require 'validator' require 'validator/true_pos' require 'validator/aa' require 'validator/aa_est' require 'validator/bias' require 'validator/decoy' require 'validator/transmem' require 'validator/probability' require 'validator/q_value' require 'validator/prot_from_pep' ## these all for a stupid check... require 'spec_id/sqt' require 'spec_id/proph/prot_summary' require 'spec_id/proph/pep_summary' class Validator::Cmdline Validator_symbols_to_classes = { :tmm => Validator::Transmem::Protein, :decoy => Validator::Decoy, :bad_aa => Validator::AA, :bad_aa_est => Validator::AAEst, :tps => Validator::TruePos, :bias => Validator::Bias, :prob => Validator::Probability, :qval => Validator::QValue, } # was VAL_DEFAULTS DEFAULTS = { :tmm => { # file :min_num_tmm_seqs => 1, :expect_soluble => true, :no_include_tm_peps => 0.8, :bkg => 0.0, }, :decoy => { :hits_together => true, :decoy_on_match => true, :decoy_to_target_ratio => 1.0, }, :bad_aa => { :false_if_found => true, :bkg => 0.0, }, :bad_aa_est => { :false_if_found => true, :bkg => 0.0, }, :bias => { :bkg => 0.0, :proteins_expected => true, }, :ties => true, } COMMAND_LINE = { :decoy => ["--decoy /REGEXP/|FILENAME[,DTR,DOM]", Array, "REGEXP for decoy proteins (catenated searches) or a", "FILENAME of separate search on decoys.", "All regular expressions must be surrounded by '/'", "(no extended options [trailing modifiers]).", "e.g., a run using concatenated reversed proteins that", "includes 'REVERSE' in the fasta heading:", " --decoy /REVERSE/", "Anything fancier should be quoted:", " --decoy '/^\\s*REVERSE/'", "If decoys proteins were searched in a separate file,", "then give the FILENAME (e.g., --decoy decoy.srg)", "DTR = Decoy to Target Ratio (default: #{DEFAULTS[:decoy][:decoy_to_target_ratio]})", "DOM = *true/false, decoy on match",], :decoy_pi_zero => ["--decoy_pi_zero", "uses sequest Xcorrs to estimate the", "percentage of incorrect target hits.", "This over-rides any given DTR (above)"], :tps => ["--tps ", "for a completely defined sample, this is the", "fasta file containing the true protein hits"], # may require digestion: :fasta => ["--fasta FASTA", "fasta file for phobius transmembrane", "(needed if PEPS options is not false)"], :digestion => ["--digestion ORIG_FASTA,PARAMS", Array, "[not recommended]", "Creates the 'false/total' ratio with in silico", "digestion. Otherwise, the 3rd-10th best hits (sorted by", "xcorr) are used.", "The following validators will use this", "information (shared between them) if option given", "ORIG_FASTA = the fasta file used to do the run", "PARAMS = the params file used to do the run",], :bias => ["--bias FASTA[,PE,BKG]", Array, "FASTA contains proteins expected to be in the sample", "PE = *true|false proteins in fasta file expected in sample", "BKG = Background frequency of fps (d: #{DEFAULTS[:bias][:bkg]})",], :bad_aa => ["--bad_aa AA,BKG]", Array, "An amino acid expected (or not expected) in legitimate hits", "AA = The amino acid (e.g., 'C')", "BKG = Background frequency of genuine pephits (d: #{DEFAULTS[:bad_aa][:bkg]}):",], :bad_aa_est => ["--bad_aa_est AA,BKG]", Array, "An amino acid expected (or not expected) in legitimate hits", "AA = The amino acid (e.g., 'C')", "BKG = Background frequency of genuine pephits (d: #{DEFAULTS[:bad_aa_est][:bkg]}):",], :tmm => ["--tmm ", Array, "TM = phobius.small or toppred.out file", "phobius.small:", "", "(select 'Short' output, and save output as file)", "toppred.out:", "", "(output 'toppred.out' in 'New' or 'Xml' format)", "MIN = Int, minimum number transmembrane seqs (def: #{DEFAULTS[:tmm][:min_num_tmm_seqs]})", "SOL = true|false, this is a soluble fraction( def: #{DEFAULTS[:tmm][:expect_soluble]})", "PEPS = Float | false, don't consider tm peps (>= fraction", " tm content) (false skips) (def: #{DEFAULTS[:tmm][:no_include_tm_peps]})", "BKG = Float , background contaminating insoluble (def: #{DEFAULTS[:tmm][:bkg]})"], # VALIDATION MODIFIERS :false_on_tie => ["--false_on_tie", "if peptide belongs to correct AND incorrect proteins", "it will be counted as correct"], } def self.boolean(arg, default) case arg when 'true' ; true when 'false' ; false else ; default end end PrepArgs = { :prob => lambda {|ar, opts| mthd = if ar if ar == 'nsp' :probability elsif ar == 'init' :initial_probability else raise ArgumentError, "--prob [arg], optional arg can only be 'nsp' or 'init'!" end else :probability end opts[:validators].push([:prob, mthd]) }, :perc_qval => lambda {|ar, opts| opts[:validators].push([:perc_qval]) }, :to_qvalues => lambda {|ar, opts| opts[:validators].push([:to_qvalues]) }, :decoy => lambda {|ar, opts| myargs = [:decoy] first_arg = ar[0] val_opts = {} val_opts[:constraint] = if first_arg[0,1] == '/' and first_arg[-1,1] == '/' # cast as a regular expression of has '/ /'[1...-1]) else # assume that it is a filename raise ArgumentError, "File does not exist: #{first_arg}\n(was this supposed to be a regular expression? if so, should be given: /#{first_arg}/)" unless File.exist?(first_arg) first_arg end val_opts[:decoy_to_target_ratio] = (ar[1] || DEFAULTS[:decoy][:decoy_to_target_ratio]).to_f val_opts[:decoy_on_match] = self.boolean(ar[2], DEFAULTS[:decoy][:decoy_on_match]) myargs.push(val_opts) opts[:validators].push(myargs) }, :fasta => lambda {|arg, opts| opts[:fasta] = }, :digestion => lambda {|ar, opts| raise(ArgumentError, "need fasta and sequest params!") if ar.size != 2 opts[:digestion] = ar.dup opts[:digestion_objects] = [[0]),[1])] }, :bias => lambda {|ar, opts| myargs = [:bias] myargs.push([0]) ) val_opts = {} val_opts[:proteins_expected] = self.boolean(ar[1], DEFAULTS[:bias][:proteins_expected]) val_opts[:background] = if ar[2] ar[2].to_f else DEFAULTS[:bias][:bkg] end if ar[3] val_opts[:false_to_total_ratio] = ar[3].to_f end myargs.push(val_opts) opts[:validators].push(myargs) }, :bad_aa => lambda {|ar, opts| ## GET the FREQUENCY myargs = [:bad_aa] myargs.push( ar[0] ) val_opts = {} val_opts[:background] = if ar[1] ar[1].to_f else DEFAULTS[:bad_aa][:bkg] end if ar[2] val_opts[:false_to_total_ratio] = ar[2].to_f end myargs.push(val_opts) opts[:validators].push(myargs) }, :bad_aa_est => lambda {|ar, opts| ## GET the FREQUENCY myargs = [:bad_aa_est] myargs.push( ar[0] ) val_opts = {} val_opts[:background] = if ar[1] ar[1].to_f else DEFAULTS[:bad_aa_est][:bkg] end if ar[2] val_opts[:frequency] = ar[2].to_f end myargs.push(val_opts) opts[:validators].push(myargs) }, :tmm => lambda {|ar, opts| myargs = [:tmm] myargs.push( ar[0] ) val_opts = {} val_opts[:min_num_tms] = if ar[1] ; ar[1].to_i else ; DEFAULTS[:tmm][:min_num_tmm_seqs] end val_opts[:soluble_fraction] = self.boolean(ar[2], DEFAULTS[:tmm][:expect_soluble]) val_opts[:no_include_tm_peps] = if ar[3] case ar[3] when 'false' ; false else ; ar[3].to_f end else ; DEFAULTS[:tmm][:no_include_tm_peps] end val_opts[:background] = if ar[4] ; ar[4].to_f else ; DEFAULTS[:tmm][:bkg] end if ar[5] val_opts[:false_to_total_ratio] = ar[5].to_f end myargs.push(val_opts) opts[:validators].push( myargs ) }, :pephits => lambda {|v,opts| opts[:pephits] = }, :tps => lambda {|v,opts| opts[:validators].push([:tps,]) }, :false_on_tie => lambda {|v,opts| opts[:ties] = false }, } def self.requires_pephits?(spec_id_obj) case spec_id_obj when Proph::ProtSummary : true # at least currently (subject to change) when Proph::PepSummary : true when SQTGroup if spec_id_obj.peps.first.respond_to?(:q_value) # its percolator output and we don't have other hits to use true else false end else ; false end end # remove the keys from opts involved in validators and return an array # of validators # postfilter is one of :top_per_scan, :top_per_aaseq, # :top_per_aaseq_charge (of which last two are subsets of scan) def self.prepare_validators(opts, false_on_tie, interactive, postfilter, spec_id) validator_args = opts[:validators] if validator_args.any? {|v| v.first == :to_qvalues } prob_val_args_ar = {|v| v.first == :prob }.first prob_method = if prob_val_args_ar && prob_val_args_ar[1] prob_val_args_ar[1] else :probability end validator_args.reject! {|v| v.first == :prob } require 'vec' require 'qvalue' # get a list of p-values pvals = do |pep| val = 1.0 - pep.send(prob_method) val = 1e-9 if val == 0 val end pvals = #qvals = pvals.qvalues(false, :lambda_vals => 0.30 ) qvals = pvals.qvalues do |qval,pep| pep.q_value = qval end end! do |v| if v.first == :to_qvalues || v.first == :perc_qval [:qval] else v end end correct_wins = !false_on_tie need_false_to_total_ratio = [] need_frequency = [] transmem_vals = [] validators = do |args| tp = args.shift val_args = args.dup # protect the original keys val_args = case tp when :tmm val_args[1][:correct_wins] = correct_wins if opts.key?(:fasta) val_args[1][:fasta] = opts[:fasta] end val_args when :bias val_args[1][:correct_wins] = correct_wins val_args when :tps val_args = [val_args[0], correct_wins] val_args when :decoy val_args[0][:correct_wins] = correct_wins # don't delete the key here since we need the decoy = regexp key val_args else ## bad_aa, prob, and qval are represented here: val_args end val = Validator_symbols_to_classes[tp].new( *val_args ) # make some lists of validators based on pre-processing needs: if tp == :tmm transmem_vals << val end potential_digestion_classes = /Transmem|AA|AAEst|Bias/ if val.class.to_s =~ potential_digestion_classes if val.class.to_s == 'Validator::AAEst' need_frequency.push(val) if val.frequency.nil? elsif !(val.false_to_total_ratio.nil?) $stderr.puts "using false_to_total_ratio: #{val.false_to_total_ratio}" else need_false_to_total_ratio << val end end val end if ((need_false_to_total_ratio.size > 0) or (need_frequency.size > 0)) if opts.key?(:digestion_objects) #raise ArgumentError, "requires --digestion fasta,params argument!" if !opts.key?(:digestion_objects) peps = Digestor.digest( *(opts[:digestion_objects]) ) need_false_to_total_ratio.each do |val| val.set_false_to_total_ratio( peps ) end if need_frequency.size > 0 need_frequency.each do |val| val.set_frequency( opts[:digestion_objects][0] ) end end opts.delete(:digestion_objects) else ## do the new and improved selection of non-top hits to get false_to_total_ratios and freqs $stderr.puts "...using pephits to calculate background ratios" # first_index, last_index pephits = if opts[:pephits] ## protein prophet (since it needs to get ratios somewhere $stderr.puts "using --pephits" opts[:pephits].peps elsif requires_pephits?(spec_id) raise ArgumentError, "with objects of class '#{spec_id.class}', one of your validators requires --pephits or --digestion" else $stderr.puts "using given spec_id.peps" spec_id.peps end not_first_or_second_peps = Sequest.other_hits_sorted_by_xcorr(pephits, 2, 9, [:base_name, :first_scan, :charge]) pephits = case postfilter when :top_per_scan $stderr.puts "using top_per_scan" ; not_first_or_second_peps when :top_per_aaseq # it doesn't matter which one is given since validators are # based on amino acid sequence $stderr.puts 'using top_per_aaseq' not_first_or_second_peps.hash_by(:aaseq) {|pep| pep.first } when :top_per_aaseq_charge $stderr.puts 'using top_per_aaseq_charge' not_first_or_second_peps.hash_by(:aaseq, :charge) {|pep| pep.first } else raise ArgumentError, "must have a valid postfilter method, yours: '#{postfilter}'" end need_false_to_total_ratio.each do |val| val.set_false_to_total_ratio( pephits ) $stderr.puts "false_to_total_ratio for #{val.class.to_s}: #{val.false_to_total_ratio}" end if need_frequency.size > 0 need_frequency.each do |val| $stderr.puts "Setting frequency!" val.set_frequency( pephits ) end end end end if (transmem_vals.size > 0) # and interactive ## we'd like to just run this for interactive # This is overkill if we are doing a single filtering job, but it # ensures that it works in all the ways I'm doing it. Should # refactor eventually !! transmem_vals.each do |val| ## but, prob uses it too! val.transmem_status_hash = val.create_transmem_status_hash(spec_id.peps) end end validators end end