require 'spec_helper' module Cellect::Server describe Workflow do SET_TYPES.each do |workflow_type| context workflow_type do it_behaves_like 'workflow', :workflow let(:workflow){ Workflow[workflow_type] } let(:user){ workflow.user 123 } before(:each){ pass_until workflow, is: :ready } it 'should provide unseen for users' do expect(workflow.subjects).to receive(:subtract).with user.seen, 3 workflow.unseen_for 123, limit: 3 end it 'should sample subjects without a user' do expect(workflow.subjects).to receive(:sample).with 3 workflow.sample limit: 3 end it 'should sample subjects with a user' do expect(workflow.subjects).to receive(:subtract).with user.seen, 3 workflow.sample user_id: 123, limit: 3 end it 'should add subjects' do if workflow.prioritized? expect(workflow.subjects).to receive(:add).with 123, 456 workflow.add subject_id: 123, priority: 456 else expect(workflow.subjects).to receive(:add).with 123 workflow.add subject_id: 123 end end it 'should remove subjects' do expect(workflow.subjects).to receive(:add).with 123 workflow.add subject_id: 123 end it 'should be notified of a user ttl expiry' do async_workflow = double expect(workflow).to receive(:async).and_return async_workflow expect(async_workflow).to receive(:remove_user).with user.ttl_expired! end it 'should remove users when their ttl expires' do id = workflow.remove_user id expect(workflow.users).to_not have_key id expect{ }.to raise_error end it 'should not be grouped' do expect(workflow).to_not be_grouped end end end end end