Vagrant Masonry - Config Builder ====================== Configure and manage your Vagrant environments using structured data. > Masonry is the craft of shaping rough pieces of rock into accurate geometrical shapes, at times simple, but some of considerable complexity, and then arranging the resulting stones to form structures. Synopsis -------- This plugin provides an interface to the Vagrant configuration constructs in a logic free manner. You can format your input data to fit your needs and use `vagrant-masonry` to transform that into the needed Vagrant config. Example ------- This example loads all yaml files in the config directory and generates a Vagrant config based on that information. File names are arbitrary and chosen for clarity. #### Directory structure ```shell . ├── config │   ├── roles.yaml │   └── vms.yaml └── Vagrantfile ``` #### Vagrantfile For pure yaml configurations, use yaml loader: ```ruby require 'masonry' Vagrant.configure('2', &ConfigBuilder.load( :yaml, :yamldir, File.expand_path('../config', __FILE__) )) ``` For yaml erb configurations, use yaml_erb loader: ```ruby require 'masonry' Vagrant.configure('2', &ConfigBuilder.load( :yaml_erb, :yamldir, File.expand_path('../config', __FILE__) )) ``` The yaml_erb loader would allow configuration such as: ```yaml --- roles: puppet_apply: provisioners: - type: puppet manifests_path: 'tests' module_path: 'spec/fixtures/modules' manifest_file: <%= ENV['VAGRANT_MANIFEST'] || 'init.pp' %> ``` #### config/roles.yaml ```yaml --- boxes: centos-65-x64: debian-73-x64: roles: bigvm: provider: type: virtualbox customize: [[modifyvm, !ruby/sym id, '--memory', 1024]] synced_folders: - host_path: '.' guest_path: '/vagrant' disabled: true smallvm: provider: type: vmware vmx: memsize: 512 numvcpus: 1 ``` #### config/vms.yaml ```yaml --- vms: - name: db private_networks: [ {ip: ''} ] box: centos-65-x64 hostname: db.puppetlabs.vm roles: bigvm - name: web private_networks: [ {ip: ''} ] box: debian-73-x64 ``` Installation ------------ ### Installation into the Vagrant internal gems: * `vagrant plugin install vagrant-masonry` ### Installation from source Build the gem: * `gem build vagrant-masonry.gemspec` Install the gem: * `gem install vagrant-masonry-.gem` License ------- **Vagrant Masonry** plugin is based on [vagrant-config_builder]( plugin. **Vagrant Masonry** is licensed under [Apache 2.0](LICENSE) license.