shared_examples_for 'support be_enabled matcher' do |valid_service| describe 'be_enabled' do describe valid_service do it { should be_enabled } end describe 'this-is-invalid-service' do it { should_not be_enabled } end end end shared_examples_for 'support be_installed matcher' do |valid_package| describe 'be_installed' do describe valid_package do it { should be_installed } end describe 'this-is-invalid-package' do it { should_not be_installed } end end end shared_examples_for 'support be_running matcher' do |valid_service| describe 'be_running' do describe valid_service do it { should be_running } end describe 'this-is-invalid-daemon' do it { should_not be_running } end describe valid_service do before :all do RSpec.configure do |c| c.stdout = "#{valid_service} is stopped\r\n" end end it { should be_running } end end end shared_examples_for 'support be_running.under("supervisor") matcher' do |valid_service| describe 'be_running.under("supervisor")' do describe valid_service do before :all do RSpec.configure do |c| c.stdout = "#{valid_service} RUNNING\r\n" end end it { should be_running.under('supervisor') } end describe valid_service do before :all do RSpec.configure do |c| c.stdout = "#{valid_service} STOPPED\r\n" end end it { should_not be_running.under('supervisor') } end describe 'this-is-invalid-daemon' do it { should_not be_running.under('supervisor') } end end end shared_examples_for 'support be_running.under("not implemented") matcher' do |valid_service| describe 'be_running.under("not implemented")' do it { expect { should be_running.under('not implemented') }.to raise_error(ArgumentError, %r/\A`be_running` matcher doesn\'t support/) } end end shared_examples_for 'support be_listening matcher' do |valid_port| describe 'be_listening' do describe "port #{ valid_port }" do it { should be_listening } end describe 'port invalid' do it { should_not be_listening } end end end shared_examples_for 'support be_reachable matcher' do |valid_host| describe 'be_reachable' do context valid_host do it { should be_reachable } end describe 'invalid-host' do it { should_not be_reachable } end end end shared_examples_for 'support be_reachable.with matcher' do |valid_host| describe 'be_reachable.with' do context valid_host do it { should be_reachable.with(:proto => "icmp", :timeout=> 1) } end context valid_host do it { should be_reachable.with(:proto => "tcp", :port => 22, :timeout=> 1) } end context valid_host do it { should be_reachable.with(:proto => "udp", :port => 53, :timeout=> 1) } end context 'invalid-host' do it { should_not be_reachable.with(:proto => "udp", :port => 53, :timeout=> 1) } end end end shared_examples_for 'support be_mounted matcher' do |valid_mount| describe 'be_mounted' do describe valid_mount do it { should be_mounted } end describe '/etc/thid_is_a_invalid_mount' do it { should_not be_mounted } end end end shared_examples_for 'support be_mounted.with matcher' do |valid_mount| describe 'be_mounted.with' do before :all do RSpec.configure do |c| c.stdout = "/dev/mapper/VolGroup-lv_root on / type ext4 (rw,mode=620)\r\n" end end describe valid_mount do it { should be_mounted.with( :type => 'ext4' ) } end describe valid_mount do it { should be_mounted.with( :type => 'ext4', :options => { :rw => true } ) } end describe valid_mount do it { should be_mounted.with( :type => 'ext4', :options => { :mode => 620 } ) } end describe valid_mount do it { should be_mounted.with( :type => 'ext4', :device => '/dev/mapper/VolGroup-lv_root' ) } end describe valid_mount do it { should_not be_mounted.with( :type => 'xfs' ) } end describe valid_mount do it { should_not be_mounted.with( :type => 'ext4', :options => { :rw => false } ) } end describe valid_mount do it { should_not be_mounted.with( :type => 'ext4', :options => { :mode => 600 } ) } end describe valid_mount do it { should_not be_mounted.with( :type => 'xfs', :device => '/dev/mapper/VolGroup-lv_root' ) } end describe valid_mount do it { should_not be_mounted.with( :type => 'ext4', :device => '/dev/mapper/VolGroup-lv_r00t' ) } end describe '/etc/thid_is_a_invalid_mount' do it { should_not be_mounted.with( :type => 'ext4' ) } end end end shared_examples_for 'support be_mounted.only_with matcher' do |valid_mount| describe 'be_mounted.with' do before :all do RSpec.configure do |c| c.stdout = "/dev/mapper/VolGroup-lv_root on / type ext4 (rw,mode=620)\r\n" end end describe valid_mount do it do should be_mounted.only_with( :device => '/dev/mapper/VolGroup-lv_root', :type => 'ext4', :options => { :rw => true, :mode => 620, } ) end end describe valid_mount do it do should_not be_mounted.only_with( :device => '/dev/mapper/VolGroup-lv_root', :type => 'ext4', :options => { :rw => true, :mode => 620, :bind => true, } ) end end describe valid_mount do it do should_not be_mounted.only_with( :device => '/dev/mapper/VolGroup-lv_root', :type => 'ext4', :options => { :rw => true, } ) end end describe valid_mount do it do should_not be_mounted.only_with( :device => '/dev/mapper/VolGroup-lv_roooooooooot', :type => 'ext4', :options => { :rw => true, :mode => 620, } ) end end describe '/etc/thid_is_a_invalid_mount' do it { should_not be_mounted.only_with( :type => 'ext4' ) } end end end shared_examples_for 'support be_resolvable matcher' do |valid_name| describe 'be_resolvable' do describe valid_name do it { should be_resolvable } end describe 'invalid_name' do it { should_not be_resolvable } end end end shared_examples_for 'support matcher' do |valid_name, type| describe '' do describe valid_name do it { should } end describe 'invalid_name' do it { should_not } end end end shared_examples_for 'support be_file matcher' do |valid_file| describe 'be_file' do describe valid_file do it { should be_file } end describe '/etc/thid_is_invalid_file' do it { should_not be_file } end end end shared_examples_for 'support be_directory matcher' do |valid_directory| describe 'be_directory' do describe valid_directory do it { should be_directory } end describe '/etc/thid_is_invalid_directory' do it { should_not be_directory } end end end shared_examples_for 'support contain matcher' do |valid_file, pattern| describe 'contain' do describe valid_file do it { should contain pattern } end describe '/etc/ssh/sshd_config' do it { should_not contain 'This is invalid text!!' } end end end shared_examples_for 'support matcher' do |valid_file, pattern, from, to| describe 'contain' do describe valid_file do it { should contain(pattern).from(from).to(to) } end describe '/etc/ssh/sshd_config' do it { should_not contain('This is invalid text!!').from(from).to(to) } end end end shared_examples_for 'support contain.after matcher' do |valid_file, pattern, after| describe 'contain' do describe valid_file do it { should contain(pattern).after(after) } end describe '/etc/ssh/sshd_config' do it { should_not contain('This is invalid text!!').after(after) } end end end shared_examples_for 'support contain.before matcher' do |valid_file, pattern, before| describe 'contain' do describe valid_file do it { should contain(pattern).before(before) } end describe '/etc/ssh/sshd_config' do it { should_not contain('This is invalid text!!').before(before) } end end end shared_examples_for 'support be_user matcher' do |valid_user| describe 'be_user' do describe valid_user do it { should be_user } end describe 'i_am_invalid_user' do it { should_not be_user } end end end shared_examples_for 'support be_group matcher' do |valid_group| describe 'be_group' do describe valid_group do it { should be_group } end describe 'we_are_invalid_group' do it { should_not be_group } end end end shared_examples_for 'support be_mode matcher' do |valid_file, mode| describe 'be_mode' do describe valid_file do it { should be_mode mode } end describe '/etc/passwd' do it { should_not be_mode 'invalid' } end end end shared_examples_for 'support be_owned_by matcher' do |valid_file, owner| describe 'be_owned_by' do describe valid_file do it { should be_owned_by owner } end describe '/etc/passwd' do it { should_not be_owned_by 'invalid-owner' } end end end shared_examples_for 'support be_grouped_into matcher' do |valid_file, group| describe 'be_grouped_into' do describe valid_file do it { should be_grouped_into group } end describe '/etc/passwd' do it { should_not be_grouped_into 'invalid-group' } end end end shared_examples_for 'support be_enforcing matcher' do |selinux| describe selinux do it { should be_enforcing } end end shared_examples_for 'support be_permissive matcher' do |selinux| describe selinux do it { should be_permissive } end end shared_examples_for 'support be_disabled matcher' do |selinux| describe selinux do it { should be_disabled } end end shared_examples_for 'support have_cron_entry matcher' do |title, entry| describe 'have_cron_entry' do describe title do it { should have_cron_entry entry } end describe '/etc/passwd' do it { should_not have_cron_entry 'invalid entry' } end end end shared_examples_for 'support have_cron_entry.with_user matcher' do |title, entry, user| describe 'have_cron_entry.with_user' do describe title do it { should have_cron_entry(entry).with_user(user) } end describe title do it { should_not have_cron_entry('dummy entry').with_user('invaliduser') } end end end shared_examples_for 'support be_linked_to matcher' do |file, target| describe 'be_linked_to' do describe file do it { should be_linked_to target } end describe 'this-is-dummy-link' do it { should_not be_linked_to '/invalid/target' } end end end shared_examples_for 'support matcher' do |name| describe '' do describe name do it { should'gem') } end describe 'invalid-gem' do it { should_not'gem') } end end end shared_examples_for 'support matcher' do |name, version| describe '' do before :all do RSpec.configure do |c| c.stdout = "#{name} (#{version})" end end describe name do it { should'gem').with_version(version) } end describe name do it { should_not'gem').with_version('invalid-version') } end end end shared_examples_for 'support belong_to_group matcher' do |user, group| describe 'belong_to_group' do describe user do it { should belong_to_group group } end describe 'dummyuser' do it { should_not belong_to_group 'invalid-group' } end end end shared_examples_for 'support have_gid matcher' do |group, gid| describe 'have_gid' do describe group do it { should have_gid gid } end describe 'dummygroup' do it { should_not have_gid 'invalid-gid' } end end end shared_examples_for 'support have_uid matcher' do |user, uid| describe 'have_uid' do describe user do it { should have_uid uid } end describe 'dummyuser' do it { should_not have_uid 'invalid-uid' } end end end shared_examples_for 'support have_login_shell matcher' do |user, path_to_shell| describe 'have_login_shell' do describe user do it { should have_login_shell path_to_shell } end describe 'dummyuser' do it { should_not have_login_shell 'invalid-login-shell' } end end end shared_examples_for 'support have_home_directory matcher' do |user, path_to_home| describe 'have_home_directory' do describe user do it { should have_home_directory path_to_home } end describe 'dummyuser' do it { should_not have_home_directory 'invalid-home-directory' } end end end shared_examples_for 'support have_authorized_key matcher' do |user, key| describe 'have_authorized_key' do describe user do it { should have_authorized_key key } end describe user do it { should_not have_authorized_key 'invalid-publickey' } end describe 'dummyuser' do it { should_not have_authorized_key 'invalid-publickey' } end end end shared_examples_for 'support have_iptables_rule matcher' do |rule| describe 'have_iptables_rule' do describe 'iptables' do it { should have_iptables_rule rule } end describe 'iptables' do it { should_not have_iptables_rule 'invalid-rule' } end end end shared_examples_for 'support have_iptables_rule.with_table.with_chain matcher' do |rule, table, chain| describe 'have_iptables_rule.with_table.with_chain' do describe 'iptables' do it { should have_iptables_rule(rule).with_table(table).with_chain(chain) } end describe 'iptables' do it { should_not have_iptables_rule('invalid-rule').with_table(table).with_chain(chain) } end end end shared_examples_for 'support be_zfs matcher' do |zfs| describe 'be_zfs' do describe zfs do it { should be_zfs } end describe 'this-is-invalid-zfs' do it { should_not be_zfs } end end end shared_examples_for 'support matcher' do |zfs, property| describe 'be_zfs' do describe zfs do it { should be_zfs.with(property) } end describe 'this-is-invalid-zfs' do it { should_not be_zfs.with(property) } end end end shared_examples_for 'support be_readable matcher' do |file| describe 'be_readable' do describe file do before :all do RSpec.configure do |c| c.stdout = "755\r\n" end end it { should be_readable } end describe file do before :all do RSpec.configure do |c| c.stdout = "333\r\n" end end it { should_not be_readable } end end end shared_examples_for 'support be_readable_by_owner matcher' do |file| describe 'be_readable_by_owner' do describe file do before :all do RSpec.configure do |c| c.stdout = "400\r\n" end end it { should'owner') } end describe file do before :all do RSpec.configure do |c| c.stdout = "044\r\n" end end it { should_not'owner') } end end end shared_examples_for 'support be_readable_by_group matcher' do |file| describe 'be_readable_by_group' do describe file do before :all do RSpec.configure do |c| c.stdout = "040\r\n" end end it { should'group') } end describe file do before :all do RSpec.configure do |c| c.stdout = "404\r\n" end end it { should_not'group') } end end end shared_examples_for 'support be_readable_by_others matcher' do |file| describe 'be_readable_by_others' do describe file do before :all do RSpec.configure do |c| c.stdout = "044\r\n" end end it { should'others') } end describe file do before :all do RSpec.configure do |c| c.stdout = "443\r\n" end end it { should_not'others') } end end end shared_examples_for 'support be_writable matcher' do |file| describe 'be_writable' do describe file do before :all do RSpec.configure do |c| c.stdout = "755\r\n" end end it { should be_writable } end describe file do before :all do RSpec.configure do |c| c.stdout = "555\r\n" end end it { should_not be_writable } end end end shared_examples_for 'support be_writable_by_owner matcher' do |file| describe 'be_writable_by_owner' do describe file do before :all do RSpec.configure do |c| c.stdout = "200\r\n" end end it { should'owner') } end describe file do before :all do RSpec.configure do |c| c.stdout = "555\r\n" end end it { should_not'owner') } end end end shared_examples_for 'support be_writable_by_group matcher' do |file| describe 'be_writable_by_group' do describe file do before :all do RSpec.configure do |c| c.stdout = "030\r\n" end end it { should'group') } end describe file do before :all do RSpec.configure do |c| c.stdout = "555\r\n" end end it { should_not'group') } end end end shared_examples_for 'support be_writable_by_others matcher' do |file| describe 'be_writable_by_others' do describe file do before :all do RSpec.configure do |c| c.stdout = "666\r\n" end end it { should'others') } end describe file do before :all do RSpec.configure do |c| c.stdout = "555\r\n" end end it { should_not'others') } end end end shared_examples_for 'support be_executable matcher' do |file| describe 'be_executable' do describe file do before :all do RSpec.configure do |c| c.stdout = "755\r\n" end end it { should be_executable } end describe file do before :all do RSpec.configure do |c| c.stdout = "666\r\n" end end it { should_not be_executable } end end end shared_examples_for 'support be_executable_by_owner matcher' do |file| describe 'be_executable_by_owner' do describe file do before :all do RSpec.configure do |c| c.stdout = "100\r\n" end end it { should'owner') } end describe file do before :all do RSpec.configure do |c| c.stdout = "666\r\n" end end it { should_not'owner') } end end end shared_examples_for 'support be_executable_by_group matcher' do |file| describe 'be_executable_by_group' do describe file do before :all do RSpec.configure do |c| c.stdout = "070\r\n" end end it { should'group') } end describe file do before :all do RSpec.configure do |c| c.stdout = "666\r\n" end end it { should_not'group') } end end end shared_examples_for 'support be_executable_by_others matcher' do |file| describe 'be_executable_by_others' do describe file do before :all do RSpec.configure do |c| c.stdout = "001\r\n" end end it { should'others') } end describe file do before :all do RSpec.configure do |c| c.stdout = "666\r\n" end end it { should_not'others') } end end end shared_examples_for 'support have_ipfilter_rule matcher' do |rule| describe 'have_ipfilter_rule' do describe 'ipfilter' do it { should have_ipfilter_rule rule } end describe 'ipfilter' do it { should_not have_ipfilter_rule 'invalid-rule' } end end end shared_examples_for 'support have_ipnat_rule matcher' do |rule| describe 'have_ipnat_rule' do describe 'ipnat' do it { should have_ipnat_rule rule } end describe 'ipnat' do it { should_not have_ipnat_rule 'invalid-rule' } end end end shared_examples_for 'support have_svcprop.with_value matcher' do |svc, property, value| describe 'have_svcprop' do describe svc do it { should have_svcprop(property).with_value(value) } end describe 'this-is-invalid-svc' do it { should_not have_svcprop(property).with_value(value) } end end end shared_examples_for 'support have_svcprops matcher' do |svc, property| describe 'have_svcprop' do describe svc do it { should have_svcprops(property) } end describe 'this-is-invalid-svc' do it { should_not have_svcprops(property) } end end end shared_examples_for 'support return_exit_status matcher' do |command, status| describe 'return_exit_status' do describe command do it { should return_exit_status(status) } end describe 'this-is-invalid-command' do it { should_not return_exit_status(status) } end end end shared_examples_for 'support return_stdout matcher' do |command, content| describe 'return_stdout' do describe command do before :all do RSpec.configure do |c| c.stdout = "#{content}\r\n" end end it { should return_stdout(content) } end describe command do before :all do RSpec.configure do |c| c.stdout = "foo#{content}bar\r\n" end end it { should_not return_stdout(content) } end describe 'this-is-invalid-command' do it { should_not return_stdout(content) } end end end shared_examples_for 'support return_stdout matcher with regexp' do |command, content| describe 'return_stdout' do describe command do before :all do RSpec.configure do |c| c.stdout = "foo#{content}bar\r\n" end end it { should return_stdout(content) } end describe command do before :all do RSpec.configure do |c| c.stdout = "foobar\r\n" end end it { should_not return_stdout(content) } end describe 'this-is-invalid-command' do it { should_not return_stdout(content) } end end end shared_examples_for 'support return_stderr matcher' do |command, content| describe 'return_stderr' do describe command do before :all do RSpec.configure do |c| c.stderr = "#{content}\r\n" end end it { should return_stderr(content) } end describe command do before :all do RSpec.configure do |c| c.stderr = "No such file or directory\r\n" end end it { should_not return_stderr(content) } end end end shared_examples_for 'support return_stderr matcher with regexp' do |command, content| describe 'return_stderr' do describe command do before :all do RSpec.configure do |c| c.stdout = "cat: /foo: No such file or directory\r\n" end end it { should return_stdout(content) } end describe command do before :all do RSpec.configure do |c| c.stdout = "foobar\r\n" end end it { should_not return_stdout(content) } end end end shared_examples_for 'support linux kernel parameter checking with integer' do |param, value| describe 'linux kernel parameter' do before :all do RSpec.configure do |c| c.stdout = "#{value}\n" end end context param do its(:value) { should eq value } end context param do its(:value) { should_not eq value + 1 } end end end shared_examples_for 'support linux kernel parameter checking with string' do |param, value| describe 'linux kernel parameter' do before :all do RSpec.configure do |c| c.stdout = "#{value}\n" end end context param do its(:value) { should eq value } end context param do its(:value) { should_not eq value + '_suffix' } end end end shared_examples_for 'support linux kernel parameter checking with regexp' do |param, regexp| describe 'linux kernel parameter' do before :all do RSpec.configure do |c| c.stdout = "4096 16384 4194304\n" end end context param do its(:value) { should match regexp } end context param do its(:value) { should_not match /invalid-string/ } end end end