module Trestle module CardHelper def card(options={}, &block) content_tag(:div, options.slice(:id, :data).merge(class: ["card", options[:class]].compact)) do safe_join([ (content_tag(:div, options[:header], class: "card-header") if options[:header]), content_tag(:div, class: "card-body", &block), (content_tag(:div, options[:footer], class: "card-footer") if options[:footer]) ].compact) end end def panel(options={}, &block) ActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn("The panel helper is deprecated and will be removed in future versions of Trestle. Please use the card helper instead.") card(options.merge(header: options[:title]), &block) end def well(options={}, &block) ActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn("The well helper is deprecated and will be removed in future versions of Trestle. Please use the card helper instead.") card(options, &block) end end end