article header h2 Main Recipient = f.simple_fields_for :main_recipient do |fmr| .radio_buttons.row.optional.letter_main_recipient_person_role.field_with_hint .columns.small-12 - if patient.primary_care_physician.nil? || patient.practice.nil? .panel | No option to send to GP as patient is missing a practice or GP = fmr.collection_radio_buttons(:person_role, letter.person_roles, :second, :first, label: false) do |b| .radio = b.label { \ b.radio_button(data: { salutation: b.object.last }, class: "radio_buttons recipient-person-role-picker has_salutation") \ + b.text \ } .hint= letter.patient_cc_hint = fmr.input :id, as: :hidden div#contact-selector(style="display: none") #contact-selector-input = fmr.input :addressee_id, as: :select, collection: contacts.array_for_drop_down_with_options, input_html: { :class => "containing_salutations" }, label: false, include_blank: "-- Choose contact --" .row .small-offset-3.small-9.columns = link_to t(".add_contact"), "#", class: "tiny button", data: { behaviour: "add-new-contact-as-main-recipient", source: contact_added_patient_letters_letters_path(patient), modal: "#add-patient-contact-modal" } br br