lib = File.expand_path('../lib', __FILE__) $LOAD_PATH.unshift(lib) unless $LOAD_PATH.include?(lib) require 'usaidwat/version' GEMSPEC = `git ls-files | grep gemspec`.chomp GEM = "usaidwat-#{USaidWat::VERSION}.gem" desc "Build usaidwat.gem" task :build => :perms do system "gem", "build", GEMSPEC end desc "Ensure correct permissions for usaidwat.gem" task :perms do system "chmod", "-R", "a+rX", *`git ls-files`.chomp.split("\n") end desc "Tag the latest version of usaidwat" task :tag do system "git", "tag", "-s", "-m", "usaidwat v#{USaidWat::VERSION}", "v#{USaidWat::VERSION}" end desc "Install usaidwat.gem" task :install => :build do system "gem", "install", GEM end desc "Push gem to RubyGems" task :release => [:tag, :build] do fail 'Cannot release a dev version' if USaidWat::VERSION.end_with?('dev') system "gem", "push", GEM end desc "Run the test suite" task :test do ok = system "bundle", "exec", "rspec" fail if !ok system "bundle", "exec", "cucumber", "-f", "progress" end desc "Clean built products" task :clean do rm Dir.glob("*.gem"), :verbose => true end task :default => :build