# encoding: utf-8 # Copyright 2014-2020 Aerospike, Inc. # # Portions may be licensed to Aerospike, Inc. under one or more contributor # license agreements. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License") you may not # use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of # the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under # the License. module Aerospike module ResultCode attr_reader :code # Value type not supported by Aerospike server TYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED = -7 # Asynchronous max concurrent database commands have been exceeded and therefore rejected. COMMAND_REJECTED = -6 # Query was terminated by user. QUERY_TERMINATED = -5 # Scan was terminated by user. SCAN_TERMINATED = -4 # Chosen node is not currently active. INVALID_NODE_ERROR = -3 # Client parse error. PARSE_ERROR = -2 # Client serialization error. SERIALIZE_ERROR = -1 # Operation was successful. OK = 0 # Unknown server failure. SERVER_ERROR = 1 # On retrieving, touching or replacing a record that doesn't exist. KEY_NOT_FOUND_ERROR = 2 # On modifying a record with unexpected generation. GENERATION_ERROR = 3 # Bad parameter(s) were passed in database operation call. PARAMETER_ERROR = 4 # On create-only (write unique) operations on a record that already # exists. KEY_EXISTS_ERROR = 5 # Expected cluster ID was not received. CLUSTER_KEY_MISMATCH = 7 # Server has run out of memory. SERVER_MEM_ERROR = 8 # Client or server has timed out. TIMEOUT = 9 # XDS product is not available. NO_XDS = 10 # Server is not accepting requests. SERVER_NOT_AVAILABLE = 11 # Operation is not supported with configured bin type (single-bin or # multi-bin). BIN_TYPE_ERROR = 12 # Record size exceeds limit. RECORD_TOO_BIG = 13 # Too many concurrent operations on the same record. KEY_BUSY = 14 # Scan aborted by server. SCAN_ABORT = 15 # Unsupported Server Feature (e.g. Scan + UDF) UNSUPPORTED_FEATURE = 16 # Specified bin name does not exist in record. DEVICE_OVERLOAD = 18 # Key type mismatch. KEY_MISMATCH = 19 # Invalid namespace. INVALID_NAMESPACE = 20 # Sent too-long bin name (>15, should be impossible in this client) or exceeded # namespace's bin name quota. BIN_NAME_TOO_LONG = 21 # Operation not allowed at this time. FAIL_FORBIDDEN = 22 # Returned by Map put and put_items operations when policy is REPLACE but key was not found ELEMENT_NOT_FOUND = 23 # Returned by Map put and put_items operations when policy is CREATE_ONLY but key already exists ELEMENT_EXISTS = 24 # Enterprise-only feature not supported by the community edition ENTERPRISE_ONLY = 25 # The operation cannot be applied to the current bin value on the server. OP_NOT_APPLICABLE = 26 # The transaction was not performed because the predexp was false. FILTERED_OUT = 27 # There are no more records left for query. QUERY_END = 50 SECURITY_NOT_SUPPORTED = 51 SECURITY_NOT_ENABLED = 52 SECURITY_SCHEME_NOT_SUPPORTED = 53 # Administration command is invalid. INVALID_COMMAND = 54 # Administration field is invalid. INVALID_FIELD = 55 ILLEGAL_STATE = 56 # User name is invalid. INVALID_USER = 60 # User was previously created. USER_ALREADY_EXISTS = 61 # Password is invalid. INVALID_PASSWORD = 62 # Password is invalid. EXPIRED_PASSWORD = 63 # Password is invalid. FORBIDDEN_PASSWORD = 64 # Security credential is invalid. INVALID_CREDENTIAL = 65 # Role name is invalid. INVALID_ROLE = 70 # Role Already exists ROLE_ALREADY_EXISTS = 71 # Privilege is invalid. INVALID_PRIVILEGE = 72 # User must be authentication before performing database operations. NOT_AUTHENTICATED = 80 # User does not posses the required role to perform the database operation. ROLE_VIOLATION = 81 # A user defined function returned an error code. UDF_BAD_RESPONSE = 100 # Secondary index already exists. INDEX_FOUND = 200 # Requested secondary index does not exist. INDEX_NOTFOUND = 201 # Secondary index memory space exceeded. INDEX_OOM = 202 # Secondary index not available. INDEX_NOTREADABLE = 203 # Generic secondary index error. INDEX_GENERIC = 204 # Index name maximum length exceeded. INDEX_NAME_MAXLEN = 205 # Maximum number of indicies exceeded. INDEX_MAXCOUNT = 206 # Secondary index query aborted. QUERY_ABORTED = 210 # Secondary index queue full. QUERY_QUEUEFULL = 211 # Secondary index query timed out on server. QUERY_TIMEOUT = 212 # Generic query error. QUERY_GENERIC = 213 def self.message(code) case code when COMMAND_REJECTED "Command rejected" when QUERY_TERMINATED "Query terminated" when SCAN_TERMINATED "Scan terminated" when INVALID_NODE_ERROR "Invalid node" when PARSE_ERROR "Parse error" when SERIALIZE_ERROR "Serialize error" when OK "ok" when SERVER_ERROR "Server error" when KEY_NOT_FOUND_ERROR "Key not found" when GENERATION_ERROR "Generation error" when PARAMETER_ERROR "Parameter error" when KEY_EXISTS_ERROR "Key already exists" when CLUSTER_KEY_MISMATCH "Cluster key mismatch" when SERVER_MEM_ERROR "Server memory error" when TIMEOUT "Timeout" when NO_XDS "XDS not available" when SERVER_NOT_AVAILABLE "Server not available" when BIN_TYPE_ERROR "Bin type error" when RECORD_TOO_BIG "Record too big" when KEY_BUSY "Hot key" when SCAN_ABORT "Scan aborted" when UNSUPPORTED_FEATURE "Unsupported Server Feature" when DEVICE_OVERLOAD "Device overload" when KEY_MISMATCH "Key mismatch" when INVALID_NAMESPACE "Invalid namespace" when BIN_NAME_TOO_LONG "Sent too-long bin name or exceeded namespace's bin name quota." when FAIL_FORBIDDEN "Operation not allowed at this time" when ELEMENT_NOT_FOUND "Element not found" when ELEMENT_EXISTS "Element already exists" when ENTERPRISE_ONLY "Enterprise-only feature not supported by community edition" when OP_NOT_APPLICABLE "The operation cannot be applied to the current bin value on the server." when FILTERED_OUT "The transaction was not performed because the predexp was false." when QUERY_END "Query end" when SECURITY_NOT_SUPPORTED "Security not supported" when SECURITY_NOT_ENABLED "Security not enabled" when SECURITY_SCHEME_NOT_SUPPORTED "Security scheme not supported" when INVALID_COMMAND "Invalid command" when INVALID_FIELD "Invalid field" when ILLEGAL_STATE "Illegal state" when INVALID_USER "Invalid user" when USER_ALREADY_EXISTS "User already exists" when INVALID_PASSWORD "Invalid password" when EXPIRED_PASSWORD "Expired password" when FORBIDDEN_PASSWORD "Forbidden password" when INVALID_CREDENTIAL "Invalid credential" when INVALID_ROLE "Invalid role" when ROLE_ALREADY_EXISTS "Role already exists" when INVALID_PRIVILEGE "Invalid privilege" when NOT_AUTHENTICATED "Not authenticated" when ROLE_VIOLATION "Role violation" when UDF_BAD_RESPONSE "UDF d error" when INDEX_FOUND "Index already exists" when INDEX_NOTFOUND "Index not found" when INDEX_OOM "Index out of memory" when INDEX_NOTREADABLE "Index not readable" when INDEX_GENERIC "Index error - check server logs" when INDEX_NAME_MAXLEN "Index name max length exceeded" when INDEX_MAXCOUNT "Index count exceeds max" when QUERY_ABORTED "Query aborted" when QUERY_QUEUEFULL "Query queue full" when QUERY_TIMEOUT "Query timeout" when QUERY_GENERIC "Query error" else "ResultCode #{code} unknown in the client. Please file a github issue." end # case end end # class end # module