# This file contains methods which allow Trinity to use GS2 as # the flux solver #class NumRu::NetCDF #def _dump_data #Marshal.dump(nil) #end #end class CodeRunner class Trinity # This function creates a new Trinity defaults file, with Trinity parameters taken from # trinity_input_file, and GS2 parameters taken from gs2_input_file. The file is then moved # to the CodeRunner central defaults location, the current folder is configured to use # the defaults file. def self.use_new_defaults_file_with_gs2(name = ARGV[-3], trinity_input_file = ARGV[-2], gs2_input_file = ARGV[-1]) raise "Please specify a name, a trinity input file and a gs2 input file" if name == "use_new_gs2_defaults_file" defaults_filename = "#{name}_defaults.rb" tmp_filename = "#{name}_gs2tmp_defaults.rb" central_defaults_filename = rcp.user_defaults_location + "/" + defaults_filename FileUtils.rm(name + '_defaults.rb') if FileTest.exist?(name + '_defaults.rb') FileUtils.rm(central_defaults_filename) if FileTest.exist?(central_defaults_filename) FileUtils.rm(tmp_filename) if FileTest.exist?(tmp_filename) raise "Defaults file: #{central_defaults_filename} already exists" if FileTest.exist? central_defaults_filename make_new_defaults_file(name, trinity_input_file) CodeRunner::Gs2.make_new_defaults_file(name + '_gs2tmp', gs2_input_file) File.open(defaults_filename, 'a'){|file| file.puts < 0) #p ["@COMMMMMMMMMMMMMPOOOOOOOOOOOOOONNNETN", @component_runs] @component_runs #@gs2_run_list ||= {} #raise TypeError.new("@runner is nil") if @runner.nil? #@gs2_run_list[key] ||= Gs2.new(@runner) ##if key != :base ##raise "key in gs2_run must be either :base or an integer" unless key.kind_of? Integer ##@gs2_run_list[key] ||= @gs2_run_list[:base].dup ##end #@gs2_run_list[key] end # Override standard CodeRunner method to allow for Gs2 variables def evaluate_defaults_file(filename) text = File.read(filename) instance_eval(text) text.scan(/^\s*@(\w+)/) do var_name = $~[1].to_sym next if var_name == :defaults_file_description unless rcp.variables.include? var_name or (flux_gs2? and Gs2.rcp.variables.include? var_name) warning("---#{var_name}---, specified in #{File.expand_path(filename)}, is not a variable. This could be an error") end end end # An array of arrays containing the GS2 run times for each iteration. # Produced unscientifically by scanning the stdout. def gs2_run_times raise FluxOptionError.new("gs2_run_times called and flux_option != gs2") if not flux_gs2? run_times = [] File.open(@directory + '/' + output_file, "r").each_line{|l| l.scan(/Job.*timer.*(\b\d+\.\d+\b)/){run_times.push $~[1].to_f}} sz = run_times.size.to_f return run_times.pieces((sz / n_flux_tubes.to_f).ceil) end # Is the flux tube code being used gs2? def flux_gs2? @flux_option == "gs2" end end end