require File.join(File.dirname(File.expand_path(__FILE__)), "spec_helper") Sequel.extension :migration describe "pg_enum extension" do before do @db = Sequel.connect('mock://postgres', :quote_identifiers=>false) @db.extend( do def schema_parse_table(*) [[:a, {:oid=>1}]] end end) @db.send(:metadata_dataset)._fetch = [[{:v=>1, :enumlabel=>'a'}, {:v=>1, :enumlabel=>'b'}, {:v=>1, :enumlabel=>'c'}], [{:typname=>'enum1', :v=>212389}]] @db.extension(:pg_array, :pg_enum) @db.sqls end it "should include enum information in the schema entry" do @db.schema(:a).must_equal [[:a, {:oid=>1, :ruby_default=>nil, :type=>:enum, :enum_values=>%w'a b c'}]] end it "should typecast objects to string" do @db.typecast_value(:enum, :a).must_equal 'a' end it "should add array parsers for enum values" do @db.conversion_procs[212389].call('{a,b,c}').must_equal %w'a b c' end it "should support #create_enum method for adding a new enum" do @db.create_enum(:foo, [:a, :b, :c]) @db.sqls.first.must_equal "CREATE TYPE foo AS ENUM ('a', 'b', 'c')" @db.create_enum(:sch__foo, %w'a b c') @db.sqls.first.must_equal "CREATE TYPE AS ENUM ('a', 'b', 'c')" end it "should support #drop_enum method for dropping an enum" do @db.drop_enum(:foo) @db.sqls.first.must_equal "DROP TYPE foo" @db.drop_enum(:sch__foo, :if_exists=>true) @db.sqls.first.must_equal "DROP TYPE IF EXISTS" @db.drop_enum('foo', :cascade=>true) @db.sqls.first.must_equal "DROP TYPE foo CASCADE" end it "should support #add_enum_value method for adding value to an existing enum" do @db.add_enum_value(:foo, :a) @db.sqls.first.must_equal "ALTER TYPE foo ADD VALUE 'a'" end it "should support :before option for #add_enum_value method for adding value before an existing enum value" do @db.add_enum_value('foo', :a, :before=>:b) @db.sqls.first.must_equal "ALTER TYPE foo ADD VALUE 'a' BEFORE 'b'" end it "should support :after option for #add_enum_value method for adding value after an existing enum value" do @db.add_enum_value(:sch__foo, :a, :after=>:b) @db.sqls.first.must_equal "ALTER TYPE ADD VALUE 'a' AFTER 'b'" end it "should support :if_not_exists option for #add_enum_value method for not adding the value if it exists" do @db.add_enum_value(:foo, :a, :if_not_exists=>true) @db.sqls.first.must_equal "ALTER TYPE foo ADD VALUE IF NOT EXISTS 'a'" end it "should reverse a create_enum directive in a migration" do c = do attr_reader :actions def initialize(&block) @actions = [] end def method_missing(*args) @actions << args end end db = p = do create_enum(:type_name, %w'value1 value2 value3') end Sequel.migration{change(&p)}.apply(db, :up) Sequel.migration{change(&p)}.apply(db, :down) db.actions.must_equal [ [:create_enum, :type_name, ["value1", "value2", "value3"] ], [:drop_enum, :type_name] ] end end