require 'rack/fiber_pool' require 'async-rack' require 'eventmachine' module Rhoconnect module Synchrony def setup_sessions(builder) options = {} if settings.respond_to?(:fiberpool_size) options[:size] = settings.fiberpool_size end options[:rescue_exception] = handle_exception builder.use Rack::FiberPool, options unless test? builder.use Rhoconnect::Middleware::Async, options super end def handle_exception do |env, e| if settings.show_exceptions? request = printer ={ raise e }) s, h, b = [s, h, b] else [500, {}, ""] end end end end module Middleware class Async def initialize(app, opts={}) @app = app yield self if block_given? end def call(env) f = Fiber.current # making a copy is crucial here # otherwise 'env' will not be the same # in the deferred execution aenv = env.dup operation = proc { res = nil aenv['REQUEST_THREAD'] = Thread.current if(aenv['RHO_ABORT_PROCESS']) res = [500, 'Request is aborted'] else res = end res } result = nil callback = proc { |proc_res| result = proc_res; f.resume } EventMachine.defer operation, callback Fiber.yield result end end end # module AsyncHelpers # #def self.included(klass) # # (klass.instance_methods & self.instance_methods).each do |method| # # klass.instance_eval{remove_method method.to_sym} # # end # #end # # def catch_all # res = nil # begin # res = catch(:halt) { yield } # rescue ApiException => ae # res = [ae.error_code, ae.message] # rescue Exception => e # log e.message + e.backtrace.join("\n") # res = [500, e.message] # end # res # end # # def execute_api_call(&block) # f = Fiber.current # operation = proc { # catch_all do # puts " we are processing the route #{self.inspect}" # method = self.class.send(:generate_method, "calling_method", &block) # #method = instance_method "calling_method" # #remove_method "calling_method" # # #method = Sinatra::Base.generate_method("calling_method", &block) # proc = method.bind(self) # res = # #res = yield # if params.has_key? :warning # Rhoconnect.log params[:warning] # response.headers['Warning'] = params[:warning] # end # res # end # } # result = nil # callback = proc { |proc_res| result = proc_res; f.resume } # # EventMachine.defer operation, callback # Fiber.yield # # we can not throw exceptions across threads # # so we analyze it in the main thread after the # # request has been processed and if result # # has error code - then we throw :halt here # if Array === result and Fixnum === result.first # throw :halt, result # end # result # end # end end