# Copyright (c) 2023 M.J.N. Corino, The Netherlands # # This software is released under the MIT license. ### require 'wx' module Splash class MyFrame < Wx::Frame def initialize(title) # The main application frame has no parent (nil) super(nil, :title => title, :size => [ 400, 300 ]) @isPda = (Wx::SystemSettings.get_screen_type <= Wx::SYS_SCREEN_PDA) # Give the frame an icon. self.icon = Wx.Icon(:sample, Wx::BITMAP_TYPE_XPM, art_path: File.join(__dir__, '..')) menu_bar = Wx::MenuBar.new # The "file" menu menu_file = Wx::Menu.new # Using Wx::ID_EXIT standard id means the menu item will be given # the right label for the platform and language, and placed in the # correct platform-specific menu - eg on OS X, in the Application's menu menu_file.append(Wx::ID_EXIT, "E&xit\tAlt-X", "Quit this program") menu_bar.append(menu_file, "&File") # The "help" menu menu_help = Wx::Menu.new menu_help.append(Wx::ID_ABOUT, "&About...\tF1", "Show about dialog") menu_bar.append(menu_help, "&Help") # Assign the menubar to this frame self.menu_bar = menu_bar # Create a status bar at the bottom of the frame create_status_bar(2) self.status_text = "Welcome to wxRuby!" # Set it up to handle menu events using the relevant methods. evt_menu Wx::ID_EXIT, :on_quit evt_menu Wx::ID_ABOUT, :on_about end # End the application; it should finish automatically when the last # window is closed. def on_quit close(true) end def on_about bitmap = Wx::Bitmap.new(File.join(__dir__, @isPda ? 'mobile.xpm' : 'splash.png')) if bitmap.ok? image = bitmap.convert_to_image # do not scale on already small screens image.rescale(bitmap.width/2, bitmap.height/2) unless @isPda bitmap = Wx::Bitmap.new(image) splash = Wx::SplashScreen.new(bitmap, Wx::SPLASH_CENTRE_ON_PARENT | Wx::SPLASH_NO_TIMEOUT, 0, self, style: Wx::SIMPLE_BORDER|Wx::STAY_ON_TOP) win = splash.get_splash_window text = Wx::StaticText.new(win, id: Wx::ID_EXIT, label: "click somewhere\non this image", pos: [@isPda ? 0 : 13, @isPda ? 0 : 11]) text.set_background_colour(Wx::WHITE) text.set_foreground_colour(Wx::BLACK) font = text.font font.set_fractional_point_size(2.0*font.get_fractional_point_size/3.0) text.font = font end end end class SplashApp < Wx::App def on_init # create the main application window frame = MyFrame.new('Wx::SplashScreen sample application') bitmap = Wx::Bitmap.new(File.join(__dir__, @isPda ? 'mobile.xpm' : 'splash.png')) if bitmap.ok? # we can even draw dynamic artwork onto our splashscreen decorate_splash_screen(bitmap) # show the splashscreen Wx::SplashScreen.new(bitmap, Wx::SPLASH_CENTRE_ON_SCREEN|Wx::SPLASH_TIMEOUT, 6000, frame, style: Wx::SIMPLE_BORDER|Wx::STAY_ON_TOP) end self.yield # and show it (the frames, unlike simple controls, are not shown when # created initially) frame.show(true) # success: the app will enter the main message # loop and the application will run. If we returned false here, the # application would exit immediately. true end def decorate_splash_screen(bmp) # use a memory DC to draw directly onto the bitmap bmp.draw do |memDc| # draw an orange box (with black outline) at the bottom of the splashscreen. # this box will be 8% of the height of the bitmap, and be at the bottom. bannerRect = Wx::Rect.new(Wx::Point.new(0, ((bmp.height / 10)*9.2).to_i), Wx::Point.new(bmp.width, bmp.height)) memDc.with_brush Wx::Brush.new(Wx::Colour.new(255, 102, 0)) do memDc.draw_rectangle(bannerRect) memDc.draw_line(bannerRect.top_left, bannerRect.top_right) # dynamically get the wxWidgets version to display description = "wxRuby %s" % Wx::WXRUBY_VERSION # create a copyright notice that uses the year that this file is run copyrightLabel = "%s%s wxWidgets. %s" % ["\xc2\xa9", Time.now.year.to_s, "All rights reserved."] # draw the (white) labels inside of our orange box (at the bottom of the splashscreen) memDc.set_text_foreground(Wx::WHITE) # draw the "wxRuby" label on the left side, vertically centered. # note that we deflate the banner rect a little bit horizontally # so that the text has some padding to its left. labelRect = bannerRect.deflate([5, 0]) memDc.draw_label(description, labelRect, Wx::ALIGN_CENTRE_VERTICAL | Wx::ALIGN_LEFT) # draw the copyright label on the right side memDc.font = Wx::FontInfo.new(8) memDc.draw_label(copyrightLabel, labelRect, Wx::ALIGN_CENTRE_VERTICAL | Wx::ALIGN_RIGHT) end end end end end module SplashSample include WxRuby::Sample if defined? WxRuby::Sample def self.describe { file: __FILE__, summary: 'wxRuby SplashScreen example.', description: 'wxRuby example showcasing Wx::SplashScreen.' } end def self.run execute(__FILE__) end if $0 == __FILE__ Splash::SplashApp.run end end