# kitchen-vra A driver to allow Test Kitchen to consume vRealize Automation (vRA) resources to perform testing. ## Installation Add this line to your application's Gemfile: ```ruby gem 'kitchen-vra' ``` And then execute: $ bundle Or install it yourself as: $ gem install kitchen-vra Or even better, install it via ChefDK: $ chef gem install kitchen-vra ## Usage After installing the gem as described above, edit your .kitchen.yml file to set the driver to 'vra' and supply your login credentials: ```yaml driver: name: vra username: myuser@corp.local password: mypassword tenant: mytenant base_url: https://vra.corp.local verify_ssl: true ``` If you want username and password to be prompted, remove usename and password in your .kitchen.yml as shown below: ```yaml driver: name: vra tenant: mytenant base_url: https://vra.corp.local verify_ssl: true ``` If you don't want to explicitly specify username and password in the kitchen.yml, you have an option to set it in the environment variable as $ export VRA_USER_NAME='myuser@corp.local' $ export VRA_USER_PASSWORD='mypassword' Then configure your platforms. Either a catalog_id or a catalog_name is required for each platform. If both catalog_id and catalog_name are mentioned in .kitchen.yml then catalog_name would be used to derive the catalog_id and this catalog_id would override the catalog_id being passed in .kitchen.yml. In the below example as can be seen we are using catalog_id for centos6 driver while catalog_name for the centos7 driver just to demonstrate that we can use either of the two. ```yaml platforms: - name: centos6 driver: catalog_id: e9db1084-d1c6-4c1f-8e3c-eb8f3dc574f9 - name: centos7 driver: catalog_name: my_catalog_name ``` Other options that you can set include: * **lease_days**: number of days to request for a lease, if your catalog item / blueprint requires it * **request_timeout**: amount of time, in seconds, to wait for a vRA request to complete. Default is 600 seconds. * **server_ready_retries**: Number of times to retry the "waiting for server to be ready" check. In some cases, this will error out immediately due to DNS propagation issues, etc. Setting this to a number greater than 0 will retry the `wait_until_ready` method with a growing sleep in between each attempt. Defaults to 1. Set to 0 to disable any retrying of the `wait_until_ready` method. * **cpus**: number of CPUs the host should have * **memory**: amount of RAM, in MB, the host should have * **requested_for**: the vRA login ID to list as the owner of this resource. Defaults to the vRA username configured in the `driver` section. * **subtenant_id**: the Business Group ID to list as the owner. This is required if the catalog item is a shared/global item; we are unable to determine the subtenant_id from the catalog, and vRA requires it to be set on every request. * **private_key_path**: path to the SSH private key to use when logging in. Defaults to '~/.ssh/id_rsa' or '~/.ssh/id_dsa', preferring the RSA key. Only applies to instances where SSH transport is used; i.e., does not apply to Windows hosts with the WinRM transport configured. * **use_dns**: Defaults to `false`. Set to `true` if vRA doesn't manage vm ip addresses. This will cause kitchen to attempt to connect via hostname. * **dns_suffix**: Defaults to `nil`. Set to your domain suffix, for example 'mydomain.com'. This only takes effect when `use_dns` == true and is appended to the hostname returned by vRA. * **extra_parameters**: a hash of other data to set on a catalog request, most notably custom properties. Allows updates to existing properties on the blueprint as well as the addition of new properties. The vRA REST API expects 'provider-' appended to the front of a property name; each key in the hash is the property name, and the value is a another hash containing the value data type and the value itself. These settings can be set globally under the top-level `driver` section, or they can be set on each platform, which allows you to set globals and then override them. For example, this configuration would set the CPU count to 1 except on the "large" platform: ```yaml driver: name: vra cpus: 1 platforms: - name: small driver: catalog_name: my_catalog_name_small catalog_id: 8a189191-fea6-43eb-981e-ee0fa40f8f57 extra_parameters: provider-mycustompropname: type: string value: smallvalue provider-Vrm.DataCenter.Location: type: string value: Non-Prod - name: large driver: catalog_name: my_catalog_name_large catalog_id: 1d7c6122-18fa-4ed6-bd13-8a33b6c6ed50 cpus: 2 extra_parameters: provider-mycustompropname: type: string value: largevalue provider-Vrm.DataCenter.Location: type: string value: Prod ``` ## License and Authors Author:: Chef Partner Engineering () Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2015-2017 Chef Software, Inc. License:: Apache License, Version 2.0 Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at ``` http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ``` Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. ## Contributing We'd love to hear from you if this doesn't work in your vRA environment. Please log a GitHub issue, or even better, submit a Pull Request with a fix! 1. Fork it ( https://github.com/chef-partners/kitchen-vra/fork ) 2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`) 3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`) 4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`) 5. Create a new Pull Request