module CamaleonCms module Admin class PostTagsController < CamaleonCms::AdminController add_breadcrumb I18n.t('camaleon_cms.admin.sidebar.contents') before_action :set_post_type before_action :set_post_tag, only: %w[show edit update destroy] def index @post_tags = @post_type.post_tags args = { post_type: @post_type } hooks_run('before_list_post_tags', args) @post_tags = @post_tags.paginate(page: params[:page], per_page: current_site.admin_per_page) end # render post tag view def show args = { post_tag: @post_tag, post_type: @post_type } hooks_run('before_show_post_tag', args) end # render post tag edit form def edit add_breadcrumb t('camaleon_cms.admin.button.edit') end # save changes of a post tag def update args = { post_tag: @post_tag, post_type: @post_type } hooks_run('before_update_post_tag', args) if @post_tag.update(params.require(:post_tag).permit!) @post_tag.set_options(params[:meta]) if params[:meta].present? @post_tag.set_field_values(params[:field_options]) hooks_run('after_update_post_tag', args) flash[:notice] = t('camaleon_cms.admin.post_type.message.updated') redirect_to action: :index else render edit end end # render post tag create form def create @post_tag =!) args = { post_tag: @post_tag, post_type: @post_type } hooks_run('before_create_post_tag', args) if @post_tag.set_options(params[:meta]) if params[:meta].present? @post_tag.set_field_values(params[:field_options]) hooks_run('after_create_post_tag', args) flash[:notice] = t('camaleon_cms.admin.post_type.message.created') redirect_to action: :index else render 'edit' end end # destroy a post tag def destroy args = { post_tag: @post_tag, post_type: @post_type } hooks_run('before_destroy_post_tag', args) flash[:notice] = t('camaleon_cms.admin.post_type.message.deleted') if @post_tag.destroy redirect_to action: :index end # render a json of post tags of a post type def list @post_tags = @post_type.post_tags.pluck('name') render json: @post_tags end private def set_post_type @post_type = current_site.post_types.find_by_id(params[:post_type_id]).decorate authorize! :post_tags, @post_type add_breadcrumb @post_type.the_title, @post_type.the_admin_url add_breadcrumb t('camaleon_cms.admin.post_type.post_tags'), url_for({ action: :index }) end def set_post_tag @post_tag = @post_type.post_tags.find_by_id(params[:id]) rescue StandardError flash[:error] = t('camaleon_cms.admin.post_type.message.error') redirect_to cama_admin_path end end end end