require "spec_helper" describe "Objects" do let(:db_path) { "#{Dir.tmpdir}/baza_model_handler_test_#{}_#{Random.rand}.sqlite3" } let(:db) do require "sqlite3" unless RUBY_ENGINE == "jruby" require "tmpdir" File.unlink(db_path) if File.exists?(db_path) db = :sqlite3, path: db_path, debug: false) schema = { tables: { "Group" => { columns: [ {name: :id, type: :int, autoincr: true, primarykey: true}, {name: :groupname, type: :varchar} ] }, "Person" => { columns: [ {name: :id, type: :int, autoincr: true, primarykey: true}, {name: :name, type: :varchar} ] }, "Project" => { columns: [ {name: :id, type: :int, autoincr: true, primarykey: true} ] }, "Task" => { columns: [ {name: :id, type: :int, autoincr: true, primarykey: true}, {name: :name, type: :varchar}, {name: :person_id, type: :int}, {name: :project_id, type: :int} ] }, "Timelog" => { columns: [ {name: :id, type: :int, autoincr: true, primarykey: true}, {name: :person_id, type: :int} ] }, "User" => { columns: [ {name: :id, type: :int, autoincr: true, primarykey: true}, {name: :username, type: :varchar} ] } } } schema, db: db) db end let(:ob) do ob = db: db, datarow: true, require: false, array_enum: true, models: { User: { cache_ids: true } } ) ob.adds(:User, [ {username: "User 1"}, {username: "User 2"}, {username: "User 3"}, {username: "User 4"}, {username: "User 5"} ]) ob end let(:task) { ob.add(:Task, name: 'Test task', person_id: } let(:person) { ob.add(:Person, name: 'Kasper') } let(:project) { ob.add(:Project) } before(:all) do class User < Baza::Model; end class Project < Baza::Model has_many [ {class: :Task, col: :project_id, depends: true} ] end class Task < Baza::Model has_one [ {class: :Person, required: true}, :Project ] end class Person < Baza::Model has_one [:Project] has_many [ {class: :Timelog, autozero: true} ] def html return self[:name] end end class Timelog < Baza::Model; end end it "should be able to cache rows" do expect(ob.ids_cache[:User].length).to eq 5 user = ob.get(:User, 4) raise "No user returned." if !user ob.delete(user) expect(ob.ids_cache[:User].length).to eq 4 ob.deletes([ob.get(:User, 1), ob.get(:User, 2)]) expect(ob.ids_cache[:User].length).to eq 2 end it "should be able to do 'select_col_as_array'" do res = ob.list(:User, "select_col_as_array" => "id").to_a expect(res.length).to eq 5 end it "should work even though stressed by threads (thread-safe)." do userd = [] 10.upto(25) do |i| userd << {username: "User #{i}"} end ob.adds(:User, userd) users = ob.list(:User).to_a #Stress it to test threadsafety... threads = [] 0.upto(5) do |tc| threads << do 0.upto(5) do |ic| user = ob.add(:User, {:username => "User #{tc}-#{ic}"}) raise "No user returned." if !user ob.delete(user) user1 = ob.add(:User, {:username => "User #{tc}-#{ic}-1"}) user2 = ob.add(:User, {:username => "User #{tc}-#{ic}-2"}) user3 = ob.add(:User, {:username => "User #{tc}-#{ic}-3"}) raise "Missing user?" if !user1 or !user2 or !user3 or user1.deleted? or user2.deleted? or user3.deleted? ob.deletes([user1, user2, user3]) count = 0 users.each do |user| count += 1 user[:username] = "#{user[:username]}." unless user.deleted? end expect(count).to eq 21 end end end threads.each(&:join) end it "should be able to skip queries when adding" do class Group < Baza::Model; end ob2 = :db => db, :datarow => true, :require => false ) threads = [] 0.upto(5) do threads << do Thread.current.abort_on_exception = true 0.upto(5) do ret = ob2.add(:Group, {groupname: "User 1"}, {skip_ret: true}) raise "Expected empty return but got something: #{ret}" if ret end end end threads.each do |thread| thread.join end end it "should delete the temporary database." do File.unlink(db_path) if File.exists?(db_path) end #Moved from "knjrbfw_spec.rb" it "should be able to generate a sample SQLite database and add a sample table, with sample columns and with a sample index to it" do require 'tmpdir' db_path = "#{Dir.tmpdir}/knjrbfw_test_sqlite3.sqlite3" db = :type => :sqlite3, :path => db_path, :index_append_table_name => true ) db.tables.create("Project", { :columns => [ {:name => :id, :type => :int, :autoincr => true, :primarykey => true}, {:name => :category_id, :type => :int}, {:name => :name, :type => :varchar} ], :indexes => [ {:name => :category_id, :columns => [:category_id]} ] }) db.tables.create("Task", { :columns => [ {:name => :id, :type => :int, :autoincr => true, :primarykey => true}, {:name => :project_id, :type => :int}, {:name => :person_id, :type => :int}, {:name => :name, :type => :varchar} ], :indexes => [ {:name => :project_id, :columns => [:project_id]} ] }) db.tables.create("Person", { :columns => [ {:name => :id, :type => :int, :autoincr => true, :primarykey => true}, {:name => :name, :type => :varchar} ] }) db.tables.create("Timelog", { :columns => [ {:name => :id, :type => :int, :autoincr => true, :primarykey => true}, {:name => :person_id, :type => :int} ], :indexes => [ :person_id ] }) table = db.tables[:Project] indexes = table.indexes raise "Could not find the sample-index 'category_id' that should have been created." unless indexes[:Project__category_id] #If we insert a row the ID should increase and the name should be the same as inserted (or something is very very wrong)... db.insert("Project", { "name" => "Test project" }) count = 0 db.q("SELECT * FROM Project") do |d| raise "Somehow name was not 'Test project'" if d[:name] != "Test project" raise "ID was not set?" if d[:id].to_i <= 0 count += 1 end raise "Expected count of 1 but it wasnt: #{count}" if count != 1 end it "should be able to automatic generate methods on datarow-classes (has_many, has_one)." do ob = => db, :datarow => true, :require => false) ob.add(:Person, { :name => "Kasper" }) ob.add(:Task, { :name => "Test task", :person_id =>, :project_id => }) begin obb.add(:Task, {:name => "Test task"}) raise "Method should fail but didnt." rescue #ignore. end #Test 'list_invalid_required'. db.insert(:Task, :name => "Invalid require") id = db.last_id found = false ob.list_invalid_required(:class => :Task) do |d| raise "Expected object ID to be #{id} but it wasnt: #{d[:obj].id}" if d[:obj].id.to_i != id.to_i ob.delete(d[:obj]) found = true end raise "Expected to find a task but didnt." if !found ret_proc = [] ob.list(:Task) do |task| ret_proc << task end raise "list with proc should return one task but didnt." if ret_proc.length != 1 tasks = project.tasks raise "No tasks were found on project?" if tasks.empty? ret_proc = [] ret_test = project.tasks do |task| ret_proc << task end raise "When given a block the return should be nil so it doesnt hold weak-ref-objects in memory but it didnt return nil." if ret_test != nil raise "list for project with proc should return one task but didnt (#{ret_proc.length})." if ret_proc.length != 1 person = tasks.first.person project_second = tasks.first.project raise "Returned object was not a person on task." if !person.is_a?(Person) raise "Returned object was not a project on task." if !project_second.is_a?(Project) #Check that has_many-depending is actually working. begin ob.delete(project) raise "It was possible to delete project 1 even though task 1 depended on it!" rescue #this should happen - it should not possible to delete project 1 because task 1 depends on it." end end it "should be able to generate lists for inputs" do task list = ob.list_optshash(:Task) list.length.should eq 1 list[1].should eq 'Test task' end it "should be able to connect to objects 'no-html' callback and test it." do task do |event, classname| "[no #{classname.to_s.downcase}]" end expect(task.person_html).to eq "Kasper" task.update(:person_id => 0) expect(task.person_html).to eq "[no person]" end it "should be able to to multiple additions and delete objects through a buffer" do objs = [] 0.upto(500) do objs << {:name => :Kasper} end ob.adds(:Person, objs) pers_length = ob.list(:Person, "count" => true) count = 0 db.q_buffer do |buffer| ob.list(:Person) do |person| count += 1 ob.delete(person, :db_buffer => buffer) end buffer.flush end raise "Expected count to be #{pers_length} but it wasnt: #{count}" if count != pers_length persons = ob.list(:Person).to_a raise "Expected persons count to be 0 but it wasnt: #{{|e|} }" if persons.length > 0 end it "should do autozero when deleting objects" do person1 = ob.add(:Person, { :name => "Kasper" }) person2 = ob.add(:Person, { :name => "Charlotte" }) timelog1 = ob.add(:Timelog, { :person_id => }) timelog2 = ob.add(:Timelog, { :person_id => }) ob.delete(person1) raise "Expected timelog1's person-ID to be zero but it wasnt: '#{timelog1[:person_id]}'." if timelog1[:person_id].to_i != 0 raise "Expected timelog2's person-ID to be #{} but it wasnt: '#{timelog2[:person_id]}'." if timelog2[:person_id].to_i != end it "should be able to do multiple deletes from ids" do ids = [] 1.upto(10) do |count| ids << ob.add(:Person).id end ob.delete_ids(:class => :Person, :ids => ids) end it "get_or_add" do person1 = ob.add(:Person, { :name => "get_or_add" }) person2 = ob.get_or_add(:Person, { :name => "get_or_add" }) eql( person2[:name].should eql("get_or_add") person3 = ob.get_or_add(:Person, { :name => "get_or_add3" }) raise "Failure ID was the same" if == person3[:name].should eql("get_or_add3") end it "should delete the temp database again." do require 'tmpdir' db_path = "#{Dir.tmpdir}/knjrbfw_test_sqlite3.sqlite3" File.unlink(db_path) if File.exists?(db_path) end end