- snippet_authored_by_me = snippet.author_id == current_user.id - row_selector = "tr[data-snippet-id='#{snippet.id}']" tr(data={ "snippet-id" => snippet.id, invocation_url: snippet_invocations_path(snippet) }) td = link_to "Toggle", "#{row_selector} .css-toggle-container", class: "button compact low-key", title: "Toggle the visibility of the entire content and body", data: { behaviour: "css-toggler" } |   = tooltip_with_block(label: t(".copy_to_clipboard")) do = clipboard_button_for("#{row_selector} .body") -if remote |   = link_to "Insert", "#", title: "Insert this snippet into the letter", class: "insert-snippet button compact alternative" td.css-toggle-container = tooltip_with_block(label: snippet.title) do = snippet.title td.css-toggle-container.body= snippet.body.html_safe - unless author == :me td.col-width-medium.author= snippet.author -unless remote td.last_used_on = "#{snippet.last_used_on? ? l(snippet.last_used_on) : 'Never'} (#{snippet.times_used})" td.updated_at= l(snippet.updated_at) td.actions - if snippet_authored_by_me = link_to t(".edit"), edit_snippet_path(snippet) = pipe_separator = link_to t(".duplicate"), snippet_clones_path(snippet_id: snippet), method: :post = pipe_separator = link_to t(".delete"), snippet_path(snippet), method: :delete, data: { confirm: delete_confirmation_msg } - else = link_to t(".clone"), snippet_clones_path(snippet_id: snippet), method: :post