/* Copyright (c) 2022 Contrast Security, Inc. See * https://www.contrastsecurity.com/enduser-terms-0317a for more details. */ #include "cs__assess_marshal_module.h" #include "../cs__common/cs__common.h" #include static VALUE contrast_marshal_module_load(const int argc, const VALUE *argv) { VALUE result; VALUE source_string; // Our patches only need only apply in the case where there was valid input. if (argc >= 1) { source_string = argv[0]; } else { source_string = Qnil; } // Run our protect code ahead of the original method if (source_string != Qnil) { rb_funcall(marshal_propagator, rb_sym_protect_marshal_load, 1, source_string); } // Invoke the original method result = rb_call_super(argc, argv); // Run our assess code after the original method if (source_string != Qnil) { VALUE tracked = rb_funcall(properties_hash, rb_sym_hash_tracked, 1, source_string); // Assuming the source is tracked and needs assess checks if (tracked == Qtrue) { VALUE skip = rb_funcall(contrast_patcher(), rb_sym_skip_assess_analysis, 0); // And Assess is enabled and applies to this request if (skip == Qfalse) { rb_funcall(marshal_propagator, rb_sym_assess_marshal_load, 2, source_string, result); } } } return result; } void Init_cs__assess_marshal_module(void) { // Contrast::Agent::Assess::Tracker::PROPERTIES_HASH VALUE tracker = rb_define_class_under(assess, "Tracker", rb_cObject); properties_hash = rb_const_get(tracker, rb_intern("PROPERTIES_HASH")); marshal_propagator = rb_define_class_under(core_assess, "MarshalPropagator", rb_cObject); rb_sym_assess_marshal_load = rb_intern("cs__load_assess"); rb_sym_protect_marshal_load = rb_intern("cs__load_protect"); contrast_register_singleton_prepend_patch( "Marshal", "load", &contrast_marshal_module_load); }