var canvas; var context; var images = {}; var totalResources = 9; var numResourcesLoaded = 0; var fps = 30; var charX = 245; var charY = 185; var breathInc = 0.1; var breathDir = 1; var breathAmt = 0; var breathMax = 2; var breathInterval = setInterval(updateBreath, 1000 / fps); var maxEyeHeight = 14; var curEyeHeight = maxEyeHeight; var eyeOpenTime = 0; var timeBtwBlinks = 4000; var blinkUpdateTime = 200; var blinkTimer = setInterval(updateBlink, blinkUpdateTime); var fpsInterval = setInterval(updateFPS, 1000); var numFramesDrawn = 0; var curFPS = 0; var jumping = false; function updateFPS() { curFPS = numFramesDrawn; numFramesDrawn = 0; } function prepareCanvas(canvasDiv, canvasWidth, canvasHeight) { // Create the canvas (Neccessary for IE because it doesn't know what a canvas element is) canvas = document.createElement('canvas'); canvas.setAttribute('width', canvasWidth); canvas.setAttribute('height', canvasHeight); canvas.setAttribute('id', 'canvas'); canvasDiv.appendChild(canvas); if(typeof G_vmlCanvasManager != 'undefined') { canvas = G_vmlCanvasManager.initElement(canvas); } context = canvas.getContext("2d"); // Grab the 2d canvas context // Note: The above code is a workaround for IE 8and lower. Otherwise we could have used: // context = document.getElementById('canvas').getContext("2d"); canvas.width = canvas.width; // clears the canvas context.fillText("loading...", 40, 140); loadImage(("leftArm")); loadImage(("legs")); loadImage(("torso")); loadImage(("rightArm")); loadImage(("head")); loadImage(("hair")); loadImage(("leftArm-jump")); loadImage(("legs-jump")); loadImage(("rightArm-jump")); } function loadImage(name) { images[name] = new Image(); images[name].onload = function() { resourceLoaded(); } images[name].src = "/assets/go_gamification/" + name + ".png"; } function resourceLoaded() { numResourcesLoaded += 1; if(numResourcesLoaded === totalResources) { setInterval(redraw, 1000 / fps); } } function redraw() { var x = charX; var y = charY; var jumpHeight = 45; canvas.width = canvas.width; // clears the canvas // Draw shadow if (jumping) { drawEllipse(x + 40, y + 29, 100 - breathAmt, 4); } else { drawEllipse(x + 40, y + 29, 160 - breathAmt, 6); } if (jumping) { y -= jumpHeight; } if (jumping) { context.drawImage(images["leftArm-jump"], x + 40, y - 42 - breathAmt); } else { context.drawImage(images["leftArm"], x + 40, y - 42 - breathAmt); } if (jumping) { context.drawImage(images["legs-jump"], x, y- 6); } else { context.drawImage(images["legs"], x, y); } context.drawImage(images["torso"], x, y - 50); context.drawImage(images["head"], x - 10, y - 125 - breathAmt); context.drawImage(images["hair"], x - 37, y - 138 - breathAmt); if (jumping) { context.drawImage(images["rightArm-jump"], x - 35, y - 42 - breathAmt); } else { context.drawImage(images["rightArm"], x - 15, y - 42 - breathAmt); } drawEllipse(x + 47, y - 68 - breathAmt, 8, curEyeHeight); // Left Eye drawEllipse(x + 58, y - 68 - breathAmt, 8, curEyeHeight); // Right Eye } function drawEllipse(centerX, centerY, width, height) { context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(centerX, centerY - height/2); context.bezierCurveTo( centerX + width/2, centerY - height/2, centerX + width/2, centerY + height/2, centerX, centerY + height/2); context.bezierCurveTo( centerX - width/2, centerY + height/2, centerX - width/2, centerY - height/2, centerX, centerY - height/2); context.fillStyle = "black"; context.fill(); context.closePath(); } function updateBreath() { if (breathDir === 1) { // breath in breathAmt -= breathInc; if (breathAmt < -breathMax) { breathDir = -1; } } else { // breath out breathAmt += breathInc; if(breathAmt > breathMax) { breathDir = 1; } } } function updateBlink() { eyeOpenTime += blinkUpdateTime; if(eyeOpenTime >= timeBtwBlinks){ blink(); } } function blink() { curEyeHeight -= 1; if (curEyeHeight <= 0) { eyeOpenTime = 0; curEyeHeight = maxEyeHeight; } else { setTimeout(blink, 10); } } function jump() { if (!jumping) { jumping = true; setTimeout(land, 500); } } function land() { jumping = false; }