(function(){ window.Paloma = { callbacks : {}, filterScopes : {}, locals : {}, variableContainer : {} }; var FILTER_TYPES = {}, FILTER_TYPE_NAMES = ['BEFORE', 'AFTER', 'AROUND'], INCLUSION_TYPES = {}, INCLUSION_TYPE_NAMES = ['ALL', 'ONLY', 'EXCEPT']; FILTER_TYPES.BEFORE = 0; FILTER_TYPES.AFTER = 1; FILTER_TYPES.AROUND = 2; INCLUSION_TYPES.ALL = 3; INCLUSION_TYPES.ONLY = 4; INCLUSION_TYPES.EXCEPT = 5; Paloma.inheritLocals = function(options){ var from = Paloma.locals[options['from']], to = Paloma.locals[options['to']]; for (var local in from){ // Overriding is allowed. if ( to.hasOwnProperty(local) ){ continue; } to[local] = from[local]; } }; Paloma.FilterScope = function(name){ this.name = name; this.filters = {}; this.skippers = {}; for (var i = 0, n = FILTER_TYPE_NAMES.length; i < n; i++){ var type = FILTER_TYPE_NAMES[i].toUpperCase(); this.filters[ FILTER_TYPES[type] ] = []; this.skippers[ FILTER_TYPES[type] ] = []; } Paloma.filterScopes[name] = this; }; // Creates a new Filter instance registered under this FilterScope. Paloma.FilterScope.prototype.as = function(filterName){ return (new Paloma.Filter(this, filterName)); }; // skip_*_filter/s methods (function(){ for (var i = 0, n = FILTER_TYPE_NAMES.length; i < n; i++){ var type = FILTER_TYPE_NAMES[i], singular = 'skip_' + type.toLowerCase() + '_filter', plural = singular + 's', method = function(skipperType){ return function(){ return (new Paloma.Skipper(this, FILTER_TYPES[skipperType], arguments)); }; }; Paloma.FilterScope.prototype[singular] = new method(type); Paloma.FilterScope.prototype[plural] = Paloma.FilterScope.prototype[singular]; } })(); // Skipper class Paloma.Skipper = function(scope, type, filters){ this.scope = scope; this.type = type; this.filters = Array.prototype.slice.call(filters); this.inclusionType = INCLUSION_TYPES.ALL; this.actions = []; // Register this skipper on its scope. this.scope.skippers[this.type].push(this); }; Paloma.Skipper.prototype.skip = function(filter, action){ if (this.filters.indexOf(filter.name) == -1){ return false; } var actionIsListed = this.actions.indexOf(action) != -1, isAllActions = this.inclusionType == INCLUSION_TYPES.ALL, isQualified = this.inclusionType == INCLUSION_TYPES.ONLY && actionIsListed, isNotExcepted = this.inclusionType == INCLUSION_TYPES.EXCEPT && !actionIsListed; return (isAllActions || isQualified || isNotExcepted); }; Paloma.Skipper.prototype.only = function(){ this.inclusionType = INCLUSION_TYPES.ONLY; this.actions = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments); }; Paloma.Skipper.prototype.except = function(){ this.inclusionType = INCLUSION_TYPES.EXCEPT; this.actions = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments); }; // Filter class Paloma.Filter = function(scope, name){ this.scope = scope; this.name = name; this.type = undefined; this.inclusionType = INCLUSION_TYPES.ONLY; this.actions = []; this.method = undefined; }; // Create Methods: // - before, after, around, *_all, except_* (function(){ var Basic = function(type){ return function(){ return this.setProperties(type, INCLUSION_TYPES.ONLY, arguments); }; }; var All = function(type){ return function(){ return this.setProperties(type, INCLUSION_TYPES.ALL, []); }; }; var Except = function(type){ return function(){ return this.setProperties(type, INCLUSION_TYPES.EXCEPT, arguments); }; }; for (var i = 0, n = FILTER_TYPE_NAMES.length; i < n; i++){ var name = FILTER_TYPE_NAMES[i].toLowerCase(), type = FILTER_TYPES[name.toUpperCase()]; Paloma.Filter.prototype[name] = new Basic(type); Paloma.Filter.prototype[name + '_all'] = new All(type); Paloma.Filter.prototype['except_' + name] = new Except(type); } })(); // End of creating methods. // This will be the last method to be invoked when declaring a filter. // This will set what method/function will be executed when the filter is called. Paloma.Filter.prototype.perform = function(method){ this.method = method; // This is the only time the filter is registered to its owner scope. this.scope.filters[this.type].push(this); return this; }; Paloma.Filter.prototype.isApplicable = function(action){ var actionIsListed = this.actions.indexOf(action) != -1, isAllActions = this.inclusionType == INCLUSION_TYPES.ALL, isQualified = this.inclusionType == INCLUSION_TYPES.ONLY && actionIsListed, isNotExcepted = this.inclusionType == INCLUSION_TYPES.EXCEPT && !actionIsListed; return (isAllActions || isQualified || isNotExcepted); }; Paloma.Filter.prototype.setProperties = function(type, inclusion, actions){ this.type = type; this.inclusionType = inclusion; this.actions = Array.prototype.slice.call(actions); return this; }; // Execute callback that corresponds to the controller and action passed. Paloma.execute = function(controller, action, params){ var callbackFound = true; var callback = Paloma.callbacks[controller]; callbackFound = callback != undefined; callback = callback[action]; callbackFound = callback != undefined; // Parse parameters params = params || {}; // Request details var requestControllerPath = params['controller_path'].split('/'); params['controller'] = requestControllerPath.pop(); params['namespace'] = requestControllerPath.join('/'); // Callback details var callbackControllerPath = controller.split('/'); params['callback_controller'] = callbackControllerPath.pop(); params['callback_namespace'] = callbackControllerPath.join('/'); params['callback_controller_path'] = controller; params['callback_action'] = action; var beforeFilters = getOrderedFilters( FILTER_TYPES.BEFORE, params['callback_namespace'], controller, action); var afterFilters = getOrderedFilters( FILTER_TYPES.AFTER, params['callback_namespace'], controller, action); // Start filter and callback executions performFilters(beforeFilters); if (callbackFound){ callback(params); } performFilters(afterFilters); // variableContainer is used to share variable between filters and callbacks. // It will be cleared after it is used. Paloma.variableContainer = []; }; var getOrderedFilters = function(beforeOrAfter, namespace, controller, action){ var filters = [], applicableFilters = [], skippers = [], scopes = [ Paloma.filterScopes['/'], Paloma.filterScopes[namespace], Paloma.filterScopes[controller]]; for (var i = 0, n = scopes.length; i < n; i++){ var scope = scopes[i]; if (scope == undefined){ continue; } var mainFilters = scope.filters[beforeOrAfter], aroundFilters = scope.filters[FILTER_TYPES.AROUND]; // Around Filters have lower precedence than before or after filters. if (mainFilters != undefined){ filters = filters.concat(mainFilters); } if (aroundFilters != undefined){ filters = filters.concat(aroundFilters); } skippers = skippers.concat( scope.skippers[beforeOrAfter], scope.skippers[FILTER_TYPES.AROUND]); } // Select only applicable filters for the passed action. for (var i = 0, n = filters.length; i < n; i++){ var filter = filters[i], isApplicable = filter.isApplicable(action), isNotSkipped = true; for (var k = 0, len = skippers.length; k < len; k++){ if ( skippers[k].skip(filter, action) ){ isNotSkipped = false; break;} } if (isApplicable && isNotSkipped){ applicableFilters.push(filter); } } return applicableFilters; }; var performFilters = function(filters, params){ for (var i = 0, n = filters.length; i < n; i++){ filters[i].method(params); } }; })();