'4'] end it 'returns an array of strings with a sub array with empty strings' do expect(coder.decode(%[{1,{""},4,{""}}])).to eql ['1',[''],'4',['']] end end context 'three dimensional arrays' do it 'returns an empty array' do expect(coder.decode(%[{{{}}}])).to eql [[[]]] expect(coder.decode(%[{{{},{}},{{},{}}}])).to eql [[[],[]],[[],[]]] end it 'returns an array of strings with sub arrays' do expect(coder.decode(%[{1,{2,{3,4}},{NULL,,6},7}])).to eql ['1',['2',['3','4']],[nil,nil,'6'],'7'] end end context 'record syntax' do it 'returns an empty array' do expect(coder.decode(%[()])).to eql [] end it 'returns an array of strings' do expect(coder.decode(%[(1,2,3)])).to eql ['1','2','3'] end it 'returns an array of strings, with nils replacing NULL characters' do expect(coder.decode(%[(1,,NULL)])).to eql ['1',nil,nil] end it 'returns an array with the word NULL' do expect(coder.decode(%[(1,"NULL",3)])).to eql ['1','NULL','3'] end it 'returns an array of strings when containing commas in a quoted string' do expect(coder.decode(%[(1,"2,3",4)])).to eql ['1','2,3','4'] end it 'returns an array of strings when containing an escaped quote' do expect(coder.decode(%[(1,"2\\",3",4)])).to eql ['1','2",3','4'] end it 'returns an array of strings when containing an escaped backslash' do expect(coder.decode(%[(1,"2\\\\",3,4)])).to eql ['1','2\\','3','4'] expect(coder.decode(%[(1,"2\\\\\\",3",4)])).to eql ['1','2\\",3','4'] end it 'returns an array containing empty strings' do expect(coder.decode(%[(1,"",3,"")])).to eql ['1', '', '3', ''] end it 'returns an array containing unicode strings' do expect(coder.decode(%[("Paragraph 399(b)(i) – “valid leave” – meaning")])).to eq(['Paragraph 399(b)(i) – “valid leave” – meaning']) end end context 'array of records' do it 'returns an empty array' do expect(coder.decode(%[{()}])).to eql [[]] expect(coder.decode(%[{(),()}])).to eql [[],[]] end it 'returns an array of strings with a sub array' do expect(coder.decode(%[{1,(2,3),4}])).to eql ['1',['2','3'],'4'] end it 'returns an array of strings with a sub array' do expect(coder.decode(%[{1,("2,3"),4}])).to eql ['1',['2,3'],'4'] end it 'returns an array of strings with a sub array and a quoted }' do expect(coder.decode(%[{1,("2,}3",,NULL),4}])).to eql ['1',['2,}3',nil,nil],'4'] end it 'returns an array of strings with a sub array and a quoted {' do expect(coder.decode(%[{1,("2,{3"),4}])).to eql ['1',['2,{3'],'4'] end it 'returns an array of strings with a sub array and a quoted { and escaped quote' do expect(coder.decode(%[{1,("2\\",{3"),4}])).to eql ['1',['2",{3'],'4'] end it 'returns an array of strings with a sub array with empty strings' do expect(coder.decode(%[{1,(""),4,("")}])).to eql ['1',[''],'4',['']] end end context 'mix of record and array' do it 'returns an empty array' do expect(coder.decode(%[({()})])).to eql [[[]]] expect(coder.decode(%[{({},{}),{(),{}}}])).to eql [[[],[]],[[],[]]] end it 'returns an array of strings with sub arrays' do expect(coder.decode(%[{1,(2,{3,4}),(NULL,,6),7}])).to eql ['1',['2',['3','4']],[nil,nil,'6'],'7'] end end context 'record complex sample' do it 'may have double double quotes translate to single double quotes' do expect(coder.decode(%[("Test with double "" quoutes")])).to eql ['Test with double " quoutes'] end it 'double double quotes may occur any number of times' do expect(coder.decode(%[("Only one ""","Now "" two "".",""",""{""}","""""")])).to eql ['Only one "', 'Now " two ".', '","{"}', '""'] end it 'may have any kind of value' do expect(coder.decode(%[(String,123456,false,true,"2016-01-01 12:00:00",{1,2,3})])).to eql ['String', '123456', 'false', 'true', '2016-01-01 12:00:00', ['1', '2', '3']] end end end context 'on encode' do let(:record) { Torque::PostgreSQL::Coder::Record } context 'one dimensional arrays' do it 'receives an empty array' do expect(coder.encode([])).to eql %[{}] end it 'receives an array of strings' do expect(coder.encode(['1','2','3'])).to eql %[{1,2,3}] end it 'receives an array of strings, with nils replacing NULL characters' do expect(coder.encode(['1',nil,nil])).to eql %[{1,NULL,NULL}] end it 'receives an array with the word NULL' do expect(coder.encode(['1','NULL','3'])).to eql %[{1,"NULL",3}] end it 'receives an array of strings when containing commas in a quoted string' do expect(coder.encode(['1','2,3','4'])).to eql %[{1,"2,3",4}] end it 'receives an array of strings when containing an escaped quote' do expect(coder.encode(['1','2",3','4'])).to eql %[{1,"2\\",3",4}] end it 'receives an array of strings when containing an escaped backslash' do expect(coder.encode(['1','2\\','3','4'])).to eql %[{1,"2\\\\",3,4}] expect(coder.encode(['1','2\\",3','4'])).to eql %[{1,"2\\\\\\",3",4}] end it 'receives an array containing empty strings' do expect(coder.encode(['1', '', '3', ''])).to eql %[{1,"",3,""}] end it 'receives an array containing unicode strings' do expect(coder.encode(['Paragraph 399(b)(i) – “valid leave” – meaning'])).to eql %[{"Paragraph 399(b)(i) – “valid leave” – meaning"}] end end context 'two dimensional arrays' do it 'receives an empty array' do expect(coder.encode([[]])).to eql %[{{}}] expect(coder.encode([[],[]])).to eql %[{{},{}}] end it 'receives an array of strings with a sub array' do expect(coder.encode(['1',['2','3'],'4'])).to eql %[{1,{2,3},4}] end it 'receives an array of strings with a sub array' do expect(coder.encode(['1',['2,3'],'4'])).to eql %[{1,{"2,3"},4}] end it 'receives an array of strings with a sub array and a quoted }' do expect(coder.encode(['1',['2,}3',nil,nil],'4'])).to eql %[{1,{"2,}3",NULL,NULL},4}] end it 'receives an array of strings with a sub array and a quoted {' do expect(coder.encode(['1',['2,{3'],'4'])).to eql %[{1,{"2,{3"},4}] end it 'receives an array of strings with a sub array and a quoted { and escaped quote' do expect(coder.encode(['1',['2",{3'],'4'])).to eql %[{1,{"2\\",{3"},4}] end it 'receives an array of strings with a sub array with empty strings' do expect(coder.encode(['1',[''],'4',['']])).to eql %[{1,{""},4,{""}}] end end context 'three dimensional arrays' do it 'receives an empty array' do expect(coder.encode([[[]]])).to eql %[{{{}}}] expect(coder.encode([[[],[]],[[],[]]])).to eql %[{{{},{}},{{},{}}}] end it 'receives an array of strings with sub arrays' do expect(coder.encode(['1',['2',['3','4']],[nil,nil,'6'],'7'])).to eql %[{1,{2,{3,4}},{NULL,NULL,6},7}] end end context 'record syntax' do it 'receives an empty array' do expect(coder.encode( )).to eql %[()] end it 'receives an array of strings' do expect(coder.encode(['1','2','3']) )).to eql %[(1,2,3)] end it 'receives an array of strings, with nils replacing NULL characters' do expect(coder.encode(['1',nil,nil]) )).to eql %[(1,,)] end it 'receives an array with the word NULL' do expect(coder.encode(['1','NULL','3']) )).to eql %[(1,"NULL",3)] end it 'receives an array of strings when containing commas in a quoted string' do expect(coder.encode(['1','2,3','4']) )).to eql %[(1,"2,3",4)] end it 'receives an array of strings when containing an escaped quote' do expect(coder.encode(['1','2",3','4']) )).to eql %[(1,"2\\",3",4)] end it 'receives an array of strings when containing an escaped backslash' do expect(coder.encode(['1','2\\','3','4']) )).to eql %[(1,"2\\\\",3,4)] expect(coder.encode(['1','2\\",3','4']) )).to eql %[(1,"2\\\\\\",3",4)] end it 'receives an array containing empty strings' do expect(coder.encode(['1', '', '3', '']) )).to eql %[(1,"",3,"")] end it 'receives an array containing unicode strings' do expect(coder.encode(['Paragraph 399(b)(i) – “valid leave” – meaning']) )).to eql %[("Paragraph 399(b)(i) – “valid leave” – meaning")] end end context 'array of records' do it 'receives an empty array' do expect(coder.encode([])).to eql %[{()}] expect(coder.encode([,])).to eql %[{(),()}] end it 'receives an array of strings with a sub array' do expect(coder.encode(['1',['2','3']),'4'])).to eql %[{1,(2,3),4}] end it 'receives an array of strings with a sub array' do expect(coder.encode(['1',['2,3']),'4'])).to eql %[{1,("2,3"),4}] end it 'receives an array of strings with a sub array and a quoted }' do expect(coder.encode(['1',['2,}3',nil,nil]),'4'])).to eql %[{1,("2,}3",,),4}] end it 'receives an array of strings with a sub array and a quoted {' do expect(coder.encode(['1',['2,{3']),'4'])).to eql %[{1,("2,{3"),4}] end it 'receives an array of strings with a sub array and a quoted { and escaped quote' do expect(coder.encode(['1',['2",{3']),'4'])).to eql %[{1,("2\\",{3"),4}] end it 'receives an array of strings with a sub array with empty strings' do expect(coder.encode(['1',['']),'4',[''])])).to eql %[{1,(""),4,("")}] end end context 'mix of record and array' do it 'receives an empty array' do expect(coder.encode([[,nil]]) )).to eql %[({(),NULL})] expect(coder.encode( [[[], []]),[,[]]] )).to eql %[{({},{}),{(),{}}}] end it 'receives an array of strings with sub arrays' do expect(coder.encode(['1',['2',['3','4']]),[nil,nil,'6']),'7'])).to eql %[{1,(2,{3,4}),(,,6),7}] end end context 'record complex sample' do it 'may have double double quotes translate to single double quotes' do expect(coder.encode(['Test with double " quoutes']) )).to eql %[("Test with double \\" quoutes")] end it 'double double quotes may occur any number of times' do expect(coder.encode(['Only one "', 'Now " two ".', '","{"}', '""']) )).to eql %[("Only one \\"","Now \\" two \\".","\\",\\"{\\"}","\\"\\"")] end it 'may have any kind of value' do expect(coder.encode(['String', '123456', 'false', 'true', '2016-01-01 12:00:00', ['1', '2', '3']]) )).to eql %[(String,123456,false,true,"2016-01-01 12:00:00",{1,2,3})] end end end end