# = Cells
# Cells are view components for Rails. Being lightweight controllers with actions and views, cells are the
# answer to DoubleRenderErrors and the long awaited ability to render actions within actions.
# == Directory structure
# Cells live in +app/cells/+ and have a similar file layout as controllers.
# app/
# cells/
# shopping_cart_cell.rb
# shopping_cart/
# status.html.erb
# product_list.haml
# layouts/
# box.html.erb
# == Cell nesting
# Is is good practice to split up complex cell views into multiple states or views. Remember, you can always use
# render :view => ... and render :state => ... in your views.
# Following this, you stick to encapsulation and save your code from getting inscrutable, as it happens in most
# controller views, partials, and so called "helpers".
# Given the following setup:
# class ShoppingCartCell < Cell::Base
# def cart
# @items = items_in_cart
# render
# end
# def order_button
# render
# end
# You could now render the "Order!" button in the +cart.haml+ view.
# - for item in @items
# = @item.title
# render :state => :order_button
# which is more than just a partial, as you may execute additional code in the state method.
# == View inheritance
# Unlike controllers, Cells can form a class hierarchy. Even views are inherited, which is pretty useful
# when overriding only small parts of the view.
# So if you'd need a special "Order!" button with sparkling stars on christmas, your cell would go like this.
# class XmasCartCell < ShoppingCartCell
# end
# Beside your new class you'd provide a star-sprangled button view in +xmas_cart/order_button.haml+.
# When rendering the +cart+ state, the states as well as the "missing" views are inherited from ancesting cells,
# this is pretty DRY and object-oriented, isn't it?
module Cells
# Setup your special needs for Cells here. Use this to add new view paths.
# Example:
# Cells.setup do |config|
# config.append_view_path << "app/view_models"
# end
def self.setup
def self.rails3_0?
::Rails::VERSION::MINOR == 0
def self.rails3_1_or_more?
::Rails::VERSION::MINOR >= 1
require 'cell/rails'
require 'cells/railtie'
require 'cells/rails'
require 'cells/rails_compat' # fixes a bug in Rails <3.0.4. # TODO: remove me as soon as we support 3.1, only.
require 'cell/deprecations'
Cell::Base = Cell::Rails