require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/spec_helper') describe "GettextSimple" do before do require "tmpdir" @dir = Dir.mktmpdir Dir.mkdir("#{@dir}/da") Dir.mkdir("#{@dir}/da/LC_MESSAGES") file_path = "#{@dir}/da/LC_MESSAGES/default.po", "w") do |fp| fp.puts "msgid \"test %{name}\"\n" fp.puts "msgstr \"test translate %{name}\"\n" fp.puts "\n" fp.puts "msgid \"\"\n" fp.puts "\"test multiple lines\"\n" fp.puts "msgstr \"\"\n" fp.puts "\"test mange\"\n" fp.puts "\" linjer\"\n" fp.puts "\n" fp.puts "msgid \"empty translation\"\n" fp.puts "msgstr \"\"\n" fp.puts "\n" end @gs = @gs.load_dir("#{@dir}") end it "can load a pofile and do some translations" do @gs.instance_variable_get(:@locales).keys.should include "da" @gs.instance_variable_get(:@locales)["da"].keys.should include "test %{name}" @gs.instance_variable_get(:@locales)["da"]["test %{name}"].should eq "test translate %{name}" @gs.translate_with_locale("da", "test %{name}", :name => "Trala").should eq "test translate Trala" end it "can register kernel method shortcuts" do @gs.register_kernel_methods @gs.locale_for_thread = "da" _("test %{name}", :name => "Kasper").should eq "test translate Kasper" end it "can read multiple line values" do @gs.instance_variable_get(:@locales)["da"].keys.should include "test multiple lines" @gs.instance_variable_get(:@locales)["da"]["test multiple lines"].should eq "test mange linjer" end it "can read a sample file from POEdit" do @gs = da = {} locales = @gs.instance_variable_get(:@locales) locales[:da] = da @gs.__send__(:scan_pofile, :da, "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/sample_file.po") da["Locale"].should eq "Sprog" test_key = " is your online tool for the best beach vacation in Denmark. Find reviews and insider tips for danish beaches and rate your favorite beach." test_value = " er dit online værktøj til den bedste strand ferie i Danmark. Find bedømmelser og insider tips til danske strande og bedøm dine favoritstrande." da[test_key].should eq test_value end it "should ignore empty translations" do @gs.instance_variable_get(:@locales)["da"].keys.should_not include "empty translation" end end