# Copyright 2015 Google LLC # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. require "google/cloud/bigquery/version" require "google/cloud/bigquery/convert" require "google/cloud/errors" require "google/apis/bigquery_v2" require "pathname" require "securerandom" require "mini_mime" require "date" module Google module Cloud module Bigquery ## # @private Represents the Bigquery service and API calls. class Service ## # Alias to the Google Client API module API = Google::Apis::BigqueryV2 # @private attr_accessor :project # @private attr_accessor :credentials # @private attr_reader :retries, :timeout, :host ## # Creates a new Service instance. def initialize project, credentials, retries: nil, timeout: nil, host: nil, quota_project: nil @project = project @credentials = credentials @retries = retries @timeout = timeout @host = host @quota_project = quota_project end def service return mocked_service if mocked_service @service ||= begin service = API::BigqueryService.new service.client_options.application_name = "gcloud-ruby" service.client_options.application_version = Google::Cloud::Bigquery::VERSION service.client_options.open_timeout_sec = timeout service.client_options.read_timeout_sec = timeout service.client_options.send_timeout_sec = timeout service.request_options.retries = 0 # handle retries in #execute service.request_options.header ||= {} service.request_options.header["x-goog-api-client"] = \ "gl-ruby/#{RUBY_VERSION} gccl/#{Google::Cloud::Bigquery::VERSION}" service.request_options.query ||= {} service.request_options.query["prettyPrint"] = false service.request_options.quota_project = @quota_project if @quota_project service.authorization = @credentials.client service.root_url = host if host service end end attr_accessor :mocked_service def project_service_account service.get_project_service_account project end ## # Lists all datasets in the specified project to which you have # been granted the READER dataset role. def list_datasets all: nil, filter: nil, max: nil, token: nil # The list operation is considered idempotent execute backoff: true do service.list_datasets @project, all: all, filter: filter, max_results: max, page_token: token end end ## # Returns the dataset specified by datasetID. def get_dataset dataset_id # The get operation is considered idempotent execute backoff: true do service.get_dataset @project, dataset_id end end ## # Creates a new empty dataset. def insert_dataset new_dataset_gapi execute { service.insert_dataset @project, new_dataset_gapi } end ## # Updates information in an existing dataset, only replacing # fields that are provided in the submitted dataset resource. def patch_dataset dataset_id, patched_dataset_gapi patch_with_backoff = false options = {} if patched_dataset_gapi.etag options[:header] = { "If-Match" => patched_dataset_gapi.etag } # The patch with etag operation is considered idempotent patch_with_backoff = true end execute backoff: patch_with_backoff do service.patch_dataset @project, dataset_id, patched_dataset_gapi, options: options end end ## # Deletes the dataset specified by the datasetId value. # Before you can delete a dataset, you must delete all its tables, # either manually or by specifying force: true in options. # Immediately after deletion, you can create another dataset with # the same name. def delete_dataset dataset_id, force = nil execute do service.delete_dataset @project, dataset_id, delete_contents: force end end ## # Lists all tables in the specified dataset. # Requires the READER dataset role. def list_tables dataset_id, max: nil, token: nil # The list operation is considered idempotent execute backoff: true do service.list_tables @project, dataset_id, max_results: max, page_token: token end end ## # Gets the specified table resource by full table reference. def get_project_table project_id, dataset_id, table_id # The get operation is considered idempotent execute backoff: true do service.get_table project_id, dataset_id, table_id end end ## # Gets the specified table resource by table ID. # This method does not return the data in the table, # it only returns the table resource, # which describes the structure of this table. def get_table dataset_id, table_id get_project_table @project, dataset_id, table_id end ## # Creates a new, empty table in the dataset. def insert_table dataset_id, new_table_gapi execute { service.insert_table @project, dataset_id, new_table_gapi } end ## # Updates information in an existing table, replacing fields that # are provided in the submitted table resource. def patch_table dataset_id, table_id, patched_table_gapi patch_with_backoff = false options = {} if patched_table_gapi.etag options[:header] = { "If-Match" => patched_table_gapi.etag } # The patch with etag operation is considered idempotent patch_with_backoff = true end execute backoff: patch_with_backoff do service.patch_table @project, dataset_id, table_id, patched_table_gapi, options: options end end ## # Returns Google::Apis::BigqueryV2::Policy def get_table_policy dataset_id, table_id policy_options = API::GetPolicyOptions.new requested_policy_version: 1 execute do service.get_table_iam_policy table_path(dataset_id, table_id), API::GetIamPolicyRequest.new(options: policy_options) end end ## # @param [Google::Apis::BigqueryV2::Policy] new_policy def set_table_policy dataset_id, table_id, new_policy execute do service.set_table_iam_policy table_path(dataset_id, table_id), API::SetIamPolicyRequest.new(policy: new_policy) end end ## # Returns Google::Apis::BigqueryV2::TestIamPermissionsResponse def test_table_permissions dataset_id, table_id, permissions execute do service.test_table_iam_permissions table_path(dataset_id, table_id), API::TestIamPermissionsRequest.new(permissions: permissions) end end ## # Deletes the table specified by tableId from the dataset. # If the table contains data, all the data will be deleted. def delete_table dataset_id, table_id execute { service.delete_table @project, dataset_id, table_id } end ## # Retrieves data from the table. def list_tabledata dataset_id, table_id, max: nil, token: nil, start: nil # The list operation is considered idempotent execute backoff: true do json_txt = service.list_table_data \ @project, dataset_id, table_id, max_results: max, page_token: token, start_index: start, options: { skip_deserialization: true } JSON.parse json_txt, symbolize_names: true end end def insert_tabledata dataset_id, table_id, rows, insert_ids: nil, ignore_unknown: nil, skip_invalid: nil json_rows = Array(rows).map { |row| Convert.to_json_row row } insert_tabledata_json_rows dataset_id, table_id, json_rows, insert_ids: insert_ids, ignore_unknown: ignore_unknown, skip_invalid: skip_invalid end def insert_tabledata_json_rows dataset_id, table_id, json_rows, insert_ids: nil, ignore_unknown: nil, skip_invalid: nil rows_and_ids = Array(json_rows).zip Array(insert_ids) insert_rows = rows_and_ids.map do |json_row, insert_id| if insert_id == :skip { json: json_row } else insert_id ||= SecureRandom.uuid { insertId: insert_id, json: json_row } end end insert_req = { rows: insert_rows, ignoreUnknownValues: ignore_unknown, skipInvalidRows: skip_invalid }.to_json # The insertAll with insertId operation is considered idempotent execute backoff: true do service.insert_all_table_data( @project, dataset_id, table_id, insert_req, options: { skip_serialization: true } ) end end ## # Lists all models in the specified dataset. # Requires the READER dataset role. def list_models dataset_id, max: nil, token: nil options = { skip_deserialization: true } # The list operation is considered idempotent execute backoff: true do json_txt = service.list_models @project, dataset_id, max_results: max, page_token: token, options: options JSON.parse json_txt, symbolize_names: true end end # Gets the specified model resource by full model reference. def get_project_model project_id, dataset_id, model_id # The get operation is considered idempotent execute backoff: true do json_txt = service.get_model project_id, dataset_id, model_id, options: { skip_deserialization: true } JSON.parse json_txt, symbolize_names: true end end # Gets the specified model resource by model ID. This method does not return the data in the model, it only # returns the model resource, which describes the structure of this model. def get_model dataset_id, model_id get_project_model @project, dataset_id, model_id end ## # Updates information in an existing model, replacing fields that # are provided in the submitted model resource. def patch_model dataset_id, model_id, patched_model_gapi, etag = nil patch_with_backoff = false options = { skip_deserialization: true } if etag options[:header] = { "If-Match" => etag } # The patch with etag operation is considered idempotent patch_with_backoff = true end execute backoff: patch_with_backoff do json_txt = service.patch_model @project, dataset_id, model_id, patched_model_gapi, options: options JSON.parse json_txt, symbolize_names: true end end ## # Deletes the model specified by modelId from the dataset. # If the model contains data, all the data will be deleted. def delete_model dataset_id, model_id execute { service.delete_model @project, dataset_id, model_id } end ## # Creates a new routine in the dataset. def insert_routine dataset_id, new_routine_gapi execute { service.insert_routine @project, dataset_id, new_routine_gapi } end ## # Lists all routines in the specified dataset. # Requires the READER dataset role. # Unless readMask is set in the request, only the following fields are populated: # etag, projectId, datasetId, routineId, routineType, creationTime, lastModifiedTime, and language. def list_routines dataset_id, max: nil, token: nil, filter: nil # The list operation is considered idempotent execute backoff: true do service.list_routines @project, dataset_id, max_results: max, page_token: token, filter: filter end end ## # Gets the specified routine resource by routine ID. def get_routine dataset_id, routine_id # The get operation is considered idempotent execute backoff: true do service.get_routine @project, dataset_id, routine_id end end ## # Updates information in an existing routine, replacing the entire routine resource. def update_routine dataset_id, routine_id, new_routine_gapi update_with_backoff = false options = {} if new_routine_gapi.etag options[:header] = { "If-Match" => new_routine_gapi.etag } # The update with etag operation is considered idempotent update_with_backoff = true end execute backoff: update_with_backoff do service.update_routine @project, dataset_id, routine_id, new_routine_gapi, options: options end end ## # Deletes the routine specified by routine_id from the dataset. def delete_routine dataset_id, routine_id execute { service.delete_routine @project, dataset_id, routine_id } end ## # Lists all jobs in the specified project to which you have # been granted the READER job role. def list_jobs all: nil, token: nil, max: nil, filter: nil, min_created_at: nil, max_created_at: nil, parent_job_id: nil # The list operation is considered idempotent min_creation_time = Convert.time_to_millis min_created_at max_creation_time = Convert.time_to_millis max_created_at execute backoff: true do service.list_jobs @project, all_users: all, max_results: max, page_token: token, projection: "full", state_filter: filter, min_creation_time: min_creation_time, max_creation_time: max_creation_time, parent_job_id: parent_job_id end end ## # Cancel the job specified by jobId. def cancel_job job_id, location: nil # The BigQuery team has told us cancelling is considered idempotent execute backoff: true do service.cancel_job @project, job_id, location: location end end ## # Returns the job specified by jobID. def get_job job_id, location: nil # The get operation is considered idempotent execute backoff: true do service.get_job @project, job_id, location: location end end def insert_job config, location: nil job_object = API::Job.new job_reference: job_ref_from(nil, nil, location: location), configuration: config # Jobs have generated id, so this operation is considered idempotent execute backoff: true do service.insert_job @project, job_object end end def query_job query_job_gapi execute backoff: true do service.insert_job @project, query_job_gapi end end ## # Returns the query data for the job def job_query_results job_id, location: nil, max: nil, token: nil, start: nil, timeout: nil # The get operation is considered idempotent execute backoff: true do service.get_job_query_results @project, job_id, location: location, max_results: max, page_token: token, start_index: start, timeout_ms: timeout end end def copy_table copy_job_gapi execute backoff: true do service.insert_job @project, copy_job_gapi end end def extract_table extract_job_gapi execute backoff: true do service.insert_job @project, extract_job_gapi end end def load_table_gs_url load_job_gapi execute backoff: true do service.insert_job @project, load_job_gapi end end def load_table_file file, load_job_gapi execute backoff: true do service.insert_job @project, load_job_gapi, upload_source: file, content_type: mime_type_for(file) end end def self.get_table_ref table, default_ref: nil if table.respond_to? :table_ref table.table_ref else table_ref_from_s table, default_ref: default_ref end end ## # Extracts at least `tbl` group, and possibly `dts` and `prj` groups, # from strings in the formats: "my_table", "my_dataset.my_table", or # "my-project:my_dataset.my_table". Then merges project_id and # dataset_id from the default table ref if they are missing. # # The regex matches both Standard SQL # ("bigquery-public-data.samples.shakespeare") and Legacy SQL # ("bigquery-public-data:samples.shakespeare"). def self.table_ref_from_s str, default_ref: {} str = str.to_s m = /\A(((?\S*)(:|\.))?(?\S*)\.)?(?\S*)\z/.match str raise ArgumentError, "unable to identify table from #{str.inspect}" unless m str_table_ref_hash = { project_id: m["prj"], dataset_id: m["dts"], table_id: m["tbl"] }.delete_if { |_, v| v.nil? } str_table_ref_hash = default_ref.to_h.merge str_table_ref_hash ref = Google::Apis::BigqueryV2::TableReference.new str_table_ref_hash validate_table_ref ref ref end def self.validate_table_ref table_ref [:project_id, :dataset_id, :table_id].each do |f| raise ArgumentError, "TableReference is missing #{f}" if table_ref.send(f).nil? end end ## # Lists all projects to which you have been granted any project role. def list_projects max: nil, token: nil execute backoff: true do service.list_projects max_results: max, page_token: token end end # If no job_id or prefix is given, always generate a client-side job ID # anyway, for idempotent retry in the google-api-client layer. # See https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/docs/managing-jobs#generate-jobid def job_ref_from job_id, prefix, location: nil prefix ||= "job_" job_id ||= "#{prefix}#{generate_id}" job_ref = API::JobReference.new project_id: @project, job_id: job_id # BigQuery does not allow nil location, but missing is ok. job_ref.location = location if location job_ref end # API object for dataset. def dataset_ref_from dts, pjt = nil return nil if dts.nil? if dts.respond_to? :dataset_id Google::Apis::BigqueryV2::DatasetReference.new( project_id: (pjt || dts.project_id || @project), dataset_id: dts.dataset_id ) else Google::Apis::BigqueryV2::DatasetReference.new( project_id: (pjt || @project), dataset_id: dts ) end end def inspect "#{self.class}(#{@project})" end protected # Creates a formatted table path. def table_path dataset_id, table_id "projects/#{@project}/datasets/#{dataset_id}/tables/#{table_id}" end # Generate a random string similar to the BigQuery service job IDs. def generate_id SecureRandom.urlsafe_base64 21 end def mime_type_for file mime_type = MiniMime.lookup_by_filename Pathname(file).to_path return nil if mime_type.nil? mime_type.content_type rescue StandardError nil end def execute backoff: nil if backoff Backoff.new(retries: retries).execute { yield } else yield end rescue Google::Apis::Error => e raise Google::Cloud::Error.from_error e end class Backoff class << self attr_accessor :retries attr_accessor :reasons attr_accessor :backoff end self.retries = 5 self.reasons = ["rateLimitExceeded", "backendError"] self.backoff = lambda do |retries| # Max delay is 32 seconds # See "Back-off Requirements" here: # https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/sla retries = 5 if retries > 5 delay = 2**retries sleep delay end def initialize retries: nil, reasons: nil, backoff: nil @retries = (retries || Backoff.retries).to_i @reasons = (reasons || Backoff.reasons).to_a @backoff = backoff || Backoff.backoff end def execute current_retries = 0 loop do begin return yield rescue Google::Apis::Error => e raise e unless retry? e.body, current_retries @backoff.call current_retries current_retries += 1 end end end protected def retry? result, current_retries #:nodoc: if current_retries < @retries return true if retry_error_reason? result end false end def retry_error_reason? err_body err_hash = JSON.parse err_body json_errors = Array err_hash["error"]["errors"] return false if json_errors.empty? json_errors.each do |json_error| return false unless @reasons.include? json_error["reason"] end true rescue StandardError false end end end end end end