require 'rails_helper' feature 'Group maintenance' do before do omni_auth_log_in_as '' end scenario 'Creating a top-level department' do name = 'Ministry of Justice' visit new_group_path expect(page).to have_title("New team - #{ app_title }") fill_in 'Team name', with: name fill_in 'Team description', with: 'about my team' fill_in 'Team responsibilities (optional)', with: 'my responsibilities' add_team_email_address click_button 'Create' expect(page).to have_content('Created Ministry of Justice') dept = Peoplefinder::Group.find_by_name(name) expect( eql(name) expect(dept.description).to eql('about my team') expect(dept.responsibilities).to eql('my responsibilities') expect(dept.parent).to be_nil end scenario 'Creating a team inside the department', js: true do dept = create(:department) javascript_log_in visit group_path(dept) click_link 'Add new sub-team' name = 'CSG' fill_in 'Team name', with: name add_team_email_address click_button 'Create' expect(page).to have_content('Created CSG') team = Peoplefinder::Group.find_by_name(name) expect( eql(name) expect(team.parent).to eql(dept) end scenario 'Creating a subteam inside a team from that team\'s page' do dept = create(:department) team = create(:group, parent: dept, name: 'Corporate Services') visit group_path(team) click_link 'Add new sub-team' name = 'Digital Services' fill_in 'Team name', with: name add_team_email_address click_button 'Create' expect(page).to have_content('Created Digital Services') subteam = Peoplefinder::Group.find_by_name(name) expect( eql(name) expect(subteam.parent).to eql(team) end scenario 'Creating a team and choosing the parent from the org browser', js: true do create(:group, name: 'Corporate Services') javascript_log_in visit new_group_path fill_in 'Team name', with: 'Digital Services' click_in_org_browser 'Corporate Services' add_team_email_address click_button 'Create' within('.breadcrumbs ol') do expect(page).to have_content('Corporate Services Digital Services') end end scenario 'Deleting a team' do group = create(:group) visit edit_group_path(group) expect(page).to have_text('cannot be undone') click_link('Delete this team') expect(page).to have_content("Deleted #{}") expect { Peoplefinder::Group.find(group) }.to raise_error(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound) end scenario 'Prevent deletion of a team that has memberships' do membership = create(:membership) group = visit edit_group_path(group) expect(page).not_to have_link('Delete this team') expect(page).to have_text('deletion is only possible if there are no people') end scenario 'Editing a team', js: true do dept = create(:department) org = create(:group, name: 'CSG', parent: dept) group = create(:group, name: 'Digital Services', parent: org) javascript_log_in visit group_path(group) click_link 'Edit' expect(page).to have_title("Edit team - #{ app_title }") expect(page).to have_text('You are currently editing this page') new_name = 'Cyberdigital Cyberservices' fill_in 'Team name', with: new_name within('.group-parent') do click_link 'Edit' end click_in_org_browser 'Ministry of Justice' click_button 'Update' expect(page).to have_content('Updated Cyberdigital Cyberservices') expect(page).not_to have_text('You are currently editing this page') group.reload expect( eql(new_name) expect(group.parent).to eql(dept) end scenario 'Not responding to the selection of impossible parent nodes', js: true do dept = create(:department) org = create(:group, name: 'CSG', parent: dept) group = create(:group, name: 'Digital Services', parent: org) javascript_log_in visit group_path(group) click_link 'Edit' new_name = 'Cyberdigital Cyberservices' fill_in 'Team name', with: new_name within('.group-parent') do click_link 'Edit' end click_in_org_browser 'Digital Services' click_button 'Update' group.reload expect( eql(new_name) expect(group.parent).to eql(org) end scenario 'UI elements on the new/edit pages' do visit new_group_path expect(page).not_to have_selector('.search-box') expect(page).to have_text('You are currently editing this page') fill_in 'Team name', with: 'Digital' add_team_email_address click_button 'Create' expect(page).to have_selector('.search-box') expect(page).not_to have_text('You are currently editing this page') click_link 'Edit this team' expect(page).not_to have_selector('.search-box') expect(page).to have_text('You are currently editing this page') end scenario 'Cancelling an edit' do group = create(:group) visit edit_group_path(group) expect(page).to have_link('Cancel', href: group_path(group)) end scenario 'Cancelling a new form' do visit new_group_path expect(page).to have_link('Cancel', href: 'javascript:history.back()') end scenario 'Not displaying an edit parent field for a department' do dept = create(:group).parent visit edit_group_path(dept) expect(page).not_to have_selector('.org-browser') end def add_team_email_address fill_in 'Team email address', with: 'something@example' end end