# brume I am not a designer so I cannot impress you with breathtaking Jekyll themes, but brume is something that just came to my mind and I had to build it. It is a clean and simple theme, which has an index page that lists all your blog posts divided by the year, a single post page and a layout for any additional pages you might need. This is how the "Home" page looks like. ![Home](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/aigarsdz/brume/master/screenshots/home.png) And this is a single post. ![Post](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/aigarsdz/brume/master/screenshots/post_1.png) ![Post. More content examples.](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/aigarsdz/brume/master/screenshots/post_2.png) ## Usage Brume can be installed just like any other Jekyll theme as described [here](https://jekyllrb.com/docs/themes/#installing-a-theme), but there are a couple of additional steps you have to take. 1. All the links are defined in a file *_data/links.yml*, therefore you'll have to create a *_data* directory and put this file there in order for navigation to be displayed. 2. Brume uses `home` layout for the home page (like the default Jekyll theme). All you need to do is create an *index.html* or *index.md* file with `layout: home`. If you want the home page to be listed in the navigation you have to add `title` to it's front matter that matches the title you used for the home page link in the *links.yml* file. Titles are used to indicate the current page. ## Theme customization This theme has 4 predefined colors that can be used for links: - azul - ruby - amber - avocado By default it uses *avocado*, but if you want to select another one just change the `color_scheme` setting in *_config.yml* file. Express your thoughts about brume on Twitter [@aigarsdz](http://twitter.com/aigarsdz), and help me make it better!