require 'optparse' module SnapCI module ParallelTests class CLI attr_reader :runner, :argv, :test_opts def initialize(runner, argv) @runner = runner @argv = argv.dup @test_opts = nil if split_index = @argv.index('--') @test_opts = @argv.drop(split_index + 1).join(' ') @argv = @argv.take(split_index) end end def run options = parse! test_files = find_all_tests(options[:files_or_dirs], options) if options[:trace] $stderr.puts "Found the following #{runner.test_file_name}s" $stderr.puts test_files.collect { |t| " - #{t}" }.join("\n") end report_number_of_tests(test_files, SnapCI::ParallelTests.total_workers) test_files_to_run = SnapCI::ParallelTests.partition( things: test_files, total_workers: SnapCI::ParallelTests.total_workers, current_worker_index: SnapCI::ParallelTests.worker_index, group_by: options[:group_by] ) if test_files_to_run.empty? $stderr.puts 'No tests to run' else if options[:trace] $stderr.puts "Will run the following #{runner.test_file_name}s and ignore others" $stderr.puts test_files.collect { |t| " - #{t}" }.join("\n") end runner.execute(test_files_to_run, options) end end private def find_all_tests(tests, options = {}) (tests || []).map do |file_or_folder| if files = files_in_folder(file_or_folder, options) files.grep(runner.test_suffix).grep(options[:pattern]||//) else file_or_folder end end.flatten.uniq end def files_in_folder(folder, options={}) pattern = if options[:symlinks] == false # not nil or true '**/*' else # follow one symlink and direct children # '**{,/*/**}/*' end Dir[File.join(folder, pattern)].uniq end def report_number_of_tests(tests, total_workers) return unless runner.report_test_partitioning? name = runner.test_file_name num_tests = tests.size $stderr.puts "#{total_workers} workers for #{num_tests} #{name}s, ~ #{(num_tests.to_f/total_workers).ceil} #{name}s per process" end def parse! options = {} options[:group_by] = :filename parser = do |opts| runner.cli_helper.render_header(opts, options) opts.separator 'supported options:' runner.cli_helper.render_options(opts, options) opts.on('-g', '--group-by TYPE', <<-TEXT) do |type| group tests by: filename - order of finding files(default) filesize - by size of the file TEXT allowed_group_values = %w(filename filesize) raise "Group option only supports #{allowed_group_values.join(', ')}. You passed #{type}" unless allowed_group_values.include?(type) options[:group_by] = type.to_sym end opts.on('-d', '--distribution TYPE', <<-TEXT) do |type| after grouping tests, distribute tests across workers by: roundrobin - distribute files one at a time to each worker (default) chunk - slice tests TEXT allowed_distribution_values = %w(roundrobin chunk) raise "Distribution option only supports #{allowed_distribution_values.join(', ')}. You passed #{type}" unless allowed_distribution_values.include?(type) options[:distribution] = type.to_sym end opts.on('-v', '--version', 'Show Version') do puts "SnapCI Parallel Tests v#{SnapCI::ParallelTests::VERSION}" exit end opts.on('-t', '--trace', 'Turn on verbose mode') do |trace| options[:trace] = trace end opts.on('-h', '--help', 'Show this help screen.') do puts opts exit end runner.cli_helper.render_footer(opts, options) end parser.parse!(argv) options[:files_or_dirs] = argv options[:test_opts] = test_opts if options[:trace] $stderr.puts "trace - got options #{options.inspect}" end options end end end end