/* Converts a "toggle" form, with single submit button to add/remove
something, like used for Bookmarks, into an AJAXy checkbox instead.
Apply to a form. Does require certain assumption about the form:
1) The same form 'action' href must be used for both ADD and REMOVE
actions, with the different being the hidden input name="_method"
being set to "put" or "delete" -- that's the Rails method to pretend
to be doing a certain HTTP verb. So same URL, PUT to add, DELETE
to remove. This plugin assumes that.
Plus, the form this is applied to should provide a data-doc-id
attribute (HTML5-style doc-*) that contains the id/primary key
of the object in question -- used by plugin for a unique value for
DOM id's.
Uses HTML for a checkbox compatible with Bootstrap 4.
new CheckboxSubmit(document.querySelector('form.something')).render()
class CheckboxSubmit {
constructor(form) {
this.form = form;
async clicked(evt) {
this.spanTarget.innerHTML = this.form.getAttribute('data-inprogress');
this.labelTarget.setAttribute('disabled', 'disabled');
this.checkboxTarget.setAttribute('disabled', 'disabled');
const response = await fetch(this.formTarget.getAttribute('action'), {
body: new FormData(this.formTarget),
method: this.formTarget.getAttribute('method').toUpperCase(),
headers: {
'Accept': 'application/json',
'X-Requested-With': 'XMLHttpRequest',
'X-CSRF-Token': document.querySelector('meta[name=csrf-token]')?.content
if (response.ok) {
const json = await response.json();
document.querySelector('[data-role=bookmark-counter]').innerHTML = json.bookmarks.count;
} else {
get checked() {
return (this.form.querySelectorAll('input[name=_method][value=delete]').length != 0)
get formTarget() {
return this.form
get labelTarget() {
return this.form.querySelector('[data-checkboxsubmit-target="label"]')
get checkboxTarget() {
return this.form.querySelector('[data-checkboxsubmit-target="checkbox"]')
get spanTarget() {
return this.form.querySelector('[data-checkboxsubmit-target="span"]')
updateStateFor(state) {
this.checkboxTarget.checked = state;
if (state) {
//Set the Rails hidden field that fakes an HTTP verb
//properly for current state action.
this.formTarget.querySelector('input[name=_method]').value = 'delete';
this.spanTarget.innerHTML = this.form.getAttribute('data-present');
} else {
this.formTarget.querySelector('input[name=_method]').value = 'put';
this.spanTarget.innerHTML = this.form.getAttribute('data-absent');
const BookmarkToggle = (e) => {
if (e.target.matches('[data-checkboxsubmit-target="checkbox"]')) {
const form = e.target.closest('form');
if (form) new CheckboxSubmit(form).clicked(e);
document.addEventListener('click', BookmarkToggle);
const ButtonFocus = (e) => {
// Button clicks should change focus. As of 10/3/19, Firefox for Mac and
// Safari both do not set focus to a button on button click.
// See https://zellwk.com/blog/inconsistent-button-behavior/ for background information
if (e.target.matches('[data-toggle="collapse"]') || e.target.matches('[data-bs-toggle="collapse"]')) {
document.addEventListener('click', ButtonFocus);
The blacklight modal plugin can display some interactions inside a Bootstrap
modal window, including some multi-page interactions.
It supports unobtrusive Javascript, where a link or form that would have caused
a new page load is changed to display it's results inside a modal dialog,
by this plugin. The plugin assumes there is a Bootstrap modal div
on the page with id #blacklight-modal to use as the modal -- the standard Blacklight
layout provides this.
To make a link or form have their results display inside a modal, add
`data-blacklight-modal="trigger"` to the link or form. (Note, form itself not submit input)
With Rails link_to helper, you'd do that like:
link_to something, link, data: { blacklight_modal: "trigger" }
The results of the link href or form submit will be displayed inside
a modal -- they should include the proper HTML markup for a bootstrap modal's
contents. Also, you ordinarily won't want the Rails template with wrapping
navigational elements to be used. The Rails controller could suppress
the layout when a JS AJAX request is detected, OR the response
can include a `
` -- only the contents
of the container will be placed inside the modal, the rest of the
page will be ignored.
Link or forms inside the modal will ordinarily cause page loads
when they are triggered. However, if you'd like their results
to stay within the modal, just add `data-blacklight-modal="preserve"`
to the link or form.
Here's an example of what might be returned, demonstrating most of the devices available:
Request Placed
Some message
<%= link_to "This result will still be within modal", some_link, data: { blacklight_modal: "preserve" } %>
One additional feature. If the content returned from the AJAX form submission
can be a turbo-stream that defines some HTML fragementsand where on the page to put them:
const Modal = (() => {
const modal = {};
// a Bootstrap modal div that should be already on the page hidden
modal.modalSelector = '#blacklight-modal';
// Trigger selectors identify forms or hyperlinks that should open
// inside a modal dialog.
modal.triggerLinkSelector = 'a[data-blacklight-modal~=trigger]';
// preserve selectors identify forms or hyperlinks that, if activated already
// inside a modal dialog, should have destinations remain inside the modal -- but
// won't trigger a modal if not already in one.
// No need to repeat selectors from trigger selectors, those will already
// be preserved. MUST be manually prefixed with the modal selector,
// so they only apply to things inside a modal.
modal.preserveLinkSelector = modal.modalSelector + ' a[data-blacklight-modal~=preserve]';
modal.containerSelector = '[data-blacklight-modal~=container]';
// Called on fatal failure of ajax load, function returns content
// to show to user in modal. Right now called only for network errors.
modal.onFailure = function (error) {
console.error('Server error:', this.url, error);
const contents = `
There was a problem with your request.
Expected a successful response from the server, but got an error
document.querySelector(`${modal.modalSelector} .modal-content`).innerHTML = contents;
// Add the passed in contents to the modal and display it.
modal.receiveAjax = function (contents) {
const domparser = new DOMParser();
const dom = domparser.parseFromString(contents, "text/html");
// If there is a containerSelector on the document, use its children.
let elements = dom.querySelectorAll(`${modal.containerSelector} > *`);
if (elements.length == 0) {
// If the containerSelector wasn't found, use the whole document
elements = dom.body.childNodes;
document.querySelector(`${modal.modalSelector} .modal-content`).replaceChildren(...elements);
modal.modalAjaxLinkClick = function(e) {
const href = e.target.getAttribute('href');
.then(response => {
if (!response.ok) {
throw new TypeError("Request failed");
return response.text();
.then(data => modal.receiveAjax(data))
.catch(error => modal.onFailure(error));
modal.setupModal = function() {
// Register both trigger and preserve selectors in ONE event handler, combining
// into one selector with a comma, so if something matches BOTH selectors, it
// still only gets the event handler called once.
document.addEventListener('click', (e) => {
if (e.target.closest(`${modal.triggerLinkSelector}, ${modal.preserveLinkSelector}`))
else if (e.target.closest('[data-bl-dismiss="modal"]'))
modal.hide = function (el) {
const dom = document.querySelector(modal.modalSelector);
if (!dom.open) return
modal.show = function(el) {
const dom = document.querySelector(modal.modalSelector);
if (dom.open) return
return modal;
const SearchContext = (e) => {
if (e.target.matches('[data-context-href]')) {
SearchContext.handleSearchContextMethod.call(e.target, e);
SearchContext.csrfToken = () => document.querySelector('meta[name=csrf-token]')?.content;
SearchContext.csrfParam = () => document.querySelector('meta[name=csrf-param]')?.content;
// this is the Rails.handleMethod with a couple adjustments, described inline:
// first, we're attaching this directly to the event handler, so we can check for meta-keys
SearchContext.handleSearchContextMethod = function(event) {
const link = this;
// instead of using the normal href, we need to use the context href instead
let href = link.getAttribute('data-context-href');
let target = link.getAttribute('target');
let csrfToken = SearchContext.csrfToken();
let csrfParam = SearchContext.csrfParam();
let form = document.createElement('form');
form.method = 'post';
form.action = href;
let formContent = `
// check for meta keys.. if set, we should open in a new tab
if(event.metaKey || event.ctrlKey) {
target = '_blank';
if (csrfParam !== undefined && csrfToken !== undefined) {
formContent += ``;
// Must trigger submit by click on a button, else "submit" event handler won't work!
// https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/HTMLFormElement/submit
formContent += '';
if (target) { form.setAttribute('target', target); }
form.style.display = 'none';
form.innerHTML = formContent;
document.addEventListener('click', SearchContext);
const Blacklight = function() {
const buffer = new Array;
return {
onLoad: function(func) {
activate: function() {
for(let i = 0; i < buffer.length; i++) {
listeners: function () {
const listeners = [];
if (typeof Turbo !== 'undefined') {
listeners.push('turbo:load', 'turbo:frame-load');
} else if (typeof Turbolinks !== 'undefined' && Turbolinks.supported) {
// Turbolinks 5
if (Turbolinks.BrowserAdapter) {
} else {
// Turbolinks < 5
listeners.push('page:load', 'DOMContentLoaded');
} else {
return listeners;
// turbolinks triggers page:load events on page transition
// If app isn't using turbolinks, this event will never be triggered, no prob.
Blacklight.listeners().forEach(function(listener) {
document.addEventListener(listener, function() {
Blacklight.onLoad(function () {
const elem = document.querySelector('.no-js');
// The "no-js" class may already have been removed because this function is
// run on every turbo:load event, in that case, it won't find an element.
if (!elem) return;
const index = {
Core: Blacklight,
onLoad: Blacklight.onLoad
export { index as default };
//# sourceMappingURL=blacklight.esm.js.map