module Merb::Generators class MerbFullGenerator < NamedGenerator def self.source_root File.join(super, 'application', 'merb') end option :testing_framework, :default => :rspec, :desc => 'Testing framework to use (one of: spec, test_unit).' option :orm, :default => :none, :desc => 'Object-Relation Mapper to use (one of: none, activerecord, datamapper, sequel).' desc <<-DESC This generates a Merb application with Ruby on Rails like structure. Generator lets you configure your ORM and testing framework of choice. DESC glob! first_argument :name, :required => true, :desc => "Application name" invoke :layout do |generator|, options, 'application') end def destination_root File.join(@destination_root, base_name) end end add_private :app_full, MerbFullGenerator end