0.6.3 2010-08-16
* Update gem dependencies

0.6.0 (?)
* Add signing as per the new amazon security requirements

0.5.3 2007-09-12
* send_request to use default options.

0.5.2 2007-09-08
* Fixed Amazon::Element.get_unescaped error when result returned for given element path is nil

0.5.1 2007-02-08
* Fixed Amazon Japan and France URL error
* Removed opts.delete(:search_index) from item_lookup, SearchIndex param is allowed 
  when looking for a book with IdType other than the ASIN.
* Check for defined? RAILS_DEFAULT_LOGGER to avoid exception for non-rails ruby app
* Added check for LOGGER constant if RAILS_DEFAULT_LOGGER is not defined
* Added Ecs.configure(&proc) method for easier configuration of default options
* Added Element#search_and_convert method

0.5.0 2006-09-12
Initial Release