# frozen_string_literal: true require 'socket' require_relative 'statsd/version' require_relative 'statsd/telemetry' require_relative 'statsd/udp_connection' require_relative 'statsd/uds_connection' require_relative 'statsd/message_buffer' require_relative 'statsd/serialization' require_relative 'statsd/sender' require_relative 'statsd/forwarder' # = Datadog::Statsd: A DogStatsd client (https://www.datadoghq.com) # # @example Set up a global Statsd client for a server on localhost:8125 # require 'datadog/statsd' # $statsd = Datadog::Statsd.new 'localhost', 8125 # @example Send some stats # $statsd.increment 'page.views' # $statsd.timing 'page.load', 320 # $statsd.gauge 'users.online', 100 # @example Use {#time} to time the execution of a block # $statsd.time('account.activate') { @account.activate! } # @example Create a namespaced statsd client and increment 'account.activate' # statsd = Datadog::Statsd.new 'localhost', 8125, :namespace => 'account' # statsd.increment 'activate' # @example Create a statsd client with global tags # statsd = Datadog::Statsd.new 'localhost', 8125, tags: 'tag1:true' module Datadog class Statsd class Error < StandardError end OK = 0 WARNING = 1 CRITICAL = 2 UNKNOWN = 3 UDP_DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE = 1_432 UDS_DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE = 8_192 DEFAULT_BUFFER_POOL_SIZE = Float::INFINITY MAX_EVENT_SIZE = 8 * 1_024 # minimum flush interval for the telemetry in seconds DEFAULT_TELEMETRY_FLUSH_INTERVAL = 10 COUNTER_TYPE = 'c' GAUGE_TYPE = 'g' HISTOGRAM_TYPE = 'h' DISTRIBUTION_TYPE = 'd' TIMING_TYPE = 'ms' SET_TYPE = 's' # A namespace to prepend to all statsd calls. Defaults to no namespace. attr_reader :namespace # Global tags to be added to every statsd call. Defaults to no tags. def tags serializer.global_tags end # Default sample rate attr_reader :sample_rate # @param [String] host your statsd host # @param [Integer] port your statsd port # @option [String] namespace set a namespace to be prepended to every metric name # @option [Array|Hash] tags tags to be added to every metric # @option [Logger] logger for debugging # @option [Integer] buffer_max_payload_size max bytes to buffer # @option [Integer] buffer_max_pool_size max messages to buffer # @option [String] socket_path unix socket path # @option [Float] default sample rate if not overridden def initialize( host = nil, port = nil, socket_path: nil, namespace: nil, tags: nil, sample_rate: nil, buffer_max_payload_size: nil, buffer_max_pool_size: nil, buffer_overflowing_stategy: :drop, logger: nil, telemetry_enable: true, telemetry_flush_interval: DEFAULT_TELEMETRY_FLUSH_INTERVAL ) unless tags.nil? || tags.is_a?(Array) || tags.is_a?(Hash) raise ArgumentError, 'tags must be an array of string tags or a Hash' end @namespace = namespace @prefix = @namespace ? "#{@namespace}.".freeze : nil @serializer = Serialization::Serializer.new(prefix: @prefix, global_tags: tags) @sample_rate = sample_rate @forwarder = Forwarder.new( host: host, port: port, socket_path: socket_path, global_tags: tags, logger: logger, buffer_max_payload_size: buffer_max_payload_size, buffer_max_pool_size: buffer_max_pool_size, buffer_overflowing_stategy: buffer_overflowing_stategy, telemetry_flush_interval: telemetry_enable ? telemetry_flush_interval : nil, ) end # yield a new instance to a block and close it when done # for short-term use-cases that don't want to close the socket manually def self.open(*args) instance = new(*args) yield instance ensure instance.close end # Sends an increment (count = 1) for the given stat to the statsd server. # # @param [String] stat stat name # @param [Hash] opts the options to create the metric with # @option opts [Numeric] :sample_rate sample rate, 1 for always # @option opts [Array] :tags An array of tags # @option opts [Numeric] :by increment value, default 1 # @see #count def increment(stat, opts = EMPTY_OPTIONS) opts = { sample_rate: opts } if opts.is_a?(Numeric) incr_value = opts.fetch(:by, 1) count(stat, incr_value, opts) end # Sends a decrement (count = -1) for the given stat to the statsd server. # # @param [String] stat stat name # @param [Hash] opts the options to create the metric with # @option opts [Numeric] :sample_rate sample rate, 1 for always # @option opts [Array] :tags An array of tags # @option opts [Numeric] :by decrement value, default 1 # @see #count def decrement(stat, opts = EMPTY_OPTIONS) opts = { sample_rate: opts } if opts.is_a?(Numeric) decr_value = - opts.fetch(:by, 1) count(stat, decr_value, opts) end # Sends an arbitrary count for the given stat to the statsd server. # # @param [String] stat stat name # @param [Integer] count count # @param [Hash] opts the options to create the metric with # @option opts [Numeric] :sample_rate sample rate, 1 for always # @option opts [Array] :tags An array of tags def count(stat, count, opts = EMPTY_OPTIONS) opts = { sample_rate: opts } if opts.is_a?(Numeric) send_stats(stat, count, COUNTER_TYPE, opts) end # Sends an arbitary gauge value for the given stat to the statsd server. # # This is useful for recording things like available disk space, # memory usage, and the like, which have different semantics than # counters. # # @param [String] stat stat name. # @param [Numeric] value gauge value. # @param [Hash] opts the options to create the metric with # @option opts [Numeric] :sample_rate sample rate, 1 for always # @option opts [Array] :tags An array of tags # @example Report the current user count: # $statsd.gauge('user.count', User.count) def gauge(stat, value, opts = EMPTY_OPTIONS) opts = { sample_rate: opts } if opts.is_a?(Numeric) send_stats(stat, value, GAUGE_TYPE, opts) end # Sends a value to be tracked as a histogram to the statsd server. # # @param [String] stat stat name. # @param [Numeric] value histogram value. # @param [Hash] opts the options to create the metric with # @option opts [Numeric] :sample_rate sample rate, 1 for always # @option opts [Array] :tags An array of tags # @example Report the current user count: # $statsd.histogram('user.count', User.count) def histogram(stat, value, opts = EMPTY_OPTIONS) send_stats(stat, value, HISTOGRAM_TYPE, opts) end # Sends a value to be tracked as a distribution to the statsd server. # # @param [String] stat stat name. # @param [Numeric] value distribution value. # @param [Hash] opts the options to create the metric with # @option opts [Numeric] :sample_rate sample rate, 1 for always # @option opts [Array] :tags An array of tags # @example Report the current user count: # $statsd.distribution('user.count', User.count) def distribution(stat, value, opts = EMPTY_OPTIONS) send_stats(stat, value, DISTRIBUTION_TYPE, opts) end # Sends a timing (in ms) for the given stat to the statsd server. The # sample_rate determines what percentage of the time this report is sent. The # statsd server then uses the sample_rate to correctly track the average # timing for the stat. # # @param [String] stat stat name # @param [Integer] ms timing in milliseconds # @param [Hash] opts the options to create the metric with # @option opts [Numeric] :sample_rate sample rate, 1 for always # @option opts [Array] :tags An array of tags def timing(stat, ms, opts = EMPTY_OPTIONS) opts = { sample_rate: opts } if opts.is_a?(Numeric) send_stats(stat, ms, TIMING_TYPE, opts) end # Reports execution time of the provided block using {#timing}. # # If the block fails, the stat is still reported, then the error # is reraised # # @param [String] stat stat name # @param [Hash] opts the options to create the metric with # @option opts [Numeric] :sample_rate sample rate, 1 for always # @option opts [Array] :tags An array of tags # @yield The operation to be timed # @see #timing # @example Report the time (in ms) taken to activate an account # $statsd.time('account.activate') { @account.activate! } def time(stat, opts = EMPTY_OPTIONS) opts = { sample_rate: opts } if opts.is_a?(Numeric) start = now yield ensure timing(stat, ((now - start) * 1000).round, opts) end # Sends a value to be tracked as a set to the statsd server. # # @param [String] stat stat name. # @param [Numeric] value set value. # @param [Hash] opts the options to create the metric with # @option opts [Numeric] :sample_rate sample rate, 1 for always # @option opts [Array] :tags An array of tags # @example Record a unique visitory by id: # $statsd.set('visitors.uniques', User.id) def set(stat, value, opts = EMPTY_OPTIONS) opts = { sample_rate: opts } if opts.is_a?(Numeric) send_stats(stat, value, SET_TYPE, opts) end # This method allows you to send custom service check statuses. # # @param [String] name Service check name # @param [String] status Service check status. # @param [Hash] opts the additional data about the service check # @option opts [Integer, String, nil] :timestamp (nil) Assign a timestamp to the service check. Default is now when none # @option opts [String, nil] :hostname (nil) Assign a hostname to the service check. # @option opts [Array, nil] :tags (nil) An array of tags # @option opts [String, nil] :message (nil) A message to associate with this service check status # @example Report a critical service check status # $statsd.service_check('my.service.check', Statsd::CRITICAL, :tags=>['urgent']) def service_check(name, status, opts = EMPTY_OPTIONS) telemetry.sent(service_checks: 1) if telemetry forwarder.send_message(serializer.to_service_check(name, status, opts)) end # This end point allows you to post events to the stream. You can tag them, set priority and even aggregate them with other events. # # Aggregation in the stream is made on hostname/event_type/source_type/aggregation_key. # If there's no event type, for example, then that won't matter; # it will be grouped with other events that don't have an event type. # # @param [String] title Event title # @param [String] text Event text. Supports newlines (+\n+) # @param [Hash] opts the additional data about the event # @option opts [Integer, String, nil] :date_happened (nil) Assign a timestamp to the event. Default is now when none # @option opts [String, nil] :hostname (nil) Assign a hostname to the event. # @option opts [String, nil] :aggregation_key (nil) Assign an aggregation key to the event, to group it with some others # @option opts [String, nil] :priority ('normal') Can be "normal" or "low" # @option opts [String, nil] :source_type_name (nil) Assign a source type to the event # @option opts [String, nil] :alert_type ('info') Can be "error", "warning", "info" or "success". # @option opts [Boolean, false] :truncate_if_too_long (false) Truncate the event if it is too long # @option opts [Array] :tags tags to be added to every metric # @example Report an awful event: # $statsd.event('Something terrible happened', 'The end is near if we do nothing', :alert_type=>'warning', :tags=>['end_of_times','urgent']) def event(title, text, opts = EMPTY_OPTIONS) telemetry.sent(events: 1) if telemetry forwarder.send_message(serializer.to_event(title, text, opts)) end # Close the underlying socket def close forwarder.close end def sync_with_outbound_io forwarder.sync_with_outbound_io end # Flush the buffer into the connection def flush(flush_telemetry: false, sync: false) forwarder.flush(flush_telemetry: flush_telemetry, sync: sync) end def telemetry forwarder.telemetry end def host forwarder.host end def port forwarder.port end def socket_path forwarder.socket_path end def transport_type forwarder.transport_type end private attr_reader :serializer attr_reader :forwarder PROCESS_TIME_SUPPORTED = (RUBY_VERSION >= '2.1.0') EMPTY_OPTIONS = {}.freeze if PROCESS_TIME_SUPPORTED def now Process.clock_gettime(Process::CLOCK_MONOTONIC) end else def now Time.now.to_f end end def send_stats(stat, delta, type, opts = EMPTY_OPTIONS) telemetry.sent(metrics: 1) if telemetry sample_rate = opts[:sample_rate] || @sample_rate || 1 if sample_rate == 1 || rand <= sample_rate full_stat = serializer.to_stat(stat, delta, type, tags: opts[:tags], sample_rate: sample_rate) forwarder.send_message(full_stat) end end end end