# README ## Name clam_chower ## Description Nicely application-level wrapper for anti-virus software. now supports on clamd only. ## Installing Put this line in your Gemfile: ``` gem 'clam_chowder' ``` then bundle: ``` % bundle ``` ## Usage ```ruby response = ClamChowder::Scanner.new.scan_io(file_stream) ``` ### Infected? When the file was infected with a virus, that return true and non-it return false. ```ruby response.infected? # => true ``` ### Virus Name ```ruby response.virus_name # => 'Eicar-Test-Signature' ``` ### Status When the file was infected with a virus, that return 'OK' and non-it return 'FOUND'. ```ruby response.status # => 'OK' ``` ### Stub Mode clam_chowder prepares a stub mode. in stub mode consider infected a virus with written as virus in file. #### How to use ```ruby ClamChowder.default_backend = :stub ``` if you use stub-mode when with the production environment on rails. ```ruby # config/initializers/clam_chowder.rb ClamChowder.default_backend = Rails.env.production? ? :clamd : :stub ``` ## Supported versions - Ruby 2.0 - Ruby 2.1 ## Dependencies - clamd >= 1.0.1 ## Tested environments - MacOSX Mountain Lion - Ubuntu 12.04 LTS ## License clam_chowder is available under the [MIT LICENSE](https://github.com/nexway/clam_chowder/blob/develop/LICENSE.txt)