# This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the new BSD License.
# Copyright (c) 2010, Sebastian Staudt
module Rubikon
module Application
# The application sandbox is a wrapper used to secure internal Rubikon
# logic from access by user generated application code.
# This is mostly to prevent accidental execution or change of Rubikon's
# internal code. But it also helps to prevent possible security problems
# depending on the code used inside the application logic.
# @see Application::InstanceMethods
# @since 0.4.0
class Sandbox
# Create a new application sandbox
# @param [Application::Base] app The application to be sandboxed
def initialize(app)
raise ArgumentError unless app.is_a? Application::Base
@__app__ = app
# Method calls on the sandbox wrapper will be relayed to the singleton
# instance. Methods defined in InstanceMethods are protected and will
# raise a NoMethodError.
# @param (see ClassMethods#method_missing)
# @raise [NoMethodError] if a method is called that is defined inside
# InstanceMethods and should therefore be protected
# @see InstanceMethods
def method_missing(name, *args, &block)
if @__app__.class.instance_methods(false).include?(name.to_s) ||
!(InstanceMethods.method_defined?(name) ||
@__app__.send(name, *args, &block)
raise NoMethodError.new("Method `#{name}' is protected by the application sandbox", name)
# Relay putc to the instance method
# This is used to hide Kernel#putc so that the application's
# output IO object is used for printing characters
# @param [String, Numeric] char The character to write into the output
# stream
def putc(text)
@__app__.send(:putc, text)
# Relay puts to the instance method
# This is used to hide Kernel#puts so that the application's
# output IO object is used for printing text
# @param [String] text The text to write into the output stream
def puts(text = nil)
@__app__.send(:puts, text)