require 'spec_helper' require './spec/support/mocks/mock_extension' describe Appsignal do before do # Make sure we have a clean state because we want to test # initialization here. Appsignal.agent.shutdown if Appsignal.agent Appsignal.config = nil Appsignal.agent = nil Appsignal.extensions.clear end let(:transaction) { regular_transaction } describe ".config=" do it "should set the config" do config = project_fixture_config Appsignal.logger.should_not_receive(:level=) Appsignal.config = config Appsignal.config.should == config end end describe ".extensions" do it "should keep a list of extensions" do Appsignal.extensions.should be_empty Appsignal.extensions << Appsignal::MockExtension Appsignal.extensions.should have(1).item end end describe ".start" do it "should do nothing when config is not loaded" do Appsignal.logger.should_receive(:error).with( "Can't start, no config loaded" ) Appsignal.start Appsignal.agent.should be_nil end context "when config is loaded" do before { Appsignal.config = project_fixture_config } it "should start an agent" do Appsignal.start Appsignal.agent.should be_a Appsignal::Agent Appsignal.logger.level.should == Logger::INFO end it "should load integrations" do Appsignal.should_receive(:load_integrations) Appsignal.start end it "should load instrumentations" do Appsignal.should_receive(:load_instrumentations) Appsignal.start end context "when not active for this environment" do before { Appsignal.config = project_fixture_config('staging') } it "should do nothing" do Appsignal.logger.should_receive(:info).with( 'Not starting, not active for staging' ) Appsignal.start Appsignal.agent.should be_nil end end context "with an extension" do before { Appsignal.extensions << Appsignal::MockExtension } it "should call the extension's initializer" do Appsignal::MockExtension.should_receive(:initializer) Appsignal.start end end end describe ".load_integrations" do it "should require the integrations" do Appsignal.should_receive(:require).at_least(:once) end after { Appsignal.load_integrations } end describe ".load_instrumentations" do before { Appsignal.config = project_fixture_config } context "Net::HTTP" do context "if on in the config" do it "should require net_http" do Appsignal.should_receive(:require).with('appsignal/instrumentations/net_http') end end context "if off in the config" do before { Appsignal.config.config_hash[:instrument_net_http] = false } it "should not require net_http" do Appsignal.should_not_receive(:require).with('appsignal/instrumentations/net_http') end end end after { Appsignal.load_instrumentations } end context "with debug logging" do before { Appsignal.config = project_fixture_config('test') } it "should change the log level" do Appsignal.start Appsignal.logger.level.should == Logger::DEBUG end end end describe '.active?' do subject { } context "without config and agent" do before do Appsignal.config = nil Appsignal.agent = nil end it { should be_false } end context "with agent and inactive config" do before do Appsignal.config = project_fixture_config('nonsense') Appsignal.agent = end it { should be_false } end context "with active agent and config" do before do Appsignal.config = project_fixture_config Appsignal.agent = end it { should be_true } end end context "not active" do describe ".enqueue" do it "should do nothing" do lambda { Appsignal.enqueue(Appsignal::Transaction.create(SecureRandom.uuid, ENV)) }.should_not raise_error end end describe ".monitor_transaction" do it "should do nothing but still yield the block" do Appsignal::Transaction.should_not_receive(:create) ActiveSupport::Notifications.should_not_receive(:instrument) object = double object.should_receive(:some_method) lambda { Appsignal.monitor_transaction('perform_job.nothing') do object.some_method end }.should_not raise_error end end describe ".listen_for_exception" do it "should do nothing" do error ='specific error') lambda { Appsignal.listen_for_exception do raise error end }.should raise_error(error) end end describe ".send_exception" do it "should do nothing" do lambda { Appsignal.send_exception( }.should_not raise_error end end describe ".add_exception" do it "should do nothing" do lambda { Appsignal.add_exception( }.should_not raise_error end end describe ".tag_request" do it "should do nothing" do lambda { Appsignal.tag_request(:tag => 'tag') }.should_not raise_error end end end context "with config and started" do before do Appsignal.config = project_fixture_config Appsignal.start end describe ".enqueue" do subject { Appsignal.enqueue(transaction) } it "forwards the call to the agent" do Appsignal.agent.should respond_to(:enqueue) Appsignal.agent.should_receive(:enqueue).with(transaction) subject end end describe ".monitor_transaction" do context "with a normall call" do it "should instrument and complete" do Appsignal::Transaction.stub(:current => transaction) ActiveSupport::Notifications.should_receive(:instrument).with( 'perform_job.something', :class => 'Something' ).and_yield transaction.should_receive(:complete!) object = double object.should_receive(:some_method) Appsignal.monitor_transaction( 'perform_job.something', :class => 'Something' ) do object.some_method end end end context "with an erroring call" do let(:error) {'the roof') } it "should add the error to the current transaction and complete" do Appsignal.should_receive(:add_exception).with(error) Appsignal::Transaction.should_receive(:complete_current!) lambda { Appsignal.monitor_transaction('perform_job.something') do raise error end }.should raise_error(error) end end end describe ".tag_request" do before { Appsignal::Transaction.stub(:current => transaction) } context "with transaction" do let(:transaction) { double } it "should call set_tags on transaction" do transaction.should_receive(:set_tags).with({'a' => 'b'}) end after { Appsignal.tag_request({'a' => 'b'}) } end context "without transaction" do let(:transaction) { nil } it "should call set_tags on transaction" do Appsignal.tag_request.should be_false end end it "should also listen to tag_job" do Appsignal.should respond_to(:tag_job) end end describe ".transactions" do subject { Appsignal.transactions } it { should be_a Hash } end describe '.logger' do subject { Appsignal.logger } it { should be_a Logger } end describe ".start_logger" do let(:out_stream) { } let(:log_file) { File.join(path, 'appsignal.log') } before do @original_stdout = $stdout $stdout = out_stream Appsignal.logger.error('Log something') end after do $stdout = @original_stdout end context "when the log path is writable" do let(:path) { File.join(project_fixture_path, 'log') } before { Appsignal.start_logger(path) } it "should log to file" do File.exists?(log_file).should be_true include 'Log something' end end context "when the log path is not writable" do let(:path) { '/nonsense/log' } before { Appsignal.start_logger(path) } it "should log to stdout" do Appsignal.logger.error('Log to stdout') out_stream.string.should include 'appsignal: Log to stdout' end end context "when we're on Heroku" do let(:path) { File.join(project_fixture_path, 'log') } before do ENV['DYNO'] = 'dyno1' Appsignal.start_logger(path) end after { ENV.delete('DYNO') } it "should log to stdout" do Appsignal.logger.error('Log to stdout') out_stream.string.should include 'appsignal: Log to stdout' end end context "when we're on Shelly Cloud" do let(:path) { File.join(project_fixture_path, 'log') } before do ENV['SHELLYCLOUD_DEPLOYMENT'] = 'true' Appsignal.start_logger(path) end after { ENV.delete('SHELLYCLOUD_DEPLOYMENT') } it "should log to stdout" do Appsignal.logger.error('Log to stdout') out_stream.string.should include 'appsignal: Log to stdout' end end context "when there is no in memory log" do it "should not crash" do Appsignal.in_memory_log = nil Appsignal.start_logger(nil) end end end describe '.config' do subject { Appsignal.config } it { should be_a Appsignal::Config } it 'should return configuration' do subject[:endpoint].should == '' end end describe ".post_processing_middleware" do before { Appsignal.instance_variable_set(:@post_processing_chain, nil) } it "returns the default middleware stack" do Appsignal::Aggregator::PostProcessor.should_receive(:default_middleware) Appsignal.post_processing_middleware end it "returns a chain when called without a block" do instance = Appsignal.post_processing_middleware instance.should be_an_instance_of Appsignal::Aggregator::Middleware::Chain end context "when passing a block" do it "yields an appsignal middleware chain" do Appsignal.post_processing_middleware do |o| o.should be_an_instance_of Appsignal::Aggregator::Middleware::Chain end end end end describe ".send_exception" do before { Appsignal::Pipe.stub(:current => false) } let(:tags) { nil } it "should send the exception to AppSignal" do agent = double(:shutdown => true, :active? => true) Appsignal.stub(:agent).and_return(agent) agent.should_receive(:send_queue) agent.should_receive(:enqueue).with(kind_of(Appsignal::Transaction)) Appsignal::Transaction.should_receive(:create).and_call_original end context "with tags" do let(:tags) { {:a => 'a', :b => 'b'} } it "should tag the request before sending" do transaction = Appsignal::Transaction.create(SecureRandom.uuid, {}) Appsignal::Transaction.stub(:create => transaction) transaction.should_receive(:set_tags).with(tags) end end it "should not send the exception if it's in the ignored list" do Appsignal.stub(:is_ignored_exception? => true) Appsignal::Transaction.should_not_receive(:create) end after do begin raise "I am an exception" rescue Exception => e Appsignal.send_exception(e, tags) end end end describe ".listen_for_exception" do it "should call send_exception and re-raise" do Appsignal.should_receive(:send_exception).with(kind_of(Exception)) lambda { Appsignal.listen_for_exception do raise "I am an exception" end }.should raise_error(RuntimeError, "I am an exception") end end describe ".add_exception" do before { Appsignal::Transaction.stub(:current => transaction) } let(:exception) {'I am an exception') } it "should add the exception to the current transaction" do transaction.should_receive(:add_exception).with(exception) Appsignal.add_exception(exception) end it "should do nothing if there is no current transaction" do Appsignal::Transaction.stub(:current => nil) transaction.should_not_receive(:add_exception).with(exception) Appsignal.add_exception(exception) end it "should not add the exception if it's in the ignored list" do Appsignal.stub(:is_ignored_exception? => true) transaction.should_not_receive(:add_exception).with(exception) Appsignal.add_exception(exception) end it "should do nothing if the exception is nil" do transaction.should_not_receive(:add_exception) Appsignal.add_exception(nil) end end describe ".without_instrumentation" do let(:agent) { double } before do Appsignal.stub(:agent => agent) end it "should pause and unpause the agent around the block" do agent.should_receive(:paused=).with(true) agent.should_receive(:paused=).with(false) end context "without agent" do let(:agent) { nil } it "should not crash" do # just execute the after block end end after do Appsignal.without_instrumentation do # nothing end end end describe ".is_ignored_exception?" do let(:exception) { } before do Appsignal.stub( :config => {:ignore_exceptions => 'StandardError'} ) end subject { Appsignal.is_ignored_exception?(exception) } it "should return true if it's in the ignored list" do should be_true end context "when exception is not in the ingore list" do let(:exception) { } it "should return false" do should be_false end end end describe ".is_ignored_action?" do let(:action) { 'TestController#isup' } before do Appsignal.stub( :config => {:ignore_actions => 'TestController#isup'} ) end subject { Appsignal.is_ignored_action?(action) } it "should return true if it's in the ignored list" do should be_true end context "when action is not in the ingore list" do let(:action) { 'TestController#other_action' } it "should return false" do should be_false end end end end end