### # wxRuby3 SWIG code generation runner # Copyright (c) M.J.N. Corino, The Netherlands ### require 'fileutils' require_relative './streams' require_relative './util/string' require_relative './core/spec_helper' module WXRuby3 module SwigRunner SWIG_MINIMUM_VERSION = '3.0.12' class << self include FileUtils include Util::StringUtil def swig_major check_swig unless swig_state (@swig_version || '').split('.').first.to_i end private def config Config.instance end def swig_state !!@swig_state end def swig_version check_swig unless swig_state @swig_version end def check_swig begin @swig_version = `#{WXRuby3::Config.get_config('swig')} -version`[/\d+\.\d+\.\d+/] rescue Exception STDERR.puts "ERROR: Could not run SWIG (#{WXRuby3::Config.get_config('swig')})" exit(1) end # Very old versions put --version on STDERR, not STDOUT unless @swig_version STDERR.puts "Could not get version info from SWIG; " + "is a very old version installed?.\n" exit(1) end if @swig_version < SWIG_MINIMUM_VERSION STDERR.puts "SWIG version #{@swig_version} is installed, " + "minimum version required is #{SWIG_MINIMUM_VERSION}.\n" exit(1) end @swig_state = true end def run_swig(source, target) check_swig unless swig_state inc_paths = "-I#{config.wxruby_dir} -I#{config.swig_dir}/custom" inc_paths << " -I#{config.swig_dir}/custom/swig#{swig_major}" sh "#{config.get_config('swig')} #{config.wx_cppflags.join(' ')} " + "#{config.extra_cppflags.join(' ')} #{config.verbose_flag} #{inc_paths} " + #"-w401 -w801 -w515 -c++ -ruby " + "-w801 -c++ -ruby " + "-o #{target} #{source}" end end def self.process(director) target = Target.new(director.spec.interface_file) # run SWIG to generate the C++ wrapper code run_swig(director.spec.interface_file, target.source_path) # run the post processors to update the generated C++ code director.spec.post_processors.each { |pp| Processor.run(pp, director, target) } # commit the post processed code target.commit end class Target def initialize(interface_path) @target = File.join(config.src_path, '.generate', File.basename(interface_path, '.i')) @source_path = @target+'.cpp' @header_path = @target+'.h' # remove any stale files FileUtils.rm_f(@source_path) if File.exist?(@source_path) FileUtils.rm_f(@header_path) if File.exist?(@header_path) @source = nil @header = nil end attr_reader :source_path, :header_path def config Config.instance end private :config def source unless @source @source = File.readlines(source_path, chomp: true) end @source end def header unless @header @header = File.readlines(header_path, chomp: true) end @header end def commit # update the generated C++ code with the post processed code Stream.transaction do if @source out = CodeStream.new(source_path) out.puts(@source) end if @header out = CodeStream.new(header_path) out.puts(@header) end end # relocate the finalized C++ code final_tgt_src = File.join(config.src_path, File.basename(source_path)) final_tgt_h = File.join(config.src_path, File.basename(header_path)) (FileUtils.rm_f(final_tgt_src) if File.exist?(final_tgt_src)) rescue nil (FileUtils.rm_f(final_tgt_h) if File.exist?(final_tgt_h)) rescue nil FileUtils.mv(header_path, final_tgt_h) FileUtils.mv(source_path, final_tgt_src) end def to_s @target end end class Processor include DirectorSpecsHelper def initialize(director, target) @director = director @target = target end attr_reader :director protected def collect_result(o) [o].flatten.compact.collect { |s| s.split("\n") } end def update_lines(lines, at_begin: nil, at_end: nil, &block) result = [] result << collect_result(::Proc === at_begin ? at_begin.call : at_begin.to_s) if at_begin lines.each { |line| result << collect_result(block.call(line)) } result << collect_result(::Proc === at_end ? at_end.call : at_end.to_s) if at_end result.flatten! # flatten final results result end def update_source(at_begin: nil, at_end: nil, &block) result = update_lines(@target.source, at_begin: at_begin, at_end: at_end, &block) @target.source.replace(result) end def update_header(at_begin: nil, at_end: nil, &block) result = update_lines(@target.header, at_begin: at_begin, at_end: at_end, &block) @target.header.replace(result) end public def run raise NotImplementedError end def to_s "#{self.class.name}<#{@director.module_name}@#{@director.package.name}>" end def inspect to_s end class << self include Util::StringUtil end def self.run(pid, director, target) puts "Processor.#{pid}: #{target}" const_get(camelize(pid.to_s)).new(director, target).run end class Rename < Processor def run update_source do |line| case line # defined method names when /(rb_define_method|rb_define_module_function|rb_define_protected_method).*("[_a-zA-Z0-9]*")/ name = $2 unless name == '"THE_APP"' line[name] = '"%s"' % rb_method_name(name[1..-2]) end # director called method names when /rb_funcall\(swig_get_self.*rb_intern.*("[_a-zA-Z0-9]*")/ name = $1 line['rb_funcall'] = 'wxRuby_Funcall' line[name] = '"%s"' % rb_method_name(name[1..-2]) # defined alias methods (original method name) when /rb_define_alias\s*\(.*"[_a-zA-Z0-9]+[=\?]?".*("[_a-zA-Z0-9]*")/ name = $1 line[name] = '"%s"' % rb_method_name(name[1..-2]) # defined class names when /rb_define_class_under.*("[_a-zA-Z0-9]*")/ name = $1 line[name] = '"%s"' % rb_class_name(name[1..-2]) # defined constant names when /rb_define_const\s*\([^,]+,\s*("[_a-zA-Z0-9]*")/ name = $1 line[name] = '"%s"' % rb_wx_name(name[1..-2]) # defined class/global methods when /rb_define_singleton_method.*("[_a-zA-Z0-9]*")/ name = $1 no_wx_name = name[1..-2].sub(/\Awx_?/i, '') if no_wx_name == no_wx_name.upcase line[name] = '"%s"' % rb_wx_name(name[1..-2]) else line[name] = '"%s"' % rb_method_name(name[1..-2]) end end line end end end # class Rename class Fixmodule < Processor def collect_enumerators enumerators = {} def_items.each do |item| case item when Extractor::EnumDef item.items.each { |e| enumerators[rb_wx_name(e.name)] = rb_wx_name(item.name) } if item.is_type when Extractor::ClassDef item.items.select { |itm| Extractor::EnumDef === itm }.each do |enum| enum.items.each { |e| enumerators[rb_wx_name(e.name)] = rb_wx_name(enum.name) } if enum.is_type end end end enumerators end private :collect_enumerators def run enum_table = collect_enumerators core_name = name core_name = 'ruby3' if /\Awx\Z/i =~ core_name skip_entire_method = false brace_level = 0 fix_enum = false enum_name = nil found_init = false update_source do |line| if !found_init # all following fixes are applicable only before we reached the # Init_ function # comment out swig_up because it is defined global in every module if (line.index("bool Swig::Director::swig_up")) line = "//" + line end if line =~ /char\* type_name = (RSTRING\(value\)->ptr|RSTRING_PTR\(value\));/ line = "" end # Patch submitted for SWIG 1.3.30 if (line.index("if (strcmp(type->name, type_name) == 0) {")) line = " if ( value != Qnil && rb_obj_is_kind_of(obj, sklass->klass) ) {" end #TODO 1.3.30 # end # Fix the class names used to determine derived/non-derived in 'initialize' ('new') # wrappers if line =~ /const\s+char\s+\*classname\s+SWIGUNUSED\s+=\s+"Wx#{core_name}::wx(\w+)";/ line.sub!(/\"Wx#{core_name}::wx#{$1}/, "\"#{package.fullname}::#{$1}") end # remove the UnknownExceptionHandler::handler method if line.index('void UnknownExceptionHandler::handler()') skip_entire_method = true end if (skip_entire_method) line = "//#{line}" if (line.index('{')) brace_level += 1 end if (line.index('}')) brace_level -= 1 end if (brace_level == 0) skip_entire_method = false end end # at the top of our Init_ function, make sure we only initialize # ourselves once if /void\s+Init_(wx|Wx)#{core_name}\(/ =~ line line += "static bool initialized;\n" line += "if(initialized) return;\n" line += "initialized = true;\n" found_init = true # switch to init fixes end else # all following fixes are part of the Init_ function and so # only need to be checked after that function has been started # Instead of defining a new module, set the container module equal # to the package module. if line['rb_define_module("Wx'] line = " mWx#{core_name} = #{package.module_variable}; // fixmodule.rb" found_define_module = true # elsif line['rb_define_module("Defs'] # line = " m#{core_name} = m#{MAIN_MODULE}; // fixmodule.rb" # found_define_module = true end # As a class is initialised, store a global mapping from it to the # correct SWIGTYPE; see wx.i if line =~ /SWIG_TypeClientData\((SWIGTYPE_p_\w+),\s+ \(void\s\*\)\s+&(\w+)\)/x line << "\n wxRuby_SetSwigTypeForClass(#{$2}.klass, #{$1});" end # TODO : can we improve this? # Fix for Event.i - because it is implemented with a custom Ruby # subclass, need to make this subclass SWIG info available under # the normal name "SWIGTYPE_p_wxEvent" as it's referenced by many # other classes. if core_name == 'Event' or core_name == 'CommandEvent' if line[/SWIG_TypeClientData\(SWIGTYPE_p_wxRuby(Command)?Event/] line = line + " // Inserted by fixmodule.rb\n" + line.sub(/SWIGTYPE_p_wxRuby(Command)?Event/, "SWIGTYPE_p_wx\\1Event") end end # check for known enumerator constants if (md = /rb_define_const\s*\(([^,]+),\s*"([_a-zA-Z0-9]*)"(.*)/.match(line)) # constant definition? if !fix_enum # not fixing one yet # have we reached the first of a known enum? if enum_table.has_key?(md[2]) fix_enum = true enum_name = enum_table[md[2]] line = [ '', # create new enum class " VALUE cWx#{enum_name} = wxRuby_CreateEnumClass(\"#{enum_name}\"); // Inserted by fixmodule.rb", # add enum class constant to current module " rb_define_const(#{md[1]}, \"#{enum_name}\", cWx#{enum_name}); // Inserted by fixmodule.rb", # create enumerator value const under new enum class " wxRuby_AddEnumValue(cWx#{enum_name}, \"#{md[2]}\"#{md[3]} // Updated by fixmodule.rb" ].join("\n") end else # still an enumerator? if enum_table.has_key?(md[2]) # of the same enum? if enum_table[md[2]] == enum_name # create enumerator value const under new enum class line = " wxRuby_AddEnumValue(cWx#{enum_name}, \"#{md[2]}\"#{md[3]} // Updated by fixmodule.rb" else # we found the start of another enum enum_name = enum_table[md[2]] line = [ '', # create new enum class " VALUE cWx#{enum_name} = wxRuby_CreateEnumClass(\"#{enum_name}\"); // Inserted by fixmodule.rb", # add enum class constant to current module " rb_define_const(#{md[1]}, \"#{enum_name}\", cWx#{enum_name}); // Inserted by fixmodule.rb", # create enumerator value const under new enum class " wxRuby_AddEnumValue(cWx#{enum_name}, \"#{md[2]}\"#{md[3]} // Updated by fixmodule.rb" ].join("\n") end else # end of enum def enum_name = nil fix_enum = false end end elsif fix_enum enum_name = nil fix_enum = false end end line end end end # class Fixmodule # replaces SWIG generated class names used as Director base (if any) and for Ruby 'new' (initialize) function class FixClassImplementation < Processor def run # get the generated (class) items for which an alternate implementation has been registered class_list = def_items.select { |itm| Extractor::ClassDef === itm && itm.name != class_implementation(itm.name) } # create re match list for class names cls_re_txt = class_list.collect { |clsdef| clsdef.name }.join('|') # updating any matching alloc functions in generated SWIG sourcecode # create regexp for 'initialize' wrappers (due to overloads this could be more than one per class) new_re = /_wrap_new_(#{cls_re_txt})\w*\(.*\)/ # check if any of the selected classes have a Director proxy enabled if proxies_enabled = class_list.any? { |clsdef| has_proxy?(clsdef) } # create re match list for classes with director proxy enabled dir_cls_re_txt = class_list.select { |clsdef| has_proxy?(clsdef) }.collect { |cd| cd.name }.join('|') # create regexp for Director constructors (may not exist if no proxies are enabled) dir_ctor_re = /SwigDirector_\w+::SwigDirector_\w+\(.*\)\s*:\s*(#{dir_cls_re_txt})\(.*\)\s*,\s*Swig::Director.*{/ end found_new = false cpp_class = nil cpp_new_re = nil update_source do |line| if found_new # inside 'initialize' wrapper? if cpp_new_re =~ line # at C++ allocation of class instance? # replace with the registered implementation class line.sub!(/new\s+#{cpp_class}\(/, "new #{class_implementation(cpp_class)}(") found_new = false # only 1 line will match per wrapper function so stop matching elsif /\A}/ =~ line # end of wrapper function? # stop matching (in case of overloads there will be one matching wrapper function # that does no actual allocation but just acts as a front for the overload wrappers) found_new = false end elsif new_re =~ line # are we at an 'initialize' wrapper? found_new = true cpp_class = $1 cpp_new_re = /new\s+#{cpp_class}\(.*\)/ # regexp for C++ new expression for this specific class elsif proxies_enabled && dir_ctor_re =~ line # at director ctor? # replace base class name by implementation name cpp_class = $1 line.sub!(/:\s*#{cpp_class}\(/, ": #{class_implementation(cpp_class)}(") end line end # check if any of the selected classes have a Director proxy enabled if proxies_enabled # if so, we also need to update the header code (Director class declaration) # create regexp for 'initialize' wrappers (due to overloads this could be more than one per class) dir_re = /class\s+SwigDirector_\w+\s*:\s*public\s+(#{dir_cls_re_txt})\s*,\s*public\s+Swig::Director\s*{/ update_header do |line| if dir_re =~ line # at Director class declaration? # replace base class name by implementation name cpp_class = $1 line.sub!(/public\s+#{cpp_class}/, "public #{class_implementation(cpp_class)}") end line end end end end # Updates SWIG generated wrapper code for Mixin modules. class FixInterfaceMixin < Processor def run # get the generated (class) items which have been defined to be mixins class_list = def_items.select { |itm| Extractor::ClassDef === itm && is_mixin?(itm) } # create re match list for class names cls_re_txt = class_list.collect { |clsdef| rb_wx_name(clsdef.name) }.join('|') skip_method = false skip_conversion = false update_source do |line| if skip_method skip_method = false if /\A}\s*\Z/ =~ line # end of function? line = nil # remove line in output else # transform conversion of 'self' in wrapper functions if /\A(\s*)res1\s*=\s*SWIG_ConvertPtr\(self,\s*&(\w+),\s*SWIGTYPE_p_wx(#{cls_re_txt})/ =~ line line = "#{$1}res1 = wxRuby_ConvertTo#{$3}(self, &#{$2});" elsif /\A(\s*)int\s+(\w+)\s*=\s*SWIG_ConvertPtr\(argv\[0\],\s*&(\w+),\s*SWIGTYPE_p_wx(#{cls_re_txt})/ =~ line line = "#{$1}int #{$2} = wxRuby_ConvertTo#{$4}(argv[0], &#{$3});" # remove unwanted function definitions elsif /\Afree_wx(#{cls_re_txt})/ =~ line line = "free_wx#{$1}() {}" skip_method = true # replace the class creation by a module creation elsif /\A(\s*SwigClassWx(#{cls_re_txt}).klass\s*=\s*)rb_define_class_under\(\s*(\w+)\s*,\s*\"(\w+)\"/ =~ line line = %Q{#{$1}rb_define_module_under(#{$3}, "#{$4}");} # remove the alloc undef line elsif /\A\s*rb_undef_alloc_func\s*\(SwigClassWx(#{cls_re_txt}).klass/ =~ line line = nil # as well as the lifecycle method setups elsif /\A\s*SwigClassWx(#{cls_re_txt})\.(mark|destroy|trackObjects)\s*=/ =~ line line = nil end end line end end end # Provides public access overrides in director proxies for non-virtual protected members # and updates wrapper methods to call public accessors in case of derived classes class FixProtectedAccess < Processor # collect the definitions of protected members that need public overrides for each class in the module def collect_methods cls_list = def_classes.select { |c| !c.ignored && (!c.is_template? || template_as_class?(c.name)) && !is_folded_base?(c.name) } cls_list.inject({}) do |hash, clsdef| intf_class_name = if (clsdef.is_template? && template_as_class?(clsdef.name)) template_class_name(clsdef.name) else clsdef.name end InterfaceAnalyzer.check_for_interface(intf_class_name, package) mtds = InterfaceAnalyzer.class_interface_members_public(intf_class_name).collect do |member| member = if ::String === member InterfaceAnalyzer.class_interface_extension_methods(intf_class_name)[member.tr("\n", '')] elsif Extractor::MethodDef === member || Extractor::MemberVarDef member else nil end if member && needs_public_override?(clsdef, member) member else nil end end.compact hash[rb_wx_name(class_name(clsdef))] = mtds unless mtds.empty? hash end end def run member_map = collect_methods rescue $! return if member_map.empty? # create re match list for class names cls_re_txt = member_map.keys.join('|') cls_re = /class\s*SwigDirector_wx(#{cls_re_txt})\s*:/ at_director = false class_nm = nil # update the SWIG generated director proxy class with the public overrides (inlines) update_header do |line| if at_director # find end of class declaration if /\A};/ =~ line at_director = false # prepend inline public accessors for protected members decls = member_map[class_nm].collect do |mdef| if Extractor::MethodDef === mdef [ " #{mdef.type} #{mdef.name}_Public#{mdef.args_string} {", " #{mdef.type == 'void' ? '' : 'return '}#{mdef.name}(#{mdef.parameters.collect {|p| p.name }.join(',')});", ' }' ] else [ " #{mdef.type} & #{mdef.name}_Public() {", " return #{mdef.name};", ' }' ] end end.flatten line = (decls << line) end # find start of director class elsif cls_re =~ line at_director = true class_nm = $1 end line end wrapper_re = /_wrap_wx(#{cls_re_txt})_(\w+)\(.*\)\s*{/ mtd_call_re = nil at_wrapper = false at_setter = false matched_wrapper = false mtd_nm = nil mdef = nil # update the SWIG generated wrapper code to use the public overrrides and declare the wrapper methods # as protected update_source do |line| if at_wrapper if /\A}/ =~ line at_wrapper = false matched_wrapper = false elsif matched_wrapper && mtd_call_re =~ line prefix = $1 line = [ "#{prefix}fpa_dir = dynamic_cast<Swig::Director *>(arg1);", "#{prefix}fpa_upcall = (fpa_dir && (fpa_dir->swig_get_self() == self));", "#{prefix}if (fpa_upcall)" ] if Extractor::MethodDef === mdef dir_instance = if mdef.is_const "dynamic_cast<const SwigDirector_wx#{class_nm}*> ((const Swig::Director*)fpa_dir)" else "dynamic_cast<SwigDirector_wx#{class_nm}*> (fpa_dir)" end if mdef.type == 'void' line << "#{prefix} #{dir_instance}->#{mtd_nm}_Public#{$2};" else line << "#{prefix} result = (#{mdef.type})#{dir_instance}->#{mtd_nm}_Public#{$2};" end elsif at_setter assignment = $2 dir_instance = "dynamic_cast<SwigDirector_wx#{class_nm}*> (fpa_dir)" line << "#{prefix} #{dir_instance}->#{mdef.name}_Public()#{assignment};" at_setter = false else dir_instance = "dynamic_cast<SwigDirector_wx#{class_nm}*> (fpa_dir)" line << "#{prefix} result = #{dir_instance}->#{mdef.name}_Public();" end line.concat [ "#{prefix}else", "#{prefix} rb_raise(rb_eRuntimeError, \"Invalid access attempt for protected method.\");" ] matched_wrapper = false end # find start of a wrapper method elsif wrapper_re =~ line class_nm = $1 mtd_nm = $2 at_wrapper = true if (mdef = member_map[class_nm].detect { |m| Extractor::MethodDef === m && (m.rb_name || m.name) == mtd_nm }) matched_wrapper = true mtd_call_re = /(\s*)\S.*arg1\)?->#{mtd_nm}(\(.*\));/ line = [line, ' bool fpa_upcall = false;', ' Swig::Director *fpa_dir = 0;'] elsif (mdef = member_map[class_nm].detect { |m| Extractor::MemberVarDef === m && "#{m.rb_name || m.name}_get" == mtd_nm }) matched_wrapper = true mtd_call_re = /(\s*)\S.*arg1\)?->#{mdef.name}\)?;/ line = [line, ' bool fpa_upcall = false;', ' Swig::Director *fpa_dir = 0;'] elsif (mdef = member_map[class_nm].detect { |m| Extractor::MemberVarDef === m && "#{m.rb_name || m.name}_set" == mtd_nm }) matched_wrapper = true at_setter = true; mtd_call_re = /(\s*)\S.*arg1\)?->#{mdef.name}(\s*=\s*.*);/ line = [line, ' bool fpa_upcall = false;', ' Swig::Director *fpa_dir = 0;'] end elsif /rb_define_method\(SwigClassWx(#{cls_re_txt}).klass\s*,\s*"(\w+)(=)?"\s*,\s*VALUEFUNC/ =~ line class_nm = $1 mtdnm = $2 if member_map[class_nm].any? { |m| mtdnm == rb_method_name(m.rb_name || m.name) } line.sub!('rb_define_method', 'rb_define_protected_method') end end line end end end end # class Processor end # module SwigRunner end # module WXRuby3