begin require 'active_model' require 'active_support' require 'active_support/core_ext/string/inflections.rb' rescue LoadError => e abort "you need to add the 'active_model' and 'active_support' gems to use Ro::Model" end module Ro class Model # extend ActiveModel::Naming extend ActiveModel::Translation include ActiveModel::Validations include ActiveModel::Conversion # Fattr(:collection){ default_collection_name } Fattr(:default_collection_name){ } Fattr(:root){ Ro.root } Fattr(:prefix){ File.join(root, collection) } def Model.nodes(*args, &block) root.nodes.send(collection) end def Model.all(*args, &block) models_for(nodes) end def*args, &block)*args, &block) end def Model.detect(*args, &block) all.detect(*args, &block) end def Model.count(*args, &block) if args.empty? and block.nil? all.size else where(*args, &block).size end end def Model.where(*args, &block) do |model| !!model.instance_eval(&block) end end def Model.first all.first end def Model.last all.last end def Model.find(*args, &block) models_for(nodes.find(*args, &block)) end def Model.paginate(*args, &block) models_for(nodes.paginate(*args, &block)) end def Model.models_for(result) case result when Array Array(result){|element| new(element)} else new(result) end end # attr_accessor(:node) def initialize(*args, &block) attributes = Map.options_for!(args) node = args.detect{|arg| arg.is_a?(Node)} model = args.detect{|arg| arg.is_a?(Model)} if node.nil? and not model.nil? node = model.node end if node @node = node else path = File.join(prefix, ':new') node = @node = node end end def attributes @node.attributes end # def prefix self.class.prefix end def directory File.join(prefix, id) end # def method_missing(method, *args, &block) node.send(method, *args, &block) end end end if __FILE__ == $0 ENV['RO_ROOT'] = '../sample_ro_data' class Person < Ro::Model #field(:first_name, :type => :string) end p Person.collection p Person.all p Person.find(:ara).attributes ara = Person.find(:ara) p ara.url_for(:ara_glacier) p Person.paginate(:per => 2, :page => 1) p p Person.prefix p p ara.first_name require 'pry' binding.pry end