define("dojox/mobile/dh/JsonContentHandler", [ "dojo/_base/kernel", "dojo/_base/array", "dojo/_base/declare", "dojo/_base/lang", "dojo/_base/Deferred", "dojo/json", "dojo/dom-construct" ], function(dojo, array, declare, lang, Deferred, json, domConstruct){ // module: // dojox/mobile/dh/JsonContentHandler return declare("", null, { // summary: // A JSON content handler. // description: // This module is a content handler that creates a view from JSON // data. If widgets used in the JSON data are not available, they // are loaded automatically before instantiation. // // There are two formats as shown in the examples below. You can // choose either of them. The v1.7 format can be more compact, but // if you want multiple widgets at the same level, they must be in // an array. So, you can have, for example, two consecutive // RoundRectLists, but you cannot have, for example, // RoundRectCategory, RoundRectList, RoundRectCategory, and // RoundRectList, because they are keys in one JS object, which // causes conflict. The v1.8 format has no such limitation. // // example: // | // v1.7 format // | { // | "": { // | "@id": "view1", // | "": { // | "@back": "Home", // | "@moveTo": "home", // | "@label": "view1.json" // | }, // | "": { // | "": [{ // | "@label": "Jack Coleman" // | }, { // | "@label": "James Evans" // | }, { // | "@label": "Jason Griffin" // | }] // | } // | } // | } // | // example: // | // v1.8 format // | { // | "class": "", // | "@id": "view1", // | "children": [ // | // | { // | "class": "", // | "@back": "Home", // | "@moveTo": "home", // | "@label": "view1.json" // | }, // | // | { // | "class": "", // | "children": [ // | { // | "class": "", // | "@label": "Jack Coleman" // | }, // | { // | "class": "", // | "@label": "James Evans" // | }, // | { // | "class": "", // | "@label": "Jason Griffin" // | } // | ] // | } // | // | ] // | } // | // example: // | // SpinWheel in v1.8 format // | { // | "class": "", // | "@id": "view1", // | "children": [ // | { // | "class": "", // | "@id": "spin1", // | "@style": {"margin":"10px auto","width":"304px"}, // | "children": [ // | { // | "class": "", // | "@labels": "A,B,C,D,E", // | "@style": {"textAlign":"center","width":"300px"} // | } // | ] // | } // | ] // | } parse: function(/*Object*/ content, /*DomNode*/ target, /*DomNode?*/ refNode){ // summary: // Parses the given data and creates a new view at the given position. // content: // Content data for a new view. // target: // A DOM node under which a new view is created. // refNode: // An optional reference DOM node before which a new view is created. var view, container = domConstruct.create("DIV"); target.insertBefore(container, refNode); this._ws = []; this._req = []; var root = json.parse(content); return Deferred.when(this._loadPrereqs(root), lang.hitch(this, function(){ view = this._instantiate(root, container); = "hidden"; array.forEach(this._ws, function(w){ if(!w._started && w.startup){ w.startup(); } }); this._ws = null; return; })); }, _loadPrereqs: function(root){ // tags: // private var d = new Deferred(); var req = this._collectRequires(root); if(req.length === 0){ return true; } if(dojo.require){ array.forEach(req, function(c){ dojo["require"](c); }); return true; }else{ req =, function(s){ return s.replace(/\./g, "/"); }); require(req, function(){ d.resolve(true); }); } return d; }, _collectRequires: function(obj){ // tags: // private var className = obj["class"]; for(var key in obj){ if(key.charAt(0) == "@" || key === "children"){ continue; } var cls = className || key.replace(/:.*/, ""); this._req.push(cls); if(!cls){ continue; } var objs = className ? [obj] : (lang.isArray(obj[key]) ? obj[key] : [obj[key]]); for(var i = 0; i < objs.length; i++){ // process child widgets if(!className){ this._collectRequires(objs[i]); }else if(objs[i].children){ for(var j = 0; j < objs[i].children.length; j++){ this._collectRequires(objs[i].children[j]); } } } } return this._req; }, _instantiate: function(/*Object*/obj, /*DomNode*/node, /*Widget*/parent){ // summary: // Given the evaluated json data, does the same thing as what // the parser does. // tags: // private var widget; var className = obj["class"]; for(var key in obj){ if(key.charAt(0) == "@" || key === "children"){ continue; } var cls = lang.getObject(className || key.replace(/:.*/, "")); if(!cls){ continue; } var proto = cls.prototype, objs = className ? [obj] : (lang.isArray(obj[key]) ? obj[key] : [obj[key]]); for(var i = 0; i < objs.length; i++){ var params = {}; for(var prop in objs[i]){ if(prop.charAt(0) == "@"){ var v = objs[i][prop]; prop = prop.substring(1); var t = typeof proto[prop]; if(lang.isArray(proto[prop])){ params[prop] = v.split(/\s*,\s*/); }else if(t === "string"){ params[prop] = v; }else if(t === "number"){ params[prop] = v - 0; }else if(t === "boolean"){ params[prop] = (v !== "false"); }else if(t === "object"){ params[prop] = json.parse(v); }else if(t === "function"){ params[prop] = lang.getObject(v, false) || new Function(v); } } } widget = new cls(params, node); if(node){ // to call View's startup() this._ws.push(widget); } if(parent){ widget.placeAt(parent.containerNode || parent.domNode); } // process child widgets if(!className){ this._instantiate(objs[i], null, widget); }else if(objs[i].children){ for(var j = 0; j < objs[i].children.length; j++){ this._instantiate(objs[i].children[j], null, widget); } } } } return widget && widget.domNode; } }); });