.. title:: MochiKit.Sortable - sortable with drag and drop lists Name ==== MochiKit.Sortable - sortable with drag and drop lists Synopsis ======== :: Description =========== MochiKit.Sortable add a new Sortable object to manipulate easily drag&drop in lists. Dependencies ============ - :mochiref:`MochiKit.Base` - :mochiref:`MochiKit.Iter` - :mochiref:`MochiKit.DOM` - :mochiref:`MochiKit.Color` - :mochiref:`MochiKit.Visual` - :mochiref:`MochiKit.Signal` - :mochiref:`MochiKit.DragAndDrop` Overview ======== MochiKit.Sortable mainly contains the Sortable object offering facilities to manipulate a list and drag its items to reorder it. It can also be serialized for being send to server. It is ported from Scriptaculous_. .. _Scriptaculous: http://script.aculo.us API Reference ============= Objects defined --------------- :mochidef:`SortableObserver`: Observer for DragAndDrop object. You normally don't have to access this, only for customization purpose. *Availability*: Available in MochiKit 1.4+ :mochidef:`Sortable.create(element [, options])`: Create a new Sortable. Usually you'll call it with a UL element, but it can be customized with options to use something else. You have the following options: ================= ================== element element tag 'li' dropOnEmpty false overlap 'vertical' constraint 'vertical' containment element handle false only false hoverclass null ghosting false scroll false scrollSensitivity 20 scrollSpeed 15 format /^[^_]*_(.*)$/ onChange MochiKit.Base.noop onUpdate MochiKit.Base.noop tree false treeTag 'ul' ================= ================== ``tag``: Name of the tag used to make the draggable elements. It matches all the childNodes of the Sortable element with this tag. ``only``: Class or array of classes used to filter the children, combined with the tag criteria. ``format``: Regular expression which serves as a match filter for serialization, on children' ids. For example, with the default value, you'll get ['1', '2', '3', '4'] with ids ['sort_1', 'sort_2', 'sort_3', 'sort_4']. ``onChange``: Callback called when an element moves between others in the Sortable. It's called for *each* movements, even if you don't release the mouse. ``onUpdate``: Callback called when the order changes in the Sortable. It's called only if the Sortable is modified, after you dropped an element. ``tree``: Option for creating a Sortable tree. It's an experimental setting, that can be very slow even with a few elements. You can customize its behaviour with the ``treeTag`` option, that defines the node used to make branches in your tree (that contains leaves). Other options are passed to the Draggables and Droppables objects created. Refer to :mochiref:`MochiKit.DragAndDrop` for more information. A bug with Internet Explorer rendering engine can cause a problem with the default effect used on start (the symptom being that the rows vanish). If you encounter this problem, pass :mochiref:`MochiKit.Base.noop` as the ``starteffect`` option. *Availability*: Available in MochiKit 1.4+ :mochidef:`Sortable.destroy(element)`: Destroy a previously created sortable. It prevents further use of the Sortable functionnality on the element, unless recreated. *Availability*: Available in MochiKit 1.4+ :mochidef:`Sortable.serialize(element [, options])`: Serialize the content of a Sortable. Useful to send this content through a XMLHTTPRequest. The options overrides the ones of the Sortable only for the serialization. ====== ========================================== tag tag from the Sortable only only from the Sortable name id of the element format format of the Sortable or /^[^_]*_(.*)$ ====== ========================================== *Availability*: Available in MochiKit 1.4+ Authors ======= - Thomas Herve - Bob Ippolito - Originally adapted from Script.aculo.us Copyright ========= Copyright 2005 Bob Ippolito . This program is dual-licensed free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the `MIT License`_ or the `Academic Free License v2.1`_. .. _`MIT License`: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php .. _`Academic Free License v2.1`: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/afl-2.1.php Portions adapted from `Scriptaculous`_ are available under the terms of the `MIT License`_. .. _`Apache License, Version 2.0`: http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.html