@bunny @in_memory Feature: Destination Metadata Background: Given the following broker configuration: """ruby MessageDriver::Broker.define do |b| b.destination :my_queue, "my_queue", exclusive: true end """ Scenario: Checking the message count when the queue is empty When I execute the following code: """ruby destination = MessageDriver::Broker.find_destination(:my_queue) expect(destination.message_count).to eq(0) """ Then I expect to have no errors And I expect to find no messages on :my_queue @no_travis Scenario: Checking the message count when the queue has messages When I execute the following code: """ruby publish(:my_queue, "test message 1") publish(:my_queue, "test message 2") destination = MessageDriver::Broker.find_destination(:my_queue) expect(destination.message_count).to eq(2) """ Then I expect to have no errors And I expect to find 2 messages on :my_queue