# ronin-exploits-run 1 "2023-02-01" Ronin "User Manuals" ## NAME ronin-exploits-run - Runs an exploit ## SYNOPSIS `ronin-exploits run` [*options*] {*NAME* \| `--file` *FILE*} ## DESCRIPTION Loads and runs an exploit. ## ARGUMENTS *NAME* : The name of the exploit to load. ## OPTIONS `-f`, `--file` *FILE* : The exploit file to load. `-p`, `--param` *NAME*=*VALUE* : Sets a param for the exploit. `-D`, `--dry-run` : Builds the exploit but does not launch it. `-T`, `--test` : Runs only the exploit test. `--payload-file` *FILE* : Load the payload from the given Ruby file. `--read-payload` *FILE* : Reads the payload string from the file. `--payload-string` *STRING* : Uses the raw payload string instead. `-P`, `--payload` *NAME* : The payload to load and use. `--payload-param` *NAME*=*VALUE* : Sets a param in the payload. `--encoder-file` *FILE* : Load the payload encoder from the Ruby file. `-E`, `--encoder` *NAME* : Loads the payload encoder by name. `--encoder-param` *ENCODER*.*NAME*=*VALUE* : Sets a param for the ENCODER. `-t`, `--target` *INDEX* : Selects the target by index. `-A`, `--target-arch` `x86`\|`x86-64`\|`amd64`\|`ia64`\|`ppc`\|`ppc64`\|`arm`\|`armbe`\|`arm64`\|`arm64be`\|`mips`\|`mipsle`\|`mips64`\|`mips64le` : Selects the target with the matching arch. `-O`, `--target-os` `linux`\|`macos`\|`windows`\|`freebsd`\|`openbsd`\|`netbsd` : Selects the target with the matching OS. `--target-os-version` *VERSION* : Selects the target with the matching OS version. `-S`, `--target-software` *NAME* : Selects the target with the matching software name. `-V`, `--target-version` *VERSION* : Selects the target with the matching software version. `-L`, `--save-loot` *DIR* : Saves any found loot to the *DIR*. `-d`, `--debug` : Enables debugging messages. `--irb` : Open an interactive Ruby shell inside the exploit. `-h`, `--help` : Print help information ## AUTHOR Postmodern ## SEE ALSO [ronin-exploits-list](ronin-exploits-list.1.md) [ronin-exploits-show](ronin-exploits-show.1.md) [ronin-exploits-new](ronin-exploits-new.1.md)